Down in the dumps :(

Just feel so down atm, doing really well on my diet, everyone has said how proud they are of me, and i was doing loads of exercise then BANG! fibro flare and now i'm stuck. Got into the habit of walking the dog everyday, and pretty much walking everywhere within reason, and now i can barely get off the sofa *sighs* i really want to carry on doing my dog walks even if i have to only do once round the block which is roughly 15-20mins but i need crutches to walk right now and he pulls the lead too much, he can walk off the lead but not near roads as he just walks into them without a care :( so not sure what to do. I do have a wii fit so i'm wondering if i should do some yoga or something to help stretch my muscles as they are so tight atm, but my balance is affected cause of the flare so not going to be able to do much. And them i'm worried if i push it, its going to get worse. Any ideas?

Doesn't help either that dog is staring at me cause he's usually being walked right now, he keeps looking at me huffing as if he's bored :(


  • xMillyLouisex
    xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
    oh hun thats horrible i understand y ur feeling so down, i wouldnt suggest walking ur dog though not until ur better, in the mean time go on ur wii fit and do some yoga/ pilaties because itl keep u active and will help you, and maybe see if a member of the family or a friend will come walk ur dog with u, they can hold the lead and u can go slower and get some fresh air and a chat at the same time?
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Maybe use this time to focus on getting your eating on track, as it looks like you have been having trouble eating enough lately. Try meeting your calorie goal and figuring out how to get your macro goals met too. And maybe you can play fetch with your dog. Good luck.
  • christinechipchase
    I am right here with you, I have been walking loads to and doing exercise, I sprained my ankle a couple of years ago never got it checked and I have have ended up with swollen ligaments. I went to A&E and the said this has happened because my ankle is weak, they took an x-ray and found an old hairline fracture so I should have it bloody checked out when I done it :(.

    I have been put on strong painkillers and told to build the muscles up back in my ankle slowly, I feel so frustrated and depressed. How long should it take for your siguation to sort out.

    Oh they told me to go swimming because it would unstiffen my ankle so I am gonna try that xxxx
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    thats what i normally eat lil_pulp, if i try and eat anymore i feel really sick or throw up atm. as long as i try and eat 3 meals a day thats better than normal when i only have 2
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    How long should it take for your siguation to sort out.

    Should be ok by next week hopefully
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    yeah i did some wii fit yoga, tired now though lol oh well only managed 8 minutes but don't want to push it
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    thats what i normally eat lil_pulp, if i try and eat anymore i feel really sick or throw up atm. as long as i try and eat 3 meals a day thats better than normal when i only have 2

    To clarify, my suggestion isn't to eat more, it's to eat different. I know this is hard to do, though, so I thought while you're resting your body you could work on figuring out how to eat in a way that's more conducive to a fit, healthy lifestyle. In any case, I hope your injury heals quickly and that you can get back to being more active again soon.
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    Sorry you are having a rough day:( Glad you tried some yoga,don't worry abt.having to modify things right now,go as you can and things will get better.Get your rest and keep trying to eat healthy.I like the suggestion of having family,or a friend take Kane for a walk,while you go at your own pace and talk.Talking to someone and getting a little fresh air always helps me when I am feeling down. Sending well wishes to you,hope you feel better soon.Don't stop believing in yourself:)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,698 Member
    I became disabled last year after contracting Guillian Barre Syndrome which causes peripheral nerve damage. The nerve damage in my feet and legs affects my balance, so I normally walk with two canes.

    Can you get your GP or local hospital to lend you a carter frame so that you can still be physically active? If you have a wheelchair, you can push the empty chair and use it as a carter frame too. Even with my compromised balance, I think I would be confident enough to walk a naughty dog this way. If you can't get some medical institution to lend you the carter frame, you could buy one of those push in front shopping trolleys that little old ladies use. It probably won't be your favorite look, but at least you could stay active.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I'm sorry. I feel your pain. I tripped while jogging last week, hurt my knee and my foot pretty badly and have been told I need to stay off of it for at least a week. Once you get used to being active daily, it's hard to sit still.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    thats what i normally eat lil_pulp, if i try and eat anymore i feel really sick or throw up atm. as long as i try and eat 3 meals a day thats better than normal when i only have 2

    To clarify, my suggestion isn't to eat more, it's to eat different. I know this is hard to do, though, so I thought while you're resting your body you could work on figuring out how to eat in a way that's more conducive to a fit, healthy lifestyle. In any case, I hope your injury heals quickly and that you can get back to being more active again soon.

    Not really sure how i can do that as i have a REALLY restrictive diet. I do go to a dietician who overseas everything i do, so i'm not doing this on my own. Have real problems with citrus fruits, wheat, egg, dairy, fruit juices and some veggies, they really upset my stomach.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    I became disabled last year after contracting Guillian Barre Syndrome which causes peripheral nerve damage. The nerve damage in my feet and legs affects my balance, so I normally walk with two canes.

    Can you get your GP or local hospital to lend you a carter frame so that you can still be physically active? If you have a wheelchair, you can push the empty chair and use it as a carter frame too. Even with my compromised balance, I think I would be confident enough to walk a naughty dog this way. If you can't get some medical institution to lend you the carter frame, you could buy one of those push in front shopping trolleys that little old ladies use. It probably won't be your favorite look, but at least you could stay active.

    thats for the suggestion :) i should be ok enough to walk by sunday - next week. ts one of these things that flares up and down
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    thats what i normally eat lil_pulp, if i try and eat anymore i feel really sick or throw up atm. as long as i try and eat 3 meals a day thats better than normal when i only have 2

    To clarify, my suggestion isn't to eat more, it's to eat different. I know this is hard to do, though, so I thought while you're resting your body you could work on figuring out how to eat in a way that's more conducive to a fit, healthy lifestyle. In any case, I hope your injury heals quickly and that you can get back to being more active again soon.

    Not really sure how i can do that as i have a REALLY restrictive diet. I do go to a dietician who overseas everything i do, so i'm not doing this on my own. Have real problems with citrus fruits, wheat, egg, dairy, fruit juices and some veggies, they really upset my stomach.

    That *is* restrictive! It's good that you're working with a professional and that it sounds like you'll be able to resume your walks again soon.