Need friends to keep me focused

Hi I've had this app on my phone for a while and just started using it again, because these last few weeks I've been yo-yoing - I've been losing weight then gaining it back ( heavy sigh)

I am hoping if I can get some 'friends' to help me along the way so I don't stray back to over-eating I can finally lose the weight I need to.

Would anyone like to help?


  • tassieboy
    tassieboy Posts: 65 Member
    I'll add you. I don't have any friends on here yet either, but it might be useful encouragement to use this more often.
  • djstar164
    :happy: Hi - happy for you both to add me too. - djstar164
    Have been using the app for 9 months now and have lost 11kgs. Slightly addicited once you get started!
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Welcome, feel free to add me. I'm on here daily and have found that the support is wonderful in helping to keep the focus.
  • sylvanl
    im brand new on here too and would be happy to provide motivation to anyone i can. also happy to receive any and all motivation from others :) feel free to add me
  • mock743
    mock743 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes adding friends will help you keep motivated and focused on your goals
  • hanbax012
    hanbax012 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guys,

    I'm new here and also don't have any friends on here, or friends who are dieting in general... think this would help me too so feel free to add me :-)
  • aldalilja
    aldalilja Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I don't have any active friends on here either.
  • FitFrazzle
    I'll send you an invite, I'm on here daily and it works really well for me. Frazer,
  • Tiffers_84
    Feel free to add me. I dont have any friends on here either and just started using it again after about 8 months. I have the same problem, Lose weight and gain it, I have thyroid problems so that has alot to do with it, hoping once I get back on my thyroid pills it should help alot.
  • craigpix2000
    Feel free to add me i log every day and getting support really helps push u on to your goals
  • hajrabalarka
    Fitness trainer here. Looking for a fitness partner too. Want to share diet plans and workout routines. Would you like to be a partner in crime ? I can help you be motivated and have a lean look.

  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I love this site. People are so encouraging and motivating. Anyone can add me.
  • christaakacricket
    Hello, I am Christa. I am new o this site and am on a weight loss journey. My current weight is 304 lbs and I would like to hit my goal of 150 lbs by December of 2013. I have a long hard struggle ahead of me and I will be needing lots of encouragement, so if anyone would like to add me my username is christaakacricket Please leave encouraging words or recipe ideas. All positive attitudes and positive comments are surely welcomed!
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi I've had this app on my phone for a while and just started using it again, because these last few weeks I've been yo-yoing - I've been losing weight then gaining it back ( heavy sigh)

    I am hoping if I can get some 'friends' to help me along the way so I don't stray back to over-eating I can finally lose the weight I need to.

    Would anyone like to help?

    Ive added you - hope thats ok?

    If anyone else wants to add me theyre more than welcome to - I'm happy to motivate and cheer on others if they will do the same!

    Laura x
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    Request sent :o)
  • AdelaDi
    AdelaDi Posts: 25 Member
    Friend request send :)

    I also need some friends to help with the motivation..thanks!
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I've been yo-yo-ing, too. Trying to get back on track, so I can definitely use some encouraging friends. Sending you a request now so we can help each other out. :)
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    everybody add me add me...okay, that sounded desperate but desperate times call for desperate measure's, lol. Everyone needs help with motivation and positive thoughts...even me, Superman, needs a lil motivation and happy thoughts, lol. I give as good as I receive..uumm, I mean that in the nicest way possible, lol.
  • buttons2455
    add me to hun if u like :)
  • moondancer2010
    moondancer2010 Posts: 281 Member
    Am sending you a request now. I just joined a few days ago and am looking to lose about 30 pounds. I, too, have been yo-yo-ing for some time. I hate it. I'm thinking (hoping) that this site will help me actually lose the pounds and keep them off. If I have friends to encourage and inspire me, I think I will be more likely to keep with it. Anyone else, feel free to add me as well ;)