Calling all 5'11 ladies..

Hi, I'm looking for before/during and after pics from people with the same height/build as me! I started in January at 241 and am currently at 179. According to calculators on google, my ideal body weight is between 140-160.. I don't think with my build I will ever be able to get below 150 healthily but I'm hoping to reach 160!

Here are my pics!


Tummy Before (Jan)

Tummy After (Aug)

Last Summer

Face Before

Face After

Face After (on the right side)


  • Wow! You look AMAZING! Such a difference in the before and after pics!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I'm 33, 5'11 and right now (as of this morning) 147.8lbs. I don't have any before pics but I'm the tall one in my profile pic...I think I was about 145 then. My goal weight was 157 and I downslid a bit to 145 because I didn't adjust my calories accordingly.

    It is possible to get to 140-160, but a normal BMI for us is up to 179. I think if you can pull off more weight I'd stay look awesome! In January I started at 180 and I didn't look half as good as you do!
  • kimboj41
    kimboj41 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow you look great.....I have not been taking many transformation pictures but I will put some up later....I am so excited to see that you lost some of your boobies.....I really need mine to go away. I was as high as 215 and when I joined MFP I was 207, now I am 194 and my goal is to reach 175 so that I am not considered overweight and look healthy.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm 33, 5'11 and right now (as of this morning) 147.8lbs. I don't have any before pics but I'm the tall one in my profile pic...I think I was about 145 then. My goal weight was 157 and I downslid a bit to 145 because I didn't adjust my calories accordingly.

    It is possible to get to 140-160, but a normal BMI for us is up to 179. I think if you can pull off more weight I'd stay look awesome! In January I started at 180 and I didn't look half as good as you do!

    Wow well done you're amazing!! I meant to say in my first post that the reason I don't think I can go lower than that is because of my build, I'm quite broad! It's really annoying to me when my friends/colleagues tell me I should stop losing weight now. I know BMI isn't everything, but I am at the higher end of 'ideal' on the BMI chart so I am just under 'overweight'. So I know I do have a bit further to go!
  • you look so amazing ..i'm sending you a friend request as i'm 177lbs and am 5'11" :D
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    thats some change, holy ****
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    When I was 180 I thought I was pretty broad too (or large build) but the more the weight came off I realized I wasn't. It was just that I was "fat". Not really wild about that term, but it is what it is. My friends have only known me wearing a size 12-14, I'm now a 4-6. They all thought I looked good then, but are totally floored at my "transformation". I'm hoping to never go back there, but it's hard to never say never...
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    When I was 180 I thought I was pretty broad too (or large build) but the more the weight came off I realized I wasn't. It was just that I was "fat". Not really wild about that term, but it is what it is. My friends have only known me wearing a size 12-14, I'm now a 4-6. They all thought I looked good then, but are totally floored at my "transformation". I'm hoping to never go back there, but it's hard to never say never...
    Wow maybe there's hope for me then!! What kind of routine do you have? Right now I just stick to 1200cal and I don't exercise but that's going to change

    I wear a size 14 trousers (that's a US 12 I think) and they are a bit baggy but what's annoying is that if Iwear a 12 they are too short!
  • Sorgenkind
    Sorgenkind Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I´m 5`12 and weigh 189 lbs. My lowest was 154 but i gained a lot of weight back due to studying (i´m german so pls overread grammar mistakes ;) )

    I´m going to start the "Insanity" Program at October and hope to lose 10 lbs or more in 2 months. With 154 i looked skinny but haven´t been very defined or sporty. Now my goal is to reach 150 lbs as final goal.

    That was with 154 on Halloween 2010.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    A 14 British sizing is a 10 in the US I think. My mom is from Cheshire, UK and I spent a good part of my childhood visiting her parents there. I haven't been there for about 10 years, but I feel the need to go back soon. I remember the last time I was there I needed a 16 (which is a 12 here).

    For someone that is 5'11 and broad a size 10 (here) is awesome. My goal was to be a size 8, but I surprisingly surpassed that...I have a 37 inch inseam so finding pants small enough and long enough is no fun!

    Right now my routine is eat what I want and be lazy...LOL but when I was losing I was walking 3-4 miles a day and doing light strength training 2-3 days a week and eating around 1500 calories (I found I couldn't lose on 1200). I reached goal (which was 157) in May and by July I was 145. I think my metabolism was set into overdrive which allows me some leeway now. But I know it won't last forever and if I expect to keep the weight off I need to start getting serious again!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm 5'11 and I will NEVER be lighter than 165-160. This was the other day at around 178ish....

  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    wow you look fantastic! I'm 5'11" and stuck at 187. Did you ever hit a plateau? If so at what weight and how did you get over that plateau? Right now I"m sick so I'm not pushing myself. I can barely breath i'm so congested. But once I feel better I want to step it up.
  • allie491
    allie491 Posts: 91 Member
    Woah, you look great, you should be really proud of yourself! I just joined this site about a week ago. I am 5'9, so on the tall side. My starting weight is 173 (I already lost 11 lbs on my own before starting), I have lost one lb to 172. My goal is to get to 155. Wish me luck!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Hi! I´m 5`12 and weigh 189 lbs. My lowest was 154 but i gained a lot of weight back due to studying (i´m german so pls overread grammar mistakes ;) )

    I´m going to start the "Insanity" Program at October and hope to lose 10 lbs or more in 2 months. With 154 i looked skinny but haven´t been very defined or sporty. Now my goal is to reach 150 lbs as final goal.

    That was with 154 on Halloween 2010.

    WHOA.. I hope I look like that at 154......... lol holy *kitten* you look amazing!!
    PS your english is very good ;) My Stepdad is from Mainz and lived in Frankfurt, I have never been to Germany but hope to go soon :) x
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm 5'11 and I will NEVER be lighter than 165-160. This was the other day at around 178ish....


    Wow.. how could you be the same height and weight as me and look that good!? I really need to work on my stomach. Tell me how you got yours.. please.. lol :) x
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    First of all, congratulations! You look fabulous! I'm not as tall as you (wish I were), but don't get too hung up on the charts of what's supposed to be "normal." I have about 15 pounds to lose, but the charts say I should lose 20 - 35. When I was very young, I weighed in that range, but I was skinny, no muscle and very unfit. Now I do triathlons. My body shape is entirely different, and though people think I'm still losing weight, I'm not. My doctor is totally on board with my health habits, and is not pressing me to lose more weight. You might want to check with your doctor about what weight makes sense for you. It might not be what the charts tell you.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    You look great!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm 5'11 and I will NEVER be lighter than 165-160. This was the other day at around 178ish....


    Wow.. how could you be the same height and weight as me and look that good!? I really need to work on my stomach. Tell me how you got yours.. please.. lol :) x

    God decided to give me thunder thighs :). Genetics is the biggest decider of the stomach. I've had 2 babies (and gained 100lbs with the first) over 9lbs.

    I would suggest building muscle as the numero uno thing. Either lift heavy or do a program like Insanity that uses body weight to work the core (not crunches and sit-ups). You'll get there. You've come a long way in a short time!
    LADYDEBORAH1984 Posts: 64 Member
    im 5'11 and havent lost much so far but you give me a good idea what i may look like once ive lost more wight. Ive got my goal as 161lb, you look fab!!!
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow, you look great! I am 5' 11", at my heaviest I weighed 279, once a long time ago got down to 145, but couldn't maintain and you could see my rib bones. Hoping to get down to 160-170 - but have a long way to go. I do not have too many pictures, hate having my picture taken at my current weight(245).