Over-Sensitive....? On-line Dating...

I know I should consider the source and I try so hard to hold my head high but sometimes my feelings get hurt.

I am on a stupid dating website and on there I mention about dieting and losing weight because it is an important part of my life and I want future significant other to be supportive...

Some guy took the time to find a picture that said "no fat chicks" and email it to me....

Usually this kinda crap hits me for a second and I let it roll off my back but for some reason, perhaps because I really am trying, I just got so discouraged.

Why are people so mean? And why would you waste your time and go through the trouble??



  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    People suck
  • Kendra0024
    Kendra0024 Posts: 56 Member
    WOW! What an a**! I think he probably uses his ego to compensate for his own lack of confidence. If someone can't support you in the things you find important (and commend you for wanting to get healthy), they're not someone you want to date anyway. Plus, while we all know looks do matter a little bit, isn't it the person on the inside that matters more? Ugh! I'm hurt for you! If the site you're on has a way to report people, I would report his abusive behavior! That kind of behavior is totally uncalled for, and not in the spirit of what online dating is about.

    With all that said, there are TONS of wonderful people online, and I'm sure that you'll meet someone who will appreciate and support your weight loss and dieting goals.
  • JessigirlJb
    Hes a Cu$% with a small D*&^! and behaves like an a@#hole..
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I know...complete jerk. And a terrible person...If someone messages me and I'm not attracted to them, I let them down easy, not pick apart everything I don't like about them....and I would never go searching for people to make fun of.
  • Jbake734
    Jbake734 Posts: 2 Member
    Your one of the most beautiful people I know inside and out... I know things hurt from time to time but your sooo much better than that! Keep your head held high!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    To the OP,
    i'd bet the jerk who did that, suffers from low self esteem....most bullies actually DO have something about their very own self that they loathe,
    and that SELF loathing is the root of their cruelty.

    Ppl who are actually happy are not cruel. so if you can, feel sorry for him. someday you will reach your health goals, but, he'll still probably be an *kitten*, whereever he is...lotta times, that *kitten* syndrome is permanent. shiver.

    and btw, you are quite beautiful, just such beautiful young gal. You are too good for a jerk like that, be glad all the time you wasted on him was 5 minutes, coulda been worse, you coulda MET him and lost an hour you'd never get back.

    KEEP ON TRUCKIN, cute child!!
  • ashy59
    ashy59 Posts: 2 Member
    listen kid why do u bother listening to those cretins wonder how they look, keep yer chin up you look good to me.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Because some people get pleasure by hurting others. It's that simple. He's unhappy with himself and his own life, so he tries to make himself happier by bringing others down. Ignore him. And actually, you can probably report him to the site!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Here's what you do. Download one of his pics from his profile (preferably one that clearly shows his face), then use a photo editing program or Paint to put a graphic on the photo that says, "No Ugly *kitten* Dudes Allowed", then upload it to a personal message on the dating site and send it to him. :drinker:
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    To the OP, lol, now i am thinking, you should write him back, and THANK HIM for identifying himself as an *kitten*, cuz that IS the deal-breaker for YOU!! rofl........tell him how relieved you are, that you did not waste time actually meeting him, as it is so so much easier sorting out *kitten* who self-identify themselves, so YAY! One less wasted evening for you! whew!

    and you can attach THIS::laugh:

    but, that'd be lowering yourself to his level.....
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    To the OP, lol, now i am thinking, you should write him back, and THANK HIM for identifying himself as an *kitten*, cuz that IS the deal-breaker for YOU!! rofl........tell him how relieved you are, that you did not waste time actually meeting him, as it is so so much easier sorting out *kitten* who self-identify themselves, so YAY! One less wasted evening for you! whew!

    and you can attach THIS::laugh:

    but, that'd be lowering yourself to his level.....

    Sometimes giving as good as you get is appropriate. In this case, I'd say HECK YEAH she should stoop to his level!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    hugs gf.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    Some of them are just plain mean, I can sympathize, this weekend I had a guy IM me while I was on the site, normally I don't respond, but figured why not, you never know. Boy was I wrong to respond. The guy says to me that it's great that my description says that I'm intelligent, but this is a dating site, I'm supposed to be attracting guys and that my profile should say what I do naked. I was floored, I simply responded back that if that was all he was looking for in my profile then I did not feel that he was interested in a long term relationship. Apparently that was not what he wanted to hear, he blasted me (literally received 4 IMs from him before I could respond to the first one after that) saying that there are women who do things naked and have sex before they are married or when the are in long term relationships and that all the women on the sites are liars and they don't want to admit anything and they aren't really looking for what they say they are. I finally just replied back that this was 1) not a way to attract women and 2) that I wasn't judging him and putting down an entire gender and would appreciate that he not judge me since he doesn't know me.
    I think I used to many big words for him, because he didn't respond
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    LOL I would be totally ok with stooping to his level. I think I might have to do that.

    Thanks everyone! :bigsmile: You made me feel better!
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Giiiirl I feel your pain! But let me tell you that guys like that have nothing better to do and no dates to go on. You deserve better and at the very least...you can weed that dude out! There are some good ones out there, but sometimes you have to go through a few (or more) frogs to get the jewel. Stick to what's important to you and if a guy is to support what you hold dear then he might be worth lookin' at. :smile:
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    What an a-hole!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    wow....some people just don't act right...those fellas give good fellas like me a bad rep
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    wow....some people just don't act right...those fellas give good fellas like me a bad rep

    They really do. I am very stand-offish anyway because of other past dating mishaps so it takes a really long time for me to trust anyone and some good guys out there might not get the chance because us ladies get sick of giving them.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    I've been there...the next guy after someone has broken her heart and done everything possible to make her unhappy....she just tried to move on too quickly and I was a casualty cause I treat a woman like a Queen
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    How about changing your wording...

    Rather than "I'm dieting and losing weight"


    "I enjoy _________, ___________, and ___________. " (Fill in with your favorite active pastimes).

    This way, you're calling out to like-minded people, and you might get to know/date active people that fit your new lifestyle.

    And screw the a-holes! Well, not literally. :laugh: