The 30 Day Shred

Has anyone done the 30 day shred? Please tell me about your experiences with it. I'm considering it, but I want to make sure I get my money's worth. :smile:


  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    hey there, I am currently doing it. Although, admittedly not 30 days straight. My body/schedule forced me to have rest days. I started on Sept 1st and I am lifting 5 lbs weights. I love it. Its only a 20 min workout (not including the warmup/cool down) and although as you know, I haven't lost any weight, I know that my body feels differently. Stronger. I really should have found my measuring tape before starting that way I could give you more detailed results. Anyway, I like it and you can take a look at it on youtube. All 3 workouts are supposed to be on there.
  • I have heard its good... I was thinking about doing it myself. If you don't want to go buy the Dvd's they have the full video on You Tube. :o)
  • I just bought it yesterday after much research and did my first workout today. So far I love it! I usually get kind of bored with work out videos but this one is engaging and difficult and definitely forces you to get a good workout in only 20 minutes. I did a lot of research online before buying it and people seem to report more toning than pounds lost. I bought it for less than 10$ at Walmart, I'd say it's worth it!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    it cost like 9 do it once and you get your moneys worth!
  • ghostpixie
    ghostpixie Posts: 148 Member
    I'm on my sixth day of the Shred and so far I'm loving it! It will definitely leave you sore and feeling like you had a good workout, even though it's only 20 minutes or so! I'm already starting to see some toning :)
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I've done it, my before and after pics are on my profile. I'm starting it again right now. I really like it! Good luck!
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Yes! I bought it, did one level, one workout and realized I need to get more weight off (295lbs) or not force myself through it. But for anyone smaller,more fit, yes, yes! I recommend it!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I have it and love it. I bought it 3-4 years ago and just do it when I'm bored of running. Level 1 is fantastic for beginners. For me Level 2 is harder than 3! haha I recommend it :) Short and sweet workout!
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I just started it today... I don't feel like moving.... I'm doing it on youtube though and using soup cans as my weights :P
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    PS I bought mine on
  • wcrathbun
    wcrathbun Posts: 85 Member
    I am currently doing the 30DS. When I first started it was a bit much for me as my body was barely used to moving! So, I did it a few times a week on level one for a couple of weeks. After that I started with my "consecutive days" but still rest on Saturday and Sunday (I usually walk or do something else on those days) and am now about to start Level 3. I love it! Good luck with it! You are more than welcome to add me :)
  • You can watch it online on youtube
  • I got it delivered from Ebay for about $8. What do you have to lose? It is super cheap. I like it, that Jillian is one tough, b*&%H! I have asthma and some pretty severe lung damage- so the first week for me was really tough, but you do feel you body begin to adjust pretty quickly. If you are already working out regularly, I am sure it is much easier to adjust. Good luck!
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Did it, loved it (after about Day5)! I didn't lose one pound during it, but did lose a couple of inches. Also, my endurance shot way up and for me each level was easier than the previous!
  • I Just finished day 30 I have done it in the past and moved up the levels to fast and got discouraged so this time I am doing 30 days per level and so far I am seeing great results. I dropped a dress size in the first two weeks and I only weigh in every 30 days so as to not get discouraged. I weighed in this morning and have lost over 8lbs which is a healthy weightloss for a month I'm right on track and excited to start level two. Listening to her workout can get discouraging also I have had friends in the past say they didnt feel like they could keep up with her and so they gave up but what I found to work best for me is to just mute the video and crank up the music. You still get a great workout without feeling like your not keeping up with her pace.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I am on my second week of doing it 3X a week. It's a great workout! I'm almost scared to get to Level 2 since I have heard it's the worst! Go ahead and give it a try!
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    i think its worth it. Jillian vids are the best, and you can go to youtube and get the 30ds for free