SNOWED IN.... help! :-)

Anyone have any suggestions here; I'm snowed in once again (probably the WHOLE weekend) how do I prevent myself from falling of the wagon and bingin?


  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Start shoveling... sorry, couldn't resist...
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Start shoveling... sorry, couldn't resist...

    That's what I'll be doing. We're looking at up to 30 inches here.

    Is it springtime yet?
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Got a shovel?

    Usually when we want to gnosh/binge/mess up we're not really hungry, we're bored. So when you're tempted, think about it. Are you really hungry, or are you really just bored?

    Then, if you decide that you're actually bored, think of something to do. Here's a goody - - - try to think of a "'round to it" job that you've been putting off forever. Alphabetizing your crystal bunny collection,,, scraping the gum off the side of the stove,,, painting your boyfriend's face on the dog's butt and teaching the dog to walk backward,,, whatever. And then go do it! Just get up off the couch and do it.

    Your tush will thank you, but your dog probably won't.
    i know how you feel! what i do is i sleep as much as possible and i basically go on a liquid diet to fill me up by drinking lots of broth and v8 juice but i try and stay busy around the house like cleaning, and i take forever getting ready and doing my hair and makeup even if im not going anywhere and ill work out for like 2 hours or watch a movie...just ANYTHING to keep me from eating all day out of boredom.... then before i know it the day went by! :laugh:
  • Jes21sica
    Jes21sica Posts: 90 Member
    if you have one try doing a workout dvd so you can at least burn some extra calories, or if you have on demand they have free workouts on there. I do the kickboxing one all the time, in fact I'll probably be doing it tomorrow since were supposed to get a ton of snow tonight!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    yall must be getting the rain storm that has been moving through GA. If it would have been like 3 degrees colder we would have had a which is like more than 2 inches of snow for us! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    That may have been a joke about the shovel but I burned 800 calories shoveling last week end. I have also gone to the fit channel on TV and done workout with them. But this snow storm I have not done any working out so have had to be careful about my eating.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Read, do workout DVDs, do crunches and other exercises you don't need the gym for :) Shoveling is a really good workout. You can also go for walks, just be careful!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Keep this site up on your pc and log before u eat .
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I was also stuck inside last weekend, so prepared to different pots of soup and filled up on soup anytime I found myself wandering into the kitchen. Also prepare a couple of different salads that you can dig into and throw in a crouton or pecan for some crunch! Pictures or motivational sayings attached to bad foods will also help you turn away when you open the pantry door. Just takes a little upfront work on your part. Enjoy the snow! All we have in NC is rain and lots of it! ALSO if you get outside and walk in the snow that will burn any extra calories! Good luck!
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    HA - everyone wants you to go out and shovel - how about go out and have fun!!! - Build a snowman - start a snowball fight with someone, go sledding - find ways to burn off steam and have fun doing it. Of course you may want to shovel too - it is good exercise!!
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I so miss being snowed in!

    I saw on your profile that you're when you get bored, and get the urge to eat, grab your hubby and have some sex. I do this all the time (TMI, I know), and not only does it kill the craving for food, but it makes me feel great about myself, and has been wonderful for our marriage!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Options when you get bored, and get the urge to eat, grab your hubby and have some sex. I do this all the time (TMI, I know), and not only does it kill the craving for food...

    Dr Oz says sex helps fill the satiety center of the brain so fulfilling that need with sex helps not eating too much. And really not TMI, it's a natural human thing to do. :-)
  • xerothermic
    Brush your teeth and shower and do silly things around the house. I hate the taste of anything after I brush my teeth especially.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Casper you are too funny!!

    My suggestion is follow all these great people's advice and then find something that is okay for you to binge on. I eat unbuttered air popped popcorn and I can eat a giant bowl of it, but it's really filling for few calories. Raw veggies are the same way.

    I don't binge on snow days, unfortunately even though I usually have a boat load of things to do I sit in bed and sleep/watch dumb tv/ read for fun etc. so maybe I don't get my exercise but I usually don't go over the calories either.

    Hope that helps.
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Brush your teeth and shower and do silly things around the house. I hate the taste of anything after I brush my teeth especially.

    Burshing your teeth is a great idea! I use that trick on my days off when I have the urge to eat out of boredom.
  • BigdaddyJ
    I wish I'd get snowed in....when it snow's here i'm stuck in a plow 12 hrs at the time and sleep the other 12!! lol

    I like the popcorn abd teeth bushing ideas tho....will remember !!
  • beachbaby18
    Wow alot of really great suggestions! I would say do crunches, log on here and calculate what you eat every day, maybe do some yoga/pilates. Shoveling the snow is a great workout but it always makes you so cold and tired. I wouldn't bother. lol. I would go out and have fun in the snow if I were you. Build a snowman, have snowball fights, make snow angels, sled riding, etc. Another thing that kills alot of calories is wii and dance dance revolution. So if you have that, you might want to use that. I have 20 inches of snow right now where I live and today I've read parts of a book, got some homework done, watched a movie, and had some hot chocolate. So you don't HAVE to work out if you don't want to. You can just snuggle up and watch a movie and have some hot cocoa or whatever. lol. I hope this helps! :happy: