AAAAHHHH!!! Seems to be common feeling every morning followed my long moments of irritation, anger and confusion. I have just 10-15 little pounds to go and I cannot seem to get them off for the life of me. I have lost a total of 175 and need those last ones to go. I am doing everything seemingly right..including staying within my calories, exercising, and changing things up. I even opted to join weight watchers to see if I can get those last few pounds off. I lost 7 pounds in about 1.5 weeks and randomly gained 2 back. I am so frustrated. I literally just want to throw in the towel and give up on these last pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions? i have tried everything..even changing up my exercise routine. Any and all suggestions welcomed....


  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    You've done so much more than I can imagine, my only advice is to be proud.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member


    Concentrate on what has gone rather than what is left.

    Take a while to re-think what you are doing, reset kcal calculators, exercise, etc etc. Concentrate on maintaining whilt you re-think!

    All that advice you would give anyone else posting something similar - take it!

    You've plateau'd hun. It's a bit of a bugger but you will get over it with a bit of thought, time and lack of stressing about it.

    But I bet you knew that :D

    Good luck xx
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    After losing 175 pounds, I'm surprised you're bothered by 10-15. I don't really have any advice for you other than to maybe take it easy on yourself. You've done great. The last 10-15 are likely (as you're finding out) to be very stubborn. But if you are eating at a deficit (but not too much of a deficit) they will come off eventually.

    ETA: Is strength training part of your exercise routine? I assume so, since you seem to have the golden ticket to weight loss. But just thought I'd ask.
  • all4my3boyz
    all4my3boyz Posts: 94 Member
    You've done so much more than I can imagine, my only advice is to be proud.

    THIS ^^^
  • feefie04
    feefie04 Posts: 67 Member
    I think what you want to be gone is the fat, not the weight. Muscle weighs a lot for it's volume, and if you are working out you are probably gaining muscle. Don't be upset about the weight now. Losing the weight without muscle tone looks JUST as bad as having the extra 15 lbs in fat.

    Don't be concerned! Tone that body and then look at yourself and ask, does the scale tell me I'm happy? If it does, you need to realize that weight loss isn't everything, ESPECIALLY when you are near your goal like that. You've lost the important weight, and now the last few lbs are going to be about reforming your body composition, not losing the pounds.

    Don't be frustrated! And don't resort to bad habits to lose the last pounds. Gain your muscle... even with the pounds you think you need to lose, if you gain muscle they will look 10 times BETTER.
  • with a loss of 175 could some of those last few pounds just be excess skin? It probable wouldn't go away very quickly if it was. idk just thinking out loud.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Well, I've lost 53 and I want to lose 18 more for my first MAJOR GOAL. I willbe content with that number knowing how well I've done. My next goal would be 17 off from there, with no time frame to get there. Reality is - I'll be happy if I just stay where I am right now! I can live with it after what I was! I say that to you - BE PROUD OF HOW FAR YOU'VE COME!!! Holy moly, 175 pounds is awesome, incredible, etc! I bet no one but you can even see those last 10-15 you want to lose except you! Remember that weight is just a silly number & ya can't let it get you down. However, you probably won't take that advise - lol - so like another person said, try changing up what you do. Go without exercise for a week, eat more calories, then go back. Give your body a change-up to start that scale going down again. Congratulations and good luck to you! :)
  • ShayCampau
    ShayCampau Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with stop relax and see where you've come from.... That said, I have a question to ask. Do you really need to lose that last 10 pounds or is it vanity pounds? Jillian Michael's talks about that on one of her DVDs. Your body is comfortable and happy at a certain healthy weight but the American dream is always about 8 - 10 pounds less (vanity pounds). Those last few pounds are crazy hard to come off and she mentions doing it over and over as her body wants to go back to the comfortable healthy weight. I don't know what you look like but I bet you look amazing after having lost so much weight. Enjoy that and learn how to maintain that giant accomplishment and really think about if you need to lose the rest. If you do, then keep plugging away as they are the hardest but doable. Switch up your routine, add more protein and fat and less carbs to your diet and enjoy life. Sometimes stressing about losing causes you to not be able to lose. Love where you are while always making the best choices for life.

    Good Job on the amazing weight loss. :)
  • After losing 175 pounds, I'm surprised you're bothered by 10-15. I don't really have any advice for you other than to maybe take it easy on yourself. You've done great. The last 10-15 are likely (as you're finding out) to be very stubborn. But if you are eating at a deficit (but not too much of a deficit) they will come off eventually.

    ETA: Is strength training part of your exercise routine? I assume so, since you seem to have the golden ticket to weight loss. But just thought I'd ask.

    hi, thank you for your advice! Yes, strength training is actual a big part of my workout. I was training about 2-3 times per week with weights. so frustrating =/
  • Thank you guys! You actually did give me a lot to think about.

    Thank you =/
  • Your body is a machine that learns. Change your work out up. Either add more exercises or more weights. Something shock the system. It happens!
  • Your body is a machine that learns. Change your work out up. Either add more exercises or more weights. Something shock the system. It happens!

    YES!!! I need to shock it!! I just dont know how at this point....
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    AAAAHHHH!!! Seems to be common feeling every morning followed my long moments of irritation, anger and confusion. I have just 10-15 little pounds to go and I cannot seem to get them off for the life of me. I have lost a total of 175 and need those last ones to go. I am doing everything seemingly right..including staying within my calories, exercising, and changing things up. I even opted to join weight watchers to see if I can get those last few pounds off. I lost 7 pounds in about 1.5 weeks and randomly gained 2 back. I am so frustrated. I literally just want to throw in the towel and give up on these last pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions? i have tried everything..even changing up my exercise routine. Any and all suggestions welcomed....

    Increase your calories, and measure don't weigh.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Have you changed up your calories at all? As your body has changed, and your workouts as well, your calorie needs have likely changed too.

    Have a look at this topic:

    Read the info there and run your numbers through the tools in the links he's provided. It got me (and a bunch of other people) over that hump, off the plateau, and through those last stubborn pounds.

    Great job on how far you've come!
  • AAAAHHHH!!! Seems to be common feeling every morning followed my long moments of irritation, anger and confusion. I have just 10-15 little pounds to go and I cannot seem to get them off for the life of me. I have lost a total of 175 and need those last ones to go. I am doing everything seemingly right..including staying within my calories, exercising, and changing things up. I even opted to join weight watchers to see if I can get those last few pounds off. I lost 7 pounds in about 1.5 weeks and randomly gained 2 back. I am so frustrated. I literally just want to throw in the towel and give up on these last pounds. Does anyone have any suggestions? i have tried everything..even changing up my exercise routine. Any and all suggestions welcomed....

    The thing is that I don't know where I should be calorie-wise cause myfitnesspal has me at 1200 per day, that is why I did weight watchers to get a better gauge as to where i should be. I manually put my calories up to 1350 and no changes. I work out too much to be at 1200.
    Increase your calories, and measure don't weigh.
  • I think what you want to be gone is the fat, not the weight. Muscle weighs a lot for it's volume, and if you are working out you are probably gaining muscle. Don't be upset about the weight now. Losing the weight without muscle tone looks JUST as bad as having the extra 15 lbs in fat.

    Don't be concerned! Tone that body and then look at yourself and ask, does the scale tell me I'm happy? If it does, you need to realize that weight loss isn't everything, ESPECIALLY when you are near your goal like that. You've lost the important weight, and now the last few lbs are going to be about reforming your body composition, not losing the pounds.

    Don't be frustrated! And don't resort to bad habits to lose the last pounds. Gain your muscle... even with the pounds you think you need to lose, if you gain muscle they will look 10 times BETTER.

    I'm just in the beginning stages of trying to get healthy again. That said, from what research I have done, I would tend to agree with the comment made by FeeFie04. Muscle weighs more. So, you could be exactly the same size as when you were originally at your goal weight. But weigh more due to having more muscle. Just my 2 cents