One thing YOU like about yourself! Day Four!!!

Hey Guys!!!! It's day 4! What do you like about yourself/life today!!!

Here's a recap of what I am doing!!!
In case some of you are new and missed the first day!

Recap: I vowed to post one thing I liked about myself or my day, each day on MFP. So I thought I would also post it here and I'll do this every day as well! Tell me what you like about yourself or your day!!!!!

:happy: Here we go! :happy:

:heart: Today I love the fact my armpit fat is going away!!!! :heart:

Much Love to all MPF Peeps!!!!!


  • i like that i am pursuing my goals, even though people around me are static and doing nothing to progress anywhere, i like that i wanna change, and refuse to settle for anything less than the best!!
  • nofailureallowed
    Today I like the fact that I was able to resist temptation in the form of a lemon tart!
  • mariiyah
    mariiyah Posts: 136 Member
    Today i like the fact that I managed to stick to 3, pretty healthy & nutritional square meals, met my calorie goals and completed my scheduled exercise. no excuses!
    a perfect day for me :happy:
  • kjmarks11
    Today I'm proud that I've worked out every day this week - ALONE! I'm on the road for work, staying at a hotel and have no one to hold me accountable except me. And I did it - without slacking off! It feels great to know I can trust myself to stay on this path. For ME.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I felt my legs in the shower last night and went dayumn. They're like rocks. I love that I get to have this body that I worked hard for.