school+work+gym=NO TIME

Okay so I am in my senior year of high school, I am a weightlifter so I go to the gym everyday, and everyday right after I get out of school I go to work at smoothie king, I go straight to the gym after I get off, I never have enough time to go eat anything in between so I don't eat enough yet I am still gaining weight... HOW?


  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    I'm guessing probably because you're weight-lifting? If you're building muscle, you're going to gain weight. As long as you look healthy, though, it's not a problem. Maybe carry a cliff-bar or something with you from work to the gym to make sure you don't starve yourself.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    MUSCLE or your metabolism is slowed so when you do eat it gets stored as fat. You need to make sure you're eating 3 times a day.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Girl you don't have any fat to lose! You're gaining weight because you are building muscle. Try to find things you can eat on the go like protein bars/shakes etc.

    I work, I am in college, and I go to the gym and I still eat.
  • turbosupremo
    turbosupremo Posts: 24 Member
    If you are not getting adequate hours of sleep due to such a busy schedule, your body could be storing more then its expending in your works outs. Most likely though it is just you are gaining muscle mass.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    There are really no excuses not to eat, unless you just don't want to. I'm sure you are capable of making a sandwich for the road. As a weightlifter, you should already know the importance of eating.
  • Okay so I am in my senior year of high school, I am a weightlifter so I go to the gym everyday, and everyday right after I get out of school I go to work at smoothie king, I go straight to the gym after I get off, I never have enough time to go eat anything in between so I don't eat enough yet I am still gaining weight... HOW?

    Is your total cal intake for the day still above maintenance? but I agree with most of the posts you look really good and since you are lifting I bet its mostly muscle.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Wait until college starts

    I am the same. I go to school (junior at my university) work 40 hours a week, and hit the gym. No time for anything anymore.

    I still manage to put down 2,000 calories EASILY.
    Peanut butter sandwich, smoothies, avocados, milk
  • CrystalX82
    CrystalX82 Posts: 68 Member
    First off, congrats on looking that awesome at your age! I wish I had started when I was your age... When lifting, you are firing up your metabolism so you need to be eating every 2.5-3 hours in order to maintain that... if you're gaining weight, and you still look like your profile pic, then yeah it's most likely just muscle, but it's VERY important to eat or you're just going to slow down your metabolism. Make sure you are eating your weight in grams of protein. Every pound should equal 1g of protein. Look for protein bars with clean ingredients and a limited amount of ingredients to use on the go and always keep some packs of almonds on you. When you are home for a minute, throw a quick shake together, if you have some protein powder, (I LOVE the blender ball bottles) and that will be quick and give you a lot of protein =)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Ignore the scale! You're a competitive weight lifter- you're going to weigh more! And if you're training and growing, you're probably going to gain. All that muscle is dense, so concentrate on measurements and body fat. But, you DO need to eat.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Make time....just like you do for school, work and the gym you have to make time for food. Go for things that are higher in calories and easy to take and bring with you-peanut butter sandwiches, nuts for a snack, protein bars/shakes. You need fuel in order to keep going like you are
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    Well ... your ticker says your goal is to lose 4 pounds and you've lost 3 ... Not sure how much you've gained ... but with those numbers it could natural fluctuations.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I'm slammed with no time too. I am a full time grad student, full time engineer, two kids, wife, and try to work out. It sucks.
  • themaskedpixie
    themaskedpixie Posts: 26 Member
    um your a teenager your body changesand your metabolism slows..
  • themaskedpixie
    themaskedpixie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm slammed with no time too. I am a full time grad student, full time engineer, two kids, wife, and try to work out. It sucks.

    ^THIS. me too.. but i'm a student he's a student he works 2 kids and we don't use a sitter..
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I'm slammed with no time too. I am a full time grad student, full time engineer, two kids, wife, and try to work out. It sucks.

    This is part of my blog

    "A great excuse is, “I don’t have time to eat right and exercise.” Time is something we all have in common. We all have the same number of hours in a day. There is a person right now who doesn’t have time who is working out right this moment. If you were 100% committed to do something, what will stop you? Nothing. If someone is 100% committed and determined, they will move heaven hell and earth to get what they want. You think time will stop them? I know some people who have pretty intense schedules. Such as wake up at 7am, get kids ready for school, go to work, pick up kids, go to school after work, then do homework. They’re not in bed till around 1-2am. What about workout breaks at work? At school load up your bag and run up and down the stairs for 5mins, do 20 pushups and 50 crunches at work every hour. Why can’t you read your study book on a exercise bike? Get rid of the “I don’t have time excuse, it’s petty.”"

    Nice. However, when your day starts at 4AM and ends at 11PM, sleep somehow has to fit in those few hours. It's great of you to try to come up with motivational things, but at the same time some people are in fact busier than what you can imagine. Good try though.
  • I would have 2 thoughts - 1) are you getting enough sleep. You should get 8-9 hours minimum - and consistently. 2) if you are weightlifting & building muscle mass, then you will gain actual weight.

    Are you feeling like you gaining fat?
  • Well ... your ticker says your goal is to lose 4 pounds and you've lost 3 ... Not sure how much you've gained ... but with those numbers it could natural fluctuations.

    Well I am almost like 125 now:/
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    The gym is my escape! When I'm finished with work and school I go there, I set no time limit of when I have to leave....I turn off my phone (not just silent, all the way off) and just relax by lifting lol I get at least 50 work calls a day....or emails or whatever on my own time. So it is totally awesome that for my gym time, I'm completely unavailable to the world!
  • The gym is my escape! When I'm finished with work and school I go there, I set no time limit of when I have to leave....I turn off my phone (not just silent, all the way off) and just relax by lifting lol I get at least 50 work calls a day....or emails or whatever on my own time. So it is totally awesome that for my gym time, I'm completely unavailable to the world!

    I do exactly the same but that is just to get away from drama from friends family and co-workers