Hi I'm Jen, PCOS, Infertility and Obese

Hi my name is Jen and I am 32, married to an amazing man named Jeff. This is the first time I have said it and it shocked me typing it in the subject line but I am Obese. Today, is my first day using fitness pal and somewhat (ate Taco bell for lunch, but with in my calories) my first day to a new life style. I have tried a few fad diets and also joined Weightwatcher and I would have to say WW was the best but I got impatient with how slow the weight was coming off. Last year I lost 40lbs with just calorie counting and this year I have lost about 4lbs and we are already in September. I have PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome with insulin resistance and hypothyroid which is a constant struggle to lose the weight. I know it is possible though because I have seen many who have what I do lose the weight.

Yesterday and today I got my *kitten* up off the couch and went walking (2 miles per day). I'm currently laid off and I have all the time in the world but my budget is tight. I have DVD's, PS3 dance games along with the beautiful weather and I think for now that is all I need. Motivation has always been an issue for me, I tend to be excited for something when I first start and don't make it past a month. I have to do this, not only for myself but to be able to conceive a child, something we want desperately. After one miscarriage, I know what it feels like to be pregnant and that is my ultimate goal and without weight loss I don't believe I can get there. Don't get me wrong I want this, to be healthy, I have a lot to give in life and I want all the time I allowed to be on this great place called Earth.


  • pberta
    pberta Posts: 48 Member
    Hello and Welcome Jen. You have come to the right place and have the attitude to succeed. You can do it.
  • Erica_G2012
    Hi Jen,

    Kudos to you for losing those pounds last year and starting off this year again. I have never successfully dieted before, so I'm hoping that I can put the focus and energy into this endeavor and get healthier myself. My husband and I are trying to conceive too and losing the weight would really help with that.

    PCOS runs in my family, as does all manner of thryoid conditions, including Hoshimoto's... just about every female in my family is on synthroid of some degree or another, except for me, my tests always come back ok, at least so far.

    It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope that you hit your goals.

  • tcakr4
    Today is my first day on here as well. I think you have the motivation. I think we all struggle from the way we have been eating over the years its just so hard to give up all of those good foods! Regardless of how much weight we are all trying to shed it is very difficult whether its 5 pounds or 50. I too have been struggling with the same 4 pounds for about 4 or 5 months now. I go up 2 then back down 2 and back again. It is SO frustrating. I was also doing the walk thing. I was faithfully going everyday and sometimes twice a day. Then....I gained 2 pounds, got angry and frustrated and quit. I'm sure the 2 pounds I gained when I am thinking clearly about it was muscle, but I was just so frustrated! I have found that planning all of my meals helps keep me on track. Best of luck!
  • Merc1212
    Thank you so much, I am still new to fitness pal and just going through and seeing what all it has to offer. Thanks again for the kind words of support!
  • SkiMommyCO
    SkiMommyCO Posts: 6 Member
    HI Jen,
    I wanted to write you and see if you wanted to be friends on here. I read your story and I know how you feel. I too have PCOS and struggle after I start cause the effects get slower I give up and keeping eating fast food. I am starting a new today as well. I went grocery shopping yesterday and planned meals that are healthy and have vegi's in them. I too would like to have another kid but can not do so because of my weight and PCOS has really takin a toll on my hormones this past two years. My husband says if I lose the weight then we will talk about having another child. I struggle with motivation to keep going and my husband is a skinny rail and can eat anything. I am 31 years old and only work part time but we do not have a tone of money either pretty tight. The best I can do is a membership at the club a block from my house and my mom is going to help me out with some training to get me on track. I would love to friend you and work on keeping each other motivated past that one month mark.

    Smile Always,
  • sarahmartin2011
    sarahmartin2011 Posts: 25 Member
    Im also new to mfp, My names Sarah, i also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and i struggle to keep motivated but im so unhappy and so desperate to lose weight im hoping this time around i can stick to it, i think my heads in the right place now, wishing u all the best Jen with ur journey x
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Welcome! You're doing a great thing for yourself and your husband. Just have patience, and don't be afraid to ask for advice.
  • Merc1212
    Thanks Erica,

    Yes, I am sure hopeing for this to be a great too for me. I have had support groups for PCOS but never one in the weight loss area so I hope it helps me to feel accountable, as WW helped me to be while attending meetings. I am on synthroid but my levels were within normal range, more on the high side so my fertility specialist said he would like it to be on the low side. I personally have no idea if I have hypothyroid but for now I am taking the meds like I do. I wish you all the best and hope to have and give continued support to each other!
  • Merc1212
    Thank you all so much. I feel so good about this and the support is going to be amazing I know it. Tomorrow is a new day and I can move forward and continue to keep a good focus on a healthier future.

    Boy, after my walk today my butt now has a heartbeat....lol
  • annathomas88
    annathomas88 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Jen,
    Welcome to MFP. I too am new, i just joined Wednesday and i am already addicted. I have tried other weight loose plans and miracle pills and constantly give up and loose motivation. This time it is different for me. I am young at 24 but my mom and brother both have diabetes and heart disease and i want to be an inspiration to them. Keep up the good attitude. Remember, you can do this, one day at a time. Best of luck to you. :)
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I also have PCOS and it a struggle. I have been working with losing the weight for a year now and down 54 pounds. I am doing the South Beach Diet and love it. It's not really a diet because I will be eating this way for the rest of my life. I get to eat good and never hungry. I log my food on here, but don't have to. I am here mainly for the support. If you want you are welcome to add me.
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me for support if you would like!
  • tracytoots
    Jen, are you on metformin? The reason I ask is that women with PCOS have an extremely high risk of first trimester miscarriage and metformin can help with that. You may already be seeing an endocrinologist but if not I suggest you do and specifically ask about it. I know a few women with PCOS who had that exact problem.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS officially in 2004 and I have a wonderful 7 year old boy and because I took care of the PCOS before I didn't have to jump through any fertility hoops. Just want to let you know you can do this and let me know if I can help in any way.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    PCOS can often make you feel like your failing, but really your doing your body huge amounts of good by taking little steps. Unfortunately with PCOS it takes things awhile to progress. The main thing is to not give up.

    A few things to consider is your carb intake and the amount of processed foods you are taking in. Taco Bell is not great, but that alone won't hinder your weight loss dramatically. Now add McDonalds for breakfast, TaCo Bell for lunch, chips as a snack and Pasta for dinner and your looking at well over 300 grams of carbs!

    The main thing with PCOS is reducing your blood sugar to regulate your hormones. In order to do that you have to reduce your sugar intake and eat foods that don't spike your blood sugar, and create more cravings, but process slower in your body keeping you full.

    I would suggest looking up low carb, low glycemic and researching those lifestyles. It's done me wonders, including the loss of 50lbs, regulating my sugar levels (i'm no longer IR), regulating my thyroid (normal!) and creating a better lifestyle in general.

    A little motivation to get you off the couch, exercise is another form of sugar reducing activity!
  • jla891
    jla891 Posts: 13 Member
    hang in there! i have hypothyroid myself, and its a pain in the *kitten* to lose weight but hey...working OUT . IT FEELS GOOD!!!! add me if you'd like :)
  • Mpinta
    Mpinta Posts: 1 Member

    Keep up the hard work, sometimes all it takes is one step in the right direction and then its all down hill from there. Lifestyle changes are difficult at first but once you get the routine down become like second nature. I am a firm believer that YOU are in control of YOUR own destiny and that YOU can do anything you set your mind to. Just remember that the things that we invest our time and money in tend to work out for us. I hope you have a very wonderful experience on myfitnesspal, and remember, we are all rooting for you!

  • Yoshima
    Hi Jen

    Congrats on the 44 lbs total you have lost. I know how it is to lose weight slowly, but slowly is the healthiest way to lose weight. That is so great that you found MFP, and have started moving! I also know how it is to be on a tight budget. It's so great that you have some resources at home to get you started.

    Keep up with your walks while the weather is nice, and keep using this site. Counting calories while keeping a reasonable deficit (500-1000 is recommended), and exercise is a sure way to lose weight in a healthy method.

    You can do it, and hopefully, as your healthy improves you and your hubby can start adding to your family! Good luck!
  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I am 26 years old, PCOS and Hypothyroidism. I have been on synthroid for 4 years and have gained probably 50 lbs since I found out that I had the thyroid problem.

    As of today, I have lost 28 lbs since June 5 2012!! Trust me when I say results are the biggest motivator for ME. After I lost the first 10 lbs I thought, that wasn't so hard.. LOL Then I started to slack a bit in my exercise routine ( because of my daughters soccer schedule not because I got lazy.. well that too.. a little. ) I haven't gained, however I have maintained my current weight for going on 2 weeks.. the weight loss got slower that is for sure. BUT I am not giving up.. and if you just tell yourself every day whatever reason you are changing your lifestyle.. it really helps push you.. Do this for YOU and your future babies.. Dont think of it as a diet, EVER. Don't say I can't have that.. say I don't WANT that..

    I started pretty early with the kid thing, I had my daughter when i was 16, before all the weight gain and problems..

    I don't want anymore kids, but I do want that option if I change my mind. Every time I ask my doc. why I can't have a period or why am I not ovulating.. he simply says it is due to my obesity.. pretty harsh I know.. but really, it's true. Since the weight I have lost so far, I have had a period ( ovulated ) for the last 5 months excluding August.. I don't know what happened.. seems to be around the same time i started to slack on my exercise.. Anyways..don't give up! Good luck !
  • TBirdReets
    Hello everyone,
    Im new to this site and so far I'm loving the positive support everyone seems to be getting (and giving). I too have PCOS as well as endometriosis and general cysts. Not fun. I recently discovered that in the past year I gained about 48lbs and I wasn't small to start off. Last week I joined the gym and started the Ideal Protein plan. The first couple days sucked due to headaches and nausea but now I feel great. I'm happy to say I'm 12lbs down already and feeling motivated to continue. A group of us at work are supporting each other and we are all doing different plans/methods so it's been an interesting week. If anyone is looking for a support buddy feel free to add me. :-)