I'm noticing something with weight loss.

Two things I have recently felt and noticed are:-

1) eating less food makes me feel light all day long.
2) when I eat greasy, fatty foods (e.g. burgers), I feel sick to my stomach.

This NEVER happened before. Is it true that after a while your body gets used to this new healthy lifestyle and starts rejecting, hating bad foods?

Is it in my head or is this really happening???

Before, I used to happily eat a mcdonalds burger and not feel bad, now, if I ever eat junk like that, initially I feel great but as soon as I have eaten it, my body totally feels like it wishes we NEVER ate it.

What's going on???


  • Rainster
    I agree! After months of eating a low fat, lean protein diet, whenever I slip up I totally feel it in a BAD, BAD way.

    When you think about it, this totally makes sense: our bodies were designed to digest healthy, natural food. Not all the processed, fatty stuff that we've become so used to eating. So once we start healing ourselves and getting rid of the toxins that the bad food contains, if we suddenly add that stuff back into our diet, it throws the balance off.
  • jmugs
    jmugs Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah, this is a thing. I think this is the "you are what you eat" saying comes from. If you eat sugar, you want sugar. If you eat fat, you want fat.
    In fact, my husband wanted to eat out last week and we had to go to the mall anyway, so we had a huge selection of restaurants we could have gone to. I thought "what do I really want? out of everything?" and more than Thai-Chi or TGI Fridays or Macaroni Grill or anything I just wanted a nice veggie stir-fry.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I do notice that after a short time of eating healthfully, when i eat something "bad" i really suffer with odd digestion and that type of thing. I had round table pizza for lunch with coworkers...i alloted for it and didn't go over my calories, but seriously it sent me running because my body has already gotten used to so much less fat. And yes, my cravings are totally different - i don't crave fatty stuff when i'm not eating it regularly, now that i've cut down salt and sugar, i just find i don't even like it all that much when i have it....crazy wonderful right? I do think i need a couple years of this though before not falling back into old habits, not because i really crave it, but because it's what i've known for soooo long!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Ditto this. When I eat crap, I feel like crap. When I eat good food, I feel good. I've also noticed that I WANT to eat crap less, the longer I eat healthy. Now, the macaroni and cheese in the caf is entirely unappealing. Two years ago, I ate it every week. I and when I have a bad week and go seeking comfort food, I'm starting to learn that the mac won't comfort me at all.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Its probably the high levels of heavily refined sugar causing the regret sensations. When you're on a healthy diet your body seems to become more sensitive to what goes in. When you pump it full of all that sugar (everything in McD's is full of it) you get a sugar rush. You spike your insulin levels. Then (and I'm not exactly sure on how this works, HSBoss could probably explain more satisfactorily) your body compensates for the high insulin with (something) and causes an energy crash.

    At the same time, you can become addicted to the fat and the sugar. If you've eaten this kind of food a lot in the past, you may be experiencing withdrawl symptoms again. Watch "SuperSize Me" - there's an excellent scene where these reactions are described perfectly.
  • natspoiledbrat
    I totally feel the same way about foods that aren't so healthy, but the reason I think we feel this is way is because before we tried to change our eating habits, we ate these foods and probably felt like crap at the time, but we didn't realize we felt like crap because those were the things we were eating all day, everyday, every week..........and so on. So we really did feel like crap but had nothing to compare it to. Now that we know how it feels when we eat healthy and we eat something that is unhealthy it changes the way we feel and now we have something to compare it to. I realized this when I stopped drinking cokes. Actually what happened was I went from drinking 7 or more cokes a day, to just one with dinner. I felt great all day and then after drinking my one coke, I was really bloated and just felt bad. This went on for a couple of days when I finally realized it was the cokes that were making me sick. All these years I have felt like crap all day everyday because all I did was drink cokes. I never went a day without a coke, let alone an hour or two, so I was always feeling bloated. It totally sucks that it took me over 20 years to figure it out. I feel like I've lost half of my life trapped in this body because of sugary drinks!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I definitely notice I have more energy, and like you said, I feel awful when I eat fatty, greasy food now. It's so simple, really, I can't believe I didn't do thins a long time ago.
  • jlgarcia85631
    jlgarcia85631 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes, I remember thinking that the Mc Donald french fries where the most disgusting tihing ever... after dropping 30+ pounds.(Back in 2006 before my last 2 babies) Sooo weird cuz all my life they had been the best part of Mc Donalds...Warm salty french fries...dipped in sweet and sour sauce. I guess that my eating habits had changed so much...that the fries tasted like grease sticks ...so nasty. Unfortunatly for me the fries made a come back in my life...I was pretty much pregnant for 2 years staight and I used that as an excuse to eat whatever wanted...BIG MISTAKE....cuz here I am again with that same weight to lose all over again...:sad: I have been dieting since December 2009....16 pounds so far...26 more to go...I have yet been to MCD's to taste the fries...but I'm sure given my recent eating habits...they can't be good.