I can't lose unless I starve?



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm 5'9" tall.

    The trouble with exercise is that I can start right after my period, but about mid-cycle (2 weeks in) I get tired and by 3 weeks in I am absolutely exhausted and I can barely do the minimum to take care of my family. My muscles hurt and ache all over (and not DOMS) and I just feel weak and tired.
    I guess it's pretty clearly my health issues at fault here. I am just so frustrated and sad and angry and I think it's other life issues that have brought my tolerance level down.

    Anyone else recovered from similar health issues?
    Have you really made a dedicated effort to try and push through some exercise in your bad weeks? Over time it will strengthen your body and probably reduce your symptoms unless there's something greater at play behind the scenes. It's very true that exercise itself gives you energy.

    iron, i think you need a fanny to understand.
    lol. Probably. I try.
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    I agree with the note from everyone else- less meat (especially the processed stuff and the red meat), less eating out too.

    You need fruits and veggies.

    Even if you are low carb, and you think it'll work, you still need some carbs (you're already getting plenty through your wine, and the shocking amount of sugars, etc you find in processed and fried foods). Maybe try tracking your carbs and setting a percentage goal for them in MFP. Also, sodium. Same as everyone else, you're eating out frequently, and a lot of pre-packaged stuff too (why not eat fresh veggies instead of the packaged sauced ones? etc). Log every sauce, every oil, every brand. It's super easy to miscalculate unless you are 150% committed, and even then it still slips you up.

    I noted that you have a lot of generic entries for foods- vanilla ice cream, .5cup....what was the brand? Vanilla ice cream is very general and can vary by a lot of calories and fat per serving. Or Generic- Chinese Buffet Plate. You have a lot of generic entries, and these are rarely to be trusted. You need to commit yourself to individually logging items to your best ability. If the particular restaurant isn't in the database, find a very similar mainstream one, or assemble the dishes ingredient by ingredient (not forgetting cooking oils, etc). I've found I eat out a lot less, just because I don't want to have to do this all of the time!
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    I agree with eating a bit higher than your BMR, but also, start taking pictures of yourself once a month. I've gained 2 pounds but my clothes are falling off of me...and my weight has been at a stand still for at least 35 days now. But, I can bike faster up hills, carry my bike in one hand, do a 5k, lift 15 pound dumbells are starting to feel light (started with 5 pounders) and my boyfriend can't stop hugging me cus my waist is getting tinier and it feels awesome to us both. The scale is the jerk that cuts you off in a line, or says something insensitive to you when you're at your most vunerable. Do what you would do to that jerk...ignore it.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Oh and definitely cut out the processed crap and sugars if you're doing that. Big no-no in my book. Organic, fresh foods whenever possible. Frozen veggies are fine if they aren't loaded with sauces and are of good quality. Also...corn is not a vegetable and neither are ice cream.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 5'9" tall.

    The trouble with exercise is that I can start right after my period, but about mid-cycle (2 weeks in) I get tired and by 3 weeks in I am absolutely exhausted and I can barely do the minimum to take care of my family. My muscles hurt and ache all over (and not DOMS) and I just feel weak and tired.
    I guess it's pretty clearly my health issues at fault here. I am just so frustrated and sad and angry and I think it's other life issues that have brought my tolerance level down.

    Anyone else recovered from similar health issues?

    DOMS can last for over a week if you have a really hard workout. My first major strength training routine had me barely walking for almost 3 weeks. It gets easier over time.

    If you are feeling that weak and tired after exercise, you need to eat more. I only get that way when I don't eat my workout calories back.

    Otherwise, I suggest having a conversation with your doctor about this and finding a dietician (not a nutritionist) to work with you. Dieticians have formal training and certifications to help with medical and nutritional issues. Nutritionists don't.

    I really think you should try not to be so defeatist about your health issues. I have a fairly severe congenital heart issue, and I managed to still get 3-4 workouts per week in with it. I couldn't do as much as someone else of similar age and fitness, but it didn't stop me from doing anything. There are ways to work around whatever issue you have, and a positive can-do attitude goes a LONG way to get you there.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    Yes.. I've tried snacking throughout the day (actually worse for me as doing that I seem to gain even more easily) and also intermittent fasting. That seems to work about the best, works better the longer I go between meals, but is hard and is the main reason for my wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey food diary. I've also eaten boatloads of fruits and veggies for longish periods, even went on a raw food veggie/fruit diet some time back. This low-carb thing is recent, and though I've tried it before, isn't typical. Please don't read the last few days of my diary and assume that's all I ever eat. Like I said, I've tried things, it changes. I've tried high fat and low fat. I feel better on high fat but neither helps with weight loss. If I recall correctly, the all fruit/veggie diet did seem to work slowly, but was impossible to maintain because of money. Raw fruits and veggies are pricey when that's all you eat, and you eat reasonable calories of them. Unfortunately when I reordered my diary it seems to have destroyed a lot of what I logged earlier in the year, but in the spring I was eating huge amounts of fruit/veggie and a fair bit of nuts even though I had to switch over to frozen because of money (and the frozen fruit I eat does not have sugar in it). Even a few weeks ago I was shooting for 30+ grams of fiber/day including veggies but also supplements. Made a difference on the toilet, but that's about it (and I'm going to add in at least supplemental fiber again for that reason). The closest I get to processed food typically is dark chocolate treats a couple-few times a week, sausages that are just ground meat and spices (and raw when purchased), mustard and white rice (not often, and only when I was high carbin'), and whenever we eat out (usually once or twice a month at friendly get-togethers, and I've gone several months without). We (as a family) did go through a thing of Nutella this year, also.

    I'm feeling better having ranted. I'm pretty sure I'm just somewhat broken. I just wish I could find "the thing" that would fix me, and that it wouldn't be so grueling that I'm angry and tired all the time.
    Thanks for reading and offering advice, folks. And sorry for all the parentheses, I just find it easier to order my thoughts that way.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm feeling better having ranted. I'm pretty sure I'm just somewhat broken. I just wish I could find "the thing" that would fix me, and that it wouldn't be so grueling that I'm angry and tired all the time.
    Thanks for reading and offering advice, folks. And sorry for all the parentheses, I just find it easier to order my thoughts that way.

    It takes a long time to figure out what is going to work for your food preferences, medical issues, etc. It took me over a year to get into a grove, then I got pregnant! LOL

    Just be patient. Give yourself a solid month to try things out, and try to remember that you're doing better by just trying than you were before. Give yourself some credit for that.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • akgordoa
    I cake back to this thread and something occurred to me... Do you have any history of candida? Yeast in the body causes a lot of havoc that are a lot like your current health issues. Definitely ask a nutritionist about it, it could surprise you.
  • jjangula
    jjangula Posts: 10 Member
    I know this isn't the best thing.......but maybe you should try a cleanse......give your body a break, and jump start your weightloss again, many people carry around quiet a bit of water and "other" matter I like to clease once every 6 weeks it feels good.....I usually do a juicing or green smoothy and water clease for a week, I love it ......and try not to stress so much, which can stop you from losing.
    Maybe, stop trying so many crazy fad diets...and just listen to your body.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    i looked at your food diary and i'm wondering if you're calories are accurate. You only have a few things on there per day, but if you use oils, butter, sauces, you need to log those. Spread your calories throughout the day to thwart hunger, and make sure you have fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains if you have carbs.
    I know this may be a silly question, but how do you look at someone else's diary? I have only ever looked at my own or if someone posts at the end of the day and it says view diary occassionally I will peek at it.

    If you click on their profile, it should be an option next to their picture if they've made it available. If not, it won't appear.
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    I'm the same way. My metabolism & Thyroid are so slow that if I eat what is "healthy" my body thinks it is getting more food than it really is. I only lose successfully when I am at 1200 or less. The difference is, to my body, that is normal & I do not feel hungry or dizzy or anything scary like that.
  • snkoyle15
    i didnt read all of the replies so i dont know if this has been covered yet. but i looked at your profile and you say that you have thyroid problems and think you have PCOS. that right there could be why you are not loosing. if you do have PCOS, you also have insulin resistance and that needs to be taken care of or it could be virtually impossible to loose weight. you need to get your hormones and insulin in check and that should help
  • SEishen
    SEishen Posts: 35 Member
    Fruits & veggies, fruits & veggies, fruits & veggies. Oh, and more fruits and veggies.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    I also low carb and aim for 30g or less a day. I get my carbs from various things like avacado, onions, peppers, brocolli, mushrooms, etc. I sometimes eat a low carb tortilla or make a low carb muffin. I snack on macadamia's and/or peanut butter. I was stalled for 4 weeks eating less than 1500 calories most days while exercising (I was stuck between 297 and 301 lbs) and I up'd my calories and this week I am down 4 lbs. Now I aim for 1800 hundred calories minimum daily.
  • Meribeth928
    I saw that you have several health issues such as pcos which is hormone related. I was diagnosed years ago with pcos and have tried numerous things to lose weight with no success. I have decided to take control and figure a way to lose weight no matter what my health conditions. What has helped me the most and balanced/balancing my hormones is I have cut out Soy and proccessed foods. The cutting out soy can be a lil challenging as most all foods on the grocery store shelf contain soy. I eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies, even full fat cheeses and milk. I eat lean meats. I do have a couple soy free snacks I enjoy, such as Sensible Portions Veggie chips and straws and Popcorn Indiana Kettle Corn. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I do track my calories but the cutting out soy and proccessed foods has worked for me even when counting calories has not. I even have few to no symptoms of my PCOS right now. If I eat soy my symptoms return. Just an idea of something you may like to look into.

    Good Luck on your journey.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    i didnt read all of the replies so i dont know if this has been covered yet. but i looked at your profile and you say that you have thyroid problems and think you have PCOS. that right there could be why you are not loosing. if you do have PCOS, you also have insulin resistance and that needs to be taken care of or it could be virtually impossible to loose weight. you need to get your hormones and insulin in check and that should help

    Yeah, I'm 98% certain that hormonal issues are at play here. I was just hopeful for others who had gone before me to spill what worked for them. I guess it's a little unusual though. I will go to a doc(s)/specialist(s) in the future when there is more money available for that sort of thing. I am insured, but I have a high deductible and I am low on funds. It'll be at least a few more months until we're out of this money-hole of a house and can save some.

    Insulin resistance.. I got a blood glucose meter and tested over the course of a week. I was in the 70's most of the time, I went up to 160 after something really carby (that was once, after an entire bar of chocolate, for testing purposes, of course), but usually 110-120 after a meal, then back down to 70's. When I exercised I'd go into 50's after 20 minutes or so, coinciding with when I was feeling the most light-headed and spacey. Any exercise, intentional or just daily stuff apparently as it would happen throughout the day (I started testing when I felt "off" and had an "aha" when I figured out that's why I felt "off" periodically - even went into the 40's a few times). I don't think that's a diabetic pattern, but I don't know what it is. Just generally low? Maybe that's useful?
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    sorry about posting with out my text....

    But you have said you try 1,500 and do not lose then mention 800 (very low) what about 1,200 or 1,100 this is pretty doable and if you eat lots of veggies with your protein you will not be hungry.

    I agree here. I have had the same problem. I have to be around 800-900 cals to see a loss. If I go up I level out or gain. It is soooo frustrating. I eat lots of salads, cut way back on my carbs and was starving at first but have adjusted. It got the scale moving again. It is so hard. I don't agree with a set goal for everyone as we are all individuals. I eat constantly throughout the day 10 grapes here, 7 almonds there and am not hungry until bedtime. Then I just try to go to bed or chew gum. Good luck.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I was eating1200 and losing steadily. I went up to 1400/1500 because I started running again and felt like I was starving all the time. I stopped losing weight. I have been stuck since June, gaining and losing the same 3 or 4 lbs. I obviously need to eat exactly 1200 calories if I want to lose. I think some of us, especially with medical issues, like thyroid disease, need play with our intake and just experiment until we find what works. None of our bodies work exactly the same.

    I know what you mean when you say you feel like you are starving. Thats why I took a break from the 1200 thing, for a while, but I did keep running and exercising. I just enjoyed eating my 1500 calories and feeling satiated for once, and didn't stress over my stagnant state. I now feel ready, and I am back to trying to stick to 1200, but with one day at 1500. I think we all need breaks now and again, as long as we don't go crazy with it.
  • snkoyle15
    i didnt read all of the replies so i dont know if this has been covered yet. but i looked at your profile and you say that you have thyroid problems and think you have PCOS. that right there could be why you are not loosing. if you do have PCOS, you also have insulin resistance and that needs to be taken care of or it could be virtually impossible to loose weight. you need to get your hormones and insulin in check and that should help

    Yeah, I'm 98% certain that hormonal issues are at play here. I was just hopeful for others who had gone before me to spill what worked for them. I guess it's a little unusual though. I will go to a doc(s)/specialist(s) in the future when there is more money available for that sort of thing. I am insured, but I have a high deductible and I am low on funds. It'll be at least a few more months until we're out of this money-hole of a house and can save some.

    Insulin resistance.. I got a blood glucose meter and tested over the course of a week. I was in the 70's most of the time, I went up to 160 after something really carby (that was once, after an entire bar of chocolate, for testing purposes, of course), but usually 110-120 after a meal, then back down to 70's. When I exercised I'd go into 50's after 20 minutes or so, coinciding with when I was feeling the most light-headed and spacey. Any exercise, intentional or just daily stuff apparently as it would happen throughout the day (I started testing when I felt "off" and had an "aha" when I figured out that's why I felt "off" periodically - even went into the 40's a few times). I don't think that's a diabetic pattern, but I don't know what it is. Just generally low? Maybe that's useful?

    i totally understand about the whole money thing. with the insulin resistance, that 160 is waaaay to high! that shows that even if you are not diabetic yet, there is damage being done, which is not good. 2 hrs after a meal i think it needs to be under 140. that actually shows that your insulin is not working properly all the time. you probably need to have an A1c test done. that will show how your insuliln has been over the last 3 months. the mega dips and such might have something to do with the insulin resistance. you probably need to try to get a dr to prescribe you Metformin. it is a medication used to help manage IF and Type2 diabetes.