I only ate M&Ms today...oops



  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    Move on, learn from mistakes. Eat healthy. Drink your 8:drinker:
  • Don't look back and adopt the Scarlet O'Hara policy.....tomorrow is another day! :wink:
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    sounds like you need a life

    so damn rude.. Keep the rudeness to yourself and keep your mouth closed. Thank you
  • sjbrenda
    sjbrenda Posts: 4 Member
    eating candy is not a crime , quit punishing yourself, or letting others do it
  • SweetFeather
    SweetFeather Posts: 4 Member
    I've so been there! Don't beat yourself up! Tomorrow WILL be a better day!

    To get yourself motivated to eat healthier watch:
    Genetic Roulette: the movie. It is available to watch free thru tomorrow unless they extend it. It is about GMO foods and it will help get you to swear off cornsyrup and all other GMO foods.

    To motivate yourself to eat more veggies watch:
    Dr. Terry Wahl's TedX Talk on how she changed her diet and got out of her tilt-recline wheelchair. WHAT you eat matters more than you know and I guarantee you will be motivated to eat a lot more veggies after watching her talk.

    Hang in there... you can do this!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Great now I want m&m's


    not srs.......I do want m&m's now though:sad:
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    My mom brought some m&ms over for the kids like a week ago and I put the rest in the fridge. After seeing them daily in the fridge, I snuck a few tonight and walked away very nonchalantly and whistling. Yesterday I was so busy bringing the kids to club meetings, cleaning, and schooling the kids that I completely forgot to eat at all, I also didn't get to exercise either. Things happen and you move on. Keep moving forward!
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    :smile: I wouldn't make a habit of it but I don't think one day is going to hurt you too much.
  • jasbookworm
    jasbookworm Posts: 14 Member
    man some people are rude/slightly harsh.

    i pucking love m&m's.

    just do a bit of cardio today, drinks lots of water, and don't do it again. you can't uneat them so don't beat yourself up about it too much :)
    I thought you said I love puking M&Ms. I was like, 'whoa there, M&Ms arent THAT bad!':laugh:
  • SusieGirlRN
    SusieGirlRN Posts: 104 Member
    *** RUNS out to get M & Ms *** I have been wanting chocolate all day ~ although perhaps a bit excessive, I am completely capable of doing the same & perhaps worse :laugh: Have something healthy now & leave it in the past as it is :flowerforyou:
  • Rowena02148
    Rowena02148 Posts: 32 Member
    After reading a lot of responses, I'm glad I only read 1 very bad comment " ....you need a new life". ggggrrrrr!

    Forget about it. So, you only ate m&ms today. Tomorrow is a new day. Don't beat yourself up too much. What's done is done.

    Maybe your mind and body needs that extra pick me up. We all go through it; I do. No sweat. No one goes through a journey without a going over a bump on the road.

    Just keep going.... :)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I'd love that day in the life! M&M day!!

    Well, bad days happen. It's ok! You'll get back on it tomorrow.
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    As for the person that was so VERY insulting....You are not perfect either, otherwise guess what? You wouldn't be here tracking your calories and excercise with the rest of us~ We all have our downfalls and bad days along with the good days.

    Now to the M&M eating.. i'd like to share a saying with you. "Those of us that fail to plan, plan to fail" I'm not saying you purposely did this because I don't believe anyone would. Try to plan out what your going to eat ahead of time. I your not hungry or in a big hurry. Grab a piece of fruit, veggies, protein bar, yogurt, anything. At least it's something, and will probably help prevent you from having this bad of a day in the future. Personally, By the time I'm done eating, I usually know (for the most part) what my next meal is going to be. Helps me in a few ways. I can take out anything that is in the freezer ahead of time ( i live in a small rural community so many times i buy my meats in bulk and freeze them) The other reasoning behind what I do is- Im telling myself, I'm eating smaller meals now... but in X amount of time I will eat again. It has helped me greatly with not overeating anymore and eating the right kind of foods for me. Give it a try and let us know how it goes for you :)
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    Pass the M & M's please! and while your at it I'll take some hot popcorn to go with them....yummy! It's not an every day thing, so like some of your other mfp suggested eat some protein and get on with it...as far as the ruddiness, who has time...don;t take it personally!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I love M&Ms. Yummy day and it's over. It's one of those things that you probably have to do once just so you never want to do it again.

    I usually eat a large tub of popcorn with extra butter at the movies. That has to be worse.

    Good thing they aren't making many good movies anymore...

    Press on sister!

    or brother!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    A day eating M&M's? Where do I sign up?
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    live life and enjoy. although m&ms dont have any micronutrients:sad: , u probably stayed on track with ur weight loss because u were under ur calories:happy:
  • HakunaMatata519
    HakunaMatata519 Posts: 141 Member
    I read somewhere once that even if all you eat all day is twinkies, if you stay within your calorie limit, you will lose weight. Obviously that is very unhealthy, but if you had your M&Ms, and eat something tonight to get to you calorie limit, you're good! Not the healthiest choice, but calories are calories.

    If I were you, I'd think of keeping things in my car I can eat like granola bars, or boxes of raisins. Things that won't melt, but that are easy to snack on while driving.
  • HakunaMatata519
    HakunaMatata519 Posts: 141 Member
    live life and enjoy. although m&ms dont have any micronutrients:sad: , u probably stayed on track with ur weight loss because u were under ur calories:happy:

  • sunshine1992
    sunshine1992 Posts: 22 Member
    Pretty sure the person who said 'sounds like you need a life' was actually replying to the poster above her saying 'sounds like you need to plan', it was just poorly directed.

    However if they did mean it towards the OP, way harsh.. but I don't think that is how it was directed.

    As for the OP, it's not the end of the world. Just do better tomorrow :) There are times when we probably would have thought nothing of polishing of a bag of M&M's. Awareness is the first step! :)