I will never be able to lose this....


Beyond discouraged. I think I am going to give up and just be a big belly girl for life. Not worth it. It's driving me crazy I am too manic to count calories...I just can't anymore!!!


  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    If you are not ready then it will not work - give it a break and come back when you are ready.
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    If you really want it, I mean REALLY want it, then you will get it off.
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    If u only look at the mountain u have to climb and worry about how to get there u will never reach The top. If u start worrying about Thw mountaint and just focus on each step and enjoy the rights around u will u have reached the mountain's peak before u realize the task at hand.the journey is ur decision. However those who sit at the bottom of the mountain focusing on the difficulty of the climb will never get to enjoy the view from the top.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Yea, just take a break for a bit. Don't count cals but just don't go crazy with food either. If you just aim to eat a good amount of foods with smaller portions than usual and a few less sweets/chocolate or whatever you like to eat and go for a couple of walks a week you will lose weight. Stp counting if you don't like it.
  • kmhamilton6
    kmhamilton6 Posts: 53 Member
    How many you know with a belly like
    Mine? None right?
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    So don't count calories then.

    You are the only one who has control over your path - if you want this, and know WHY you want this, then you start figuring out how to get it.

    It is tough, but do-able. If counting calories drives you insane, then do other things. Eat a big green salad then wait 20 minutes before your next meal. Try cut out one 'bad' thing a week, or introduce 10 minutes more exercise.

    It doesn't have to be all or nothing - small goals give small victories and victories feel great!
  • got2tryagain
    Beyond discouraged. I think I am going to give up and just be a big belly girl for life. Not worth it. It's driving me crazy I am too manic to count calories...I just can't anymore!!!
    Can't never could. We all have the tools to do this including you! If you want it you will do what needs done. I don't really care for the effort I am having to put into getting healthy, but it is soooo worth it. Please don't give up on yourself. You can do this!!
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    Try setting small goals instead of looking at the goals that seem so far away. Such as make a goal of 20 pounds and then keep making new goals. You will get frustrated if you look at how far you have to go then the small accomplishments
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    You got yourself to that point, and you are able to get it off. If you want it bad enough, you will push until it happens. If you are not ready and not motivated, you may succeed for a few lbs in the short term, but more than likely not long term.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    No lie...yeah, it will take a while to lose it. If somehow you can go into this knowing that and accepting it, it might help. Take baby steps, and eventually they will add up. But others are right. This won't work until you are ready. You're going to need all the positive energy you can muster. So start small when you're ready. And think of it as a lifestyle, healthy change. I know it sounds cliche, but it is true.
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    If u only look at the mountain u have to climb and worry about how to get there u will never reach The top. If u start worrying about Thw mountaint and just focus on each step and enjoy the rights around u will u have reached the mountain's peak before u realize the task at hand.the journey is ur decision. However those who sit at the bottom of the mountain focusing on the difficulty of the climb will never get to enjoy the view from the top.

    I agree with this. I wish you the best but I have to say this: If you always do what you always did, you get what you always got. Change is good. Just plug along and see what happens in a month or two. If you try, you will be happily surprised.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Try setting small goals instead of looking at the goals that seem so far away. Such as make a goal of 20 pounds and then keep making new goals. You will get frustrated if you look at how far you have to go then the small accomplishments

  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Yes you will - 10 lbs at a time - follow the roadmap- don't look at how much to the final goal - look at the goal for the month.

    Find your BMR and TDEE - you can take 30% cut from TDEE to lose but still have enough to eat.
    Start to exercise - as simple as a walk around the block - add more laps as you get fitter.
    Pick up some resistance bands and build your strength.
    Small changes add up over time - you can do this.
    Give me a shout if you need help to check your numbers.
  • got2tryagain
    How many you know with a belly like
    Mine? None right?
    Actually I have a friend with a larger stomach and that is after she lost 50 lbs. But she is getting it done. It won't happen overnight but it will happen if you really want it.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Its tough, painful, and TIME consuming. But if you make the commitment, take it one day at a time and realize you will fall every once in a while. As long as you do not give up it will be one of the easiest things in the world. Now with all that being said. Stop feeling bad and use that pain as fuel and WORK IT OFF!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Go take a look in 'Success stories' it's so amazing what hard work and dedication can do. Some are truly inspirational. If they can do it ........
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    Lots! Take some time and go though looking at the success pictures, that really inspires me to keep moving. Take it slow as you start making new habits. Sometimes it is hard to change a lot of things, so concentrate on changing one thing at a time. If you drink soda, cut down over a period of a few week and once you have that licked than start the next thing. Eat a lot of fast food, then cut the number of times you do that. Or just order the sandwich without the fries and don't go large.

    I had pizza last night, the difference from before is I know longer eat 3/4 of a pizza I eat at the most 3 slices and I pick the smallest 3.

    I have to have somewhere like this to come and look at the success stories and challenges others are having at those moments I feel the same way you do. I know that I put the weight on over a period of several years and it is silly to expect it to come off in a short period of time. Take your time, find a pace that will work for you.

    You are far more powerful than you give yourself credit for, create some positive self talk and set small goals. Celebrate those when you reach them. You can do it, but you really have to want to do it for you. You can't do it for anyone else and you I don't think you really want to give up or you would not have posted here.
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    Having looked at your diary ... it looks like you`ve been doing the 1200 calorie thing. If you are actively dancing on a regular basis as you imply, you probably can eat more calories, go at it at a more reasonable pace, and not drive yourself nuts. It's working for me. I am just making sure I eat between my BMR and TDEE ... and when the weight comes off, it comes off. No need to get to a certain size for an event or anything. If I have a day when I have to grab a big mac and fries because I'm running late ... I have enough calories to work it into my caloric intake. I found the audio from fat2fitradio very helpful. The general philospohy is well summarized here:

  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    Okay, I am in the SAME position as you. I have a big belly and disgusting rolls and a few weeks ago, I weighed about 400 pounds. Losing weight is hard and being as big as me, it's going to take years to get it all off and really reap the rewards from my hard work, but just knowing that I'm doing SOMETHING to make things better and get there, is making it all worth it to me. What helped me was doing baby steps, by first slowly eating less and stop drinking soda slowly so I'd kick any addiction I had to caffeine, and now I'm slowly working out 20 minutes almost every day. It was hard, and it sucks knowing it's going to take a long time to get to where I want to be. But if I can do it, YOU can do it too. I'm not going to lie, it's going to be really rough but you've got to want it and be willing to do the work.
  • sheribrasington
    PLEASE do NOT give up. I am heavier than you. It takes time and patience. I just posted on my page about coming out of the restroom at Walmart and not recognizing myself. I have been doing this since January and I still have over 100 pounds to lose but you are still young, do not let this happen to you. DO something about it while you are young. It is NOT to late. Add me if you like if you need friends to support you then find some new ones that will. You can do this. Maybe you should think green vegetables and uping your protein cutting out all sugar and all white stuff. It will come off. Just remember it did not get like that overnight and it is going to take time to get off. Hang in there, You are worth it, do it for yourself.