Looking for others with 200+ to lose

Hi, I'm sweetalker, I have 201 pounds to lose and this is my first week. I'm diligent so far, and I would have done this sooner if I'd gotten a smartphone sooner. I track everything I eat, and every exercise I do. The math just does not add up, but I'm changing that. I started off trying for 1600 calories a day, but I felt very weak and I knew I couldn't keep it up, so I've changed it to 1810. At this rate I'll still make 1.9 lbs a week loss.

We 200+ losers have bigger issues, if you'll pardon the pun. Exercise is different. Going out in public is different. The finish line is a loooooooong way away, and we have to look toward years, not weeks or months, in the future before we start looking "normal" again. I'd like to have some friends that are going through the same struggles as me.


  • uawco
    I was so encouraged by your post. I love how you're taking the initiative to get back in shape. I just turned sixteen and I'm about 40 pounds overweight. I feel really embarrassed at school sometimes but I knew that I had to start working out. I work out three times a week. An hour in Friday and if we get a short day on Wednesdays I go for an hour. I've noticed that I started feeling so much better lately (even though I've only lost four pounds) and I feel like exercising.

    I would love to encourage you towards your goals. You've really inspired me and I hope you stay on track and get to your goal!
  • zhidecitta
    zhidecitta Posts: 15 Member
    Hey there, I'm over 50 pounds in, with over 200 to go. I'll be sending you a friend add. And I don't even know what my weight should be because I have been overweight my ENTIRE life. According to BMI, I've got 240 to go to hit healthy, but I set my goal for a target weight of 200 (6' M) for now to be a round number. I'm at 415 or so right now, starting at 470 pounds. The first 50 I lost on my own with countless diets over 2 years, and lost it at least 3 or 4 times over with all the back sliding. At first lowering the calories was rough, and I got weak all the time. It drove me insane, and I felt sick constantly. Eventually that sick and weak feeling would be too much, and I was afraid it would make me unable to think straight at work, so I would quit again. It took me a lot of dieting before I found what worked for me. I've found that if I'm too low in either carbs or protein, that's when I get sickly. Without carbs, your muscles don't want to work, as it's too busy trying to save every last calorie it can for the bigger than average BMR. Without protein, you can't repair if you try to exercise, and just feel broken for 2 or 3 days every time you exert yourself. I saved my money and bought a gym-grade rowing machine that is rated for 500 pounds. Being this large, even finding fitness equipment can be rough, as you might need to lose a hundred pounds or more just to get on them. My rowing machine has been a great investment though, as I can do a hard, no-impact cardio exercise without having to leave my apartment.
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    OMG, yes! I remember saving up and getting this awesome stationary bike last year, and turns out I can't use it (it creaks when I get on it, checked the manual and turns out I need to lose at least 80 pounds first). I was too embarrassed to return it, so now I have this eyesore in my bedroom, a constant reminder that I am too fat to even lose weight.

    Past it now, but it hurt at the time.