Breast reduction

For those who have had breast reduction. What are some things that you needed after your procedure? Any tips?
I am having one next month and trying to get prepared.

Thanks in advance!


  • lovelessofme
  • tpotey
    tpotey Posts: 127 Member
    I had a reduction in September of 2004. I'm trying to remember what I had to get after the seems like it was so long ago. I do remember buying sports bras and those little circle shaped nursing pad for my incision area. The surgery went really well and I wasn’t in much pain afterwards.

    Feel free to send me a message with any questions.

    Good Luck!
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member
    First and foremost congratulations!! 10/10/2006 was the best day of my life of course next to the birth of my 2 children and my wedding day. They took 2.5 lbs off each side and U have not had an aching back since. Buy several athletic bras, Be sure to get the ones that have the clasp in the front. Lefting your arms up and down is hard plus buy a few wireless bras... I know I had no idea they even existed!!! Get ready - it is life changing!!!!!
  • lovelessofme
    Thank you for the congrats and congrats back to you as well :) My date is 10/29/12 we are thinking approx 3 pounds on each side. Should I buy the bra's prior to surgery or after? Non wireless will be awesome!

    Thank you for the tip about the breast pads... I am trying to prepare mentally....and get everything in order...

    On my phone I have a countdown to surgery day... :)
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes go ahead and buy one or two but you can't wear a wire for at least 6 weeks - hard to believe Huh?
    The best part is that they are perky!!!!
  • tisane42
    tisane42 Posts: 46 Member
    Wow, good luck!

    I can't imagine having perky breasts. I think mine have pointed straight down since I was 13.

    I'm going to start looking into surgery once I'm down 75 lbs--I wanted to see how much breast tissue I lose as I lose weight. Usually I don't lose any. They just stay the same size and droop more. :laugh:
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    Never, ever, ever, EVER has there been a day go by where I miss my old bra size. It is life-changing, and the benefits are just amazing. <3 because of my reduction that I got 2.5 years ago, I can exercise and be pain-free.... And not have to jog with my arms crossed below my bosoms to keep them from falling off (or, at least feeling like they are).

    As for tips on exercising with them... I honestly can't help you out there. I was completely sedentary when I had mine done. Perhaps taking it slow is best, especially right after, and working up to it. For example, start with bicycle machines, then move to walking as you start to heal up. Compared to most surgeries, the healing process is *immensely* quicker, but it's always good to lean on the side of caution. Your new bosoms are gonna look fantastic, and trust, you'll want them to stay that way forever!

    Good luck, and don't sweat too much. :) Even the hour after my surgery was done, I felt almost no pain at all. You can do it! <3
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    My suggestion would be a body pillow. I am a stomach sleeper, which I couldn't do for a couple months. It was too painful to lie on them. I would use the body pillow for support to lie from side to side. I would put the pillow lengthwise under my back and prop myself from one side to the other. I didn't buy my bras till after because of the swelling. I remember thinking my boobs still looked huge even after removing 1.5lbs from each side. Most of it was swelling, which lasted several months. Good luck on your recovery. You will Love the results.