Killer buns and thighs ?

I'm starting it today.

Anyone who has tried it what kind of results did you get ?


  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I've done level 1 and boy it's killer like the title says! It's 4 circuits if I remember correctly and the workout was about 40 minutes long. Good luck!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Its over a year since I did it so dont remember my exact results but I would guess a couple of pounds. I thought it was great to focus on legs for ones, having done Ripped and 30 ds. With som additional cardio and doing it with heavy weights I think its a good way to get the defintition down on the thighs.
  • Hello there, would be nice to hear more about what routines do u do in this circuit training for Killer buns and Thighs....we could use all the help !!!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Maybe about 4 to 5 moves per circuit, 4 circuits in total, 1 or 2 being cardio moves per circuit, the other pure strength or isolation moves with or without weights.
  • I did KB&T after finishing 30DS and RI30 so I think that's why must results weren't great. I actually gained inches in my biceps and lost 1/2 " in ONE thigh :laugh: gained 0.6 lbs too! However I did see a huge improvement in the shape and tone of my butt and thighs! I honestly believe it was because my previous 2 workouts had got me to a place where I didn't have many inches I could lose! Just finished 6w6p and again....only lost 1/2 inch on my waist but my abs/ stomach LOOK WAAAY BETTER! I think it will depend on where you are starting from as to what results you will see. Enjoy KB&T!