


  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Why not four whole eggs?

    because some of us are watching calories and 4 whole eggs is around 300 cals- Id like my whole breakfast/meal to be about that and consist of an egg and other nutrients. Its a calorie thing.

    I would also guess some ppl can not have all the colesterol that would be in 4 eggs.

    Love the yoke and enjoy quite many a week- but I also am trying to stay around 1400-1500 calories and like spreading it around where the nutrition in my calories come from. Eggs are great- but not the total package- right?
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'd say go in between....don't eat too few or too many but do eat the whole egg. Apparently, the majority of the vitamins are in the yolk so there are problems with just eating a portion only.

    Here's a mini-chart (see above) that shows you where most of the calcium and folate are in an egg. You want to eat the yolk.

    This is another chart - even more detailed ( you can cross reference them). You can take a look at where all the vitamin A is located.

    I think the best bet is to eat the whole egg or you're just tossing some perfectly good nutrition. If worried, eat less eggs BUT eat the whole thing.
  • I have colon cancer and red meat is now a no-no. Fortunately I LOVE eggs and eat about 6 a week. Sometimes whole, sometimes the yolk plus whites. Love my egg protein!
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member

    This is an interesting news article which talks about new studies that now state eggs are lower in cholesterol than believed previously and apparently, the quality of the egg is based on what they feed the chickens. So, going cheap on the eggs may not be such a good idea.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I love eggs. They're great for a quick dinner when I'm low in protein for the day. I take issue with folks who don't eat the yolks. I read many studies that say the "bad cholesterol" or whatever found in the yolk is counterbalanced by the good in the white so it's a perfect food as is :)
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    I eat a lot of eggs, always whole eggs. Yolks contain a lot of nutrients. But I am very picky about eggs, I have 'backyard' chickens and they free range and get organic feed........these eggs are so awesome, I can't stand to even eat eggs from Whole Foods or other Health Food stores..... . My cholesterol and triglycerides are low and eggs are a perfect source of nutrition for me (and very feeling) in my vegetarian diet. And I have been eating a lot of eggs for years, it is not a recent change. I just don't eat a lot of 'bad fats'.....:smile:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why not four whole eggs?

    The yolk contains a lot of calories and fat and not much nutrients.
    The whites are the part of the egg that contains all of the nutrients for less calories :)

    If that makes sense in the slightest!
    Pretty much all the nutrients are in the yolk. The whites are just protein.
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    I eat them em.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    God do i love eggs. I am a whole hearted yolkaholic though. No way i could throw away the best part. This morning i had 2 eggs hashbrowns and a piece of bacon and was still under 450 calories. And it was delicious.
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Get you some free-range, grass (and bug) fed chickens. Eat their eggs. All of the egg. Eat 1, or 3 if you're feeling wild. IMO, eggs like that are not only delicious, they are healthy. Taking the yolk away from the white is like taking the fat out of peanut butter. It's a whole food source - not just supposed to be taken apart and one eaten without the other. The nutrients work together to be absorbed better.
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member

    This is an interesting news article which talks about new studies that now state eggs are lower in cholesterol than believed previously and apparently, the quality of the egg is based on what they feed the chickens. So, going cheap on the eggs may not be such a good idea.

    Good point/reference........That's why I am sooooooo thrilled to have my own chickens. I get plenty of eggs for my household and the surplus goes to friends. I have so many people asking for eggs from my mini flock it is amazing, I guess the look and taste of them convinces people that there is a difference in 'quality' of eggs from free-ranging , grass/greens/bugs/etc fed chickens is better than the 'supermarket' eggs
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    while we are on the subject of eggs...they are usually very easy to find locally. Look around your neighborhood it might be your neighbors even have a few laying hens or look for a local small farmer and/or your local natural food coop or better yet set-up your own chicken coop--you only need a few hens and it is a great project for kids (these eggs are far superior than store-bought and they are so much better for you and the chickens). So buy local cruelty-free antibiotic free eggs to help your local economy and your health at the same time. I wouldn't dream of only eating the whites though. I just had 2 scrambled eggs with homemade salsa and vegan cheese on top (because I don't eat dairy unless it adheres to the same guidelines) and my whole breakfast was 215 calories. Not bad.
  • I have no problem with the yolk (love how flavorful it is and all the health benefits it provides!), but am trying to lose weight and gain lean muscle at the same time...and, I too, am one who can't bear the idea of throwing away the yolk, so I compromise: 1 whole egg + 2 servings of egg whites (liquid egg whites in the carton). This way, I still get nutrients AND a TON of protein, without all of the calories from 3 whole eggs and wasting part of a perfectly good whole egg.

    I have been doing this the past month or so, along with a slice of whole grain, no high fructose corn syrup bread and have started losing weight again and seeing some good definition in my muscles, after a two month plateau...change up your diet and workouts, people...plateaus suck! :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    People who push hormone free eggs amuse me. It is illegal in the United States to feed hormones to chickens, and it has been for a few decades.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member

    This is an interesting news article which talks about new studies that now state eggs are lower in cholesterol than believed previously and apparently, the quality of the egg is based on what they feed the chickens. So, going cheap on the eggs may not be such a good idea.

    Good point/reference........That's why I am sooooooo thrilled to have my own chickens. I get plenty of eggs for my household and the surplus goes to friends. I have so many people asking for eggs from my mini flock it is amazing, I guess the look and taste of them convinces people that there is a difference in 'quality' of eggs from free-ranging , grass/greens/bugs/etc fed chickens is better than the 'supermarket' eggs

    That is awesome! And yes I'm sure people have noticed yours are definitely better tasting, healthier, and fresher than anything you could find at the supermarket (mostly all eggs at the supermarket are factory-farmed---or as I like to call them: tortured). When chickens are part of a family they tend to get what they need nutritionally and space-wise so they are way less stressed. You've probably noticed the shells are stronger and the yolk is darker. Not to mention the people I know who have them love their chickens (even the retired grannies) so they get real love too and I'm sure that doesn't hurt. :)
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    thanks for the charts comparing values...
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    People who push hormone free eggs amuse me. It is illegal in the United States to feed hormones to chickens, and it has been for a few decades.

    I think you are referring to my post, and that was a mistake I meant to write "antibiotic free". Egg producers use "hormone free" just to try to sell them. And I'm not sure what you think is funny about that. That is an issue of truth in labeling (another entirely different but equally serious issue). Hormones are not the issue here animal rights and human health are. Many of us would rather die than eat the product/labor (because I am vegetarian I don't eat flesh) of a living (or once living) creature who was factory farmed. I don't want to inject too much of that here in this thread but here are a few resources for you if you are interested in learning more about the subject: