What # do you never want to see on the scale again?



  • I haven't gotten there yet...but I want to be below 150. I haven't been that low in 20 years. Sigh. I am going to get there. And hopefully even lower.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    basically any multiple of 10 i pass, i recently past the 240 mark so now thats my benchmark, 250 was a really big one because i weigh in on doctor's scale and I HATED presetting at 250
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Although I don't base my life off of a little number displayed to me on a screen, I don't want to see anything higher than around 120-125. I've worked too hard to start slipping back. It's just not an option.
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm barely started on my journey, but when I hit 200, I intend to start weight training and maintaining the weight. Reduce the fat and gain the muscle. Maybe after I bulk on the muscle I'll go into a calorie deficit and improve my fat %. If I can be a XL with 10% body fat, I'll be my happiest. That aside, I think 200lb will be my max limit when I get there.
  • FitFlipRunner
    FitFlipRunner Posts: 66 Member
    I never want to see 180 ever again. I run from it. I run from type 2 diabetes. I run to inspire. I run to live!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    The 120s! I finally broke it, and I am NEVER going back! (Until I get pregnant :smile: )
  • 11stone... well I dont mind 11stone its the bhudda belly i dont like
  • TeaberryDawn
    TeaberryDawn Posts: 30 Member
    I never want to see a 3## again ... getting close. Then eventually it will be a 2## :-)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Never over 200 again, would love to see the last of 180s but goal weight 160's :love:
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I never want to see my weight starting with a 2 ever again. 215 was my highest.
  • mrook2009
    mrook2009 Posts: 64 Member
    Every time I hit a 10 lb milestone, I never wanna go back. Like when I hit 169, I vowed never to see 170 again. Then never 160, or 150...just last week, I hit 139 lbs on my scale for the first time since before my son was born (he's almost 6!) and I never wanna be in the 140s again (you know, unless I'm like super pregnant or something, but not under normal life circumstances).

    That may earn me a lot of "what do you know about being fat" or "I'd kill to be in the 140s" comments, but that's my reality. I'm 5'3" with a very small frame, and I never wanna let myself treat my body badly enough that I become overweight again.

    This is exactly how I feel! I'm in the 240's now and once I hit the 30's I never want to see 40's again! :)
  • TabbyCat1010
    TabbyCat1010 Posts: 9 Member
    Nothing over 135 again! Unless pregnant of course :) Though once I am steadily in the 120's, nothing in the 130's again!
  • HRCephei
    HRCephei Posts: 85 Member
    I never want to see 2 again, unless it's 182 or 172... Currently 188. Heaviest was 247
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    the dang 200s I cant' wait to never see again! also 190 because that's always where I get stuck at... gotta get under them first though!
  • KimberErin
    KimberErin Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'10 and 180 wasn't a very fun weight to be at. but I NEVER EVER want to be in the 200's.
  • 120's and i also expect to see them every time i step on the scale and am always surprised that i'm below that and staying there
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My starting weight.. (sorry i know people on here IRL) :)
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
  • Anything in the 170's (hell it can even be 179.9) I haven't seen that range in 6 years.

    EDIT: Herp, I can't read. I NEVER want to see 195 again. That was my starting weight, and while not my all-time high, that was when I became accountable for my weight and health.
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Any number starting with a 3. I was over 300 pounds for too long (315 was my highest) and I'm now down to 286. So I'm never going back to where I started. Someday I hope to not see a 2 as the first number either.