Weird feeling after 'victory' treat.

So ever since I started in May I haven't had any snacks, fried food or fizzy drinks. Today after losing 50 lbs (yay) I had my planned 'victory treat'.

I stuffed myself with a bag of M&M's (200g, won't lie the first 50g were good, the rest went in without it tasting particularly well...), but I don't really feel all to well.

It seems like the skin on my cheek is sort of glowing. I don't feel like I'm ill or anything, just my skin surface feels sort of weird and I don't mean it as in touching the skin, just the actual feel of my cheeks.

Could this have been from the sudden change in food intake? I have been eating quite healthy for the last 3-4 months, since I started this adventure, but haven't gone completely 'green'. Obviously if this feeling lasts I will see my doctor, but I was wondering if you guys had any weird feelings (both physical and mentally) when you first had a snack or any other treat after changing in 'diet' (I really don't like calling it that).


  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    I don't know why you're feeling weird, but may I suggest your next victory treat is not something edible? Buy yourself some new clothes or go on a spa day or a vacation or get yourself a new gadget. Rewarding your weight lost with a bad food is a bit like someone who has quit smoking rewarding themselves with a cigarette.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Not sure about your particular reaction, but I definitely don't tolerate 'junk' food well anymore. Soda gives me a headache now, as does most fast food. I use it as an excuse to get Chipotle when we're out since that yumminess doesn't bother me :smile:
  • kmhenry84
    kmhenry84 Posts: 96 Member
    Yea, I agree... don't make your reward food that you are trying to free yourself from.

    If you love M&M's, have some in mild moderation when you feel that you need to. Just have a few, not a big bag, and make sure it fits in your "budget.' But yes, it sounds like its just shock from he food being in your body again after isolating it from your body. It will pass.
  • adrBB
    adrBB Posts: 19
    I don't know why you're feeling weird, but may I suggest your next victory treat is not something edible? Buy yourself some new clothes or go on a spa day or a vacation or get yourself a new gadget. Rewarding your weight lost with a bad food is a bit like someone who has quit smoking rewarding themselves with a cigarette.

    You're right, it is/was a bit of a weird celebration and any of my next goals I reach (pretty much done weight loss wise, now aiming to tone up) will have a different 'type' of reward.
    Not sure about your particular reaction, but I definitely don't tolerate 'junk' food well anymore. Soda gives me a headache now, as does most fast food. I use it as an excuse to get Chipotle when we're out since that yumminess doesn't bother me

    Like I said it didn't taste as amazing as it used to, probably because I'm not addicted to sugar anymore (which is a good thing, haha) and will probably just stay away from it as the aftermath is such a different feeling and kind of uncomfortable.
  • adrBB
    adrBB Posts: 19
    Yea, I agree... don't make your reward food that you are trying to free yourself from.

    If you love M&M's, have some in mild moderation when you feel that you need to. Just have a few, not a big bag, and make sure it fits in your "budget.' But yes, it sounds like its just shock from he food being in your body again after isolating it from your body. It will pass.

    Agree on the food reward bit, I really thought it would be more of a treat then it actually ended up feeling like. It's not that I love M&M's just was the reward I set a few weeks ago when the 50 lbs was in sight.
  • eric5150ii
    eric5150ii Posts: 53 Member
    Nice insulin spike - you just completely confused the heck out of your system. As we eat healthier, our bodies (the amazing adaptable machines that they are) become more and more efficient at puling the needed macro- & micro- nutrients out of the foods that we consume. If you are eating a healthy diet, this usually means no processed to heck items nor items loaded with sugar. You just consumed both. Doing some simple searching, that is 132g of sugar, 148g of carb. IN ONE SITTING. Over the course of an entire day, not too bad, but all at once, pure havoc. This plays hell with the pancreas, insulin, and other factors of the body. Hence, the flushed/nauseated feeling.

    Personally, I know I have food issues. Hence, NONE of my rewards are food based. I'll budget for new clothing, a new book, exercise gear, a new piece of guitar equipment. Something healthier, that I will enjoy long-term, versus the instant gratification of a food item. As you noted, only the first couple of bites are worth it anyhow. I much prefer having something I can look at and say "Yeah. You EARNED this".
  • its prolly the caffeine in the chocolate. gave you sort of a rush.