What is your heaviest? Lightest? Where are you now? Goal?



  • Heaviest-202
    Lightest- 134
    Now- 161
    Goal- 134-136
    I'm 5'4''
  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    Heaviest: 198
    Lightest: 141
    Current weight: 167.6
    Goal weight: 130-135 (before bulking begins)
    Height: 5' 6.25"

    The goal does look low, but I'm dense-boned, so I have to be rather light to appear it.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Heaviest: 156 (the week my son was born, pre-hospital) 1993
    Lowest: 107 (after contracting an ear infection in both ears) 2002
    Starting weight this time: 150 (12/25/10)
    Goal weight when I started: 118
    Current weight: 110

    Currently trying to learn how to maintain my weight, which I haven't been good at in the past, but also trying to build muscle or at least keep my current body fat level (20%). I'm 47, so gonna take continued effort to keep the muscle I have even if I don't add any.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Height: 5´2¨
    Heaviest: Around 200lbs, I was always too afraid of using the scale. (last december)
    Lowest: 145 (5 years ago)
    Now: 140 lbs
    Goal weight: 120.... getting closer! :smile:
  • Height - 4ft. 11in.

    Heaviest - 230lbs.
    Lightest - 125lbs back in High school
    Now - 212lbs.
    My Goal - 115lbs
    I'm now working out and eating more nutrional foods.

    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com"><img src="http://badges.myfitnesspal.com/badges/show/2972/3036/29723036.weight-lost-md.gif&quot; border="0"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:152px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest: 405
    Lightest: I can't even remember, I'm lighter now than I was in 8th grade...
    Currently: 180
    Goal: 145-150
  • Height: 5'3
    HW: 247 (February 2009)
    LW: 138 (Last fall-ish around late Sept./early Oct.)
    CW: 161

    Ashamed of my gain, but STILL thankful I'm no where NEAR 200lbs. Want to ultimately get to 125 but will settle between 130-140. Praying to at least get to 135 by June 1st. I think it's pretty realistic...
  • DayoUDaShit
    DayoUDaShit Posts: 41 Member
    My Heaviest: 246 lbs
    My Lightest: 140 lbs
    Now:199.5 lbs
    Goal: 150 lbs

    Im 5'6
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    My Heaviest: 315 lbs (Just a year ago)
    My Lightest: 220 lbs (11 and a half years ago when I got married)
    Now: 260 lbs
    Goal: 180 lbs (May change when I get closer. Just want under 200)

    I'm 5'4
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    My heaviest was 393 lbs on July 1, 2011...

    My lightest was 174.6 lbs on September 10, 2012...

    I currently weigh 178.0 lbs or a BMI of 24.1 for a 46 year old male who is 6 feet tall...

    My goal is to maintain a BMI of 25 or less or to weigh no more than 184.4 lbs... Basically, I do not necessarily need to lose anymore weight right now...
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Heaviest (not pregnant. I don't count that): 208 on August 28, 2012.

    Lightest as an adult: 132 sometimes in the 80's. Hard to maintain, not really practical.

    Current: 192 as of this morning.

    Goal: 145. I can, and have maintained that. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure I can get there and stay there.

    I'm 5'7".

    It looks like I dropped a lot of weight really quickly, but I think the 208 what a little bit of a false high, after a weekend of pigging out. I was 192 in May of this year, but in June my 21 year old son was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma, and I am a stress eater... He is in treatment, and doing very well. Seeing 208 on the scale really freaked me out and I am now really ready to do something about the extra weight and poor eating habits I allowed to take over.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    5'5 '
    49 years
    highest weight 290
    lowest 175 (as adult)
    current 252.2
    1st goal - 199
    once I reach 199 will re-evaluatefor final goal
  • Heaviest: 322 pounds
    Lightest: 210 pounds
    Currently: 262 pounds
    Goal: 210/220.

    Over halfway there, never going back.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member

    Heaviest: 165.5 kilograms, 365 pounds, February last year. Although, probably not. This was at a doctor's appointment where I am pretty sure I had already lost 10 kilograms already. It is my heaviest recorded weight.

    Lightest and current weight: 84.3 kilograms, 186 pounds.

    Goal weight: 120 to145 pounds. I'll decide when I get there.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    Heaviest 196lbs
    Lightest (due to illness and other reasons) 98lbs
    Current weight 182lbs

    Aiming to get to a healthy 135-140lbs
    height 5'6
  • I am 4'11"" and 61 years old
    When I met my "sweety" I was about 150 lbs, he took me out to eat frequently and In about 11 years I ended up at 219 lbs!!!!....I was faced with having to buy bigger clothes and said to myself "no way!" that was in Oct 2010.. my current picture here is when I was at my biggest....I need to get a new photo

    .I have been trying since then and have lost 29lbs total, but because of health issues, I started to eat a bit more and gained back about 5 lbs...health issues started about 6 months ago, but the gain has been in the last month..

    I am now about 193, in another week or so I will weigh in for this site..

    My lowest adult weight was after a crash diet of juices only...115....but then ended up vitamin defieient and started to have problems related to that...including failure of my IUD

    My goal is about 125...my doctor is pleased with me losing slowly...and every time I go to see her, I weigh a little bit less....
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    Heaviest: 313 in 1998
    Lightest: 128 in 2008
    Now: 186
    Goal: 135

    Did it before I can do it again......Learned that stress is not my friend period!!!
  • EllieLou357
    EllieLou357 Posts: 34 Member
    H: 155
    L: 127
    C: 145
    G: 135
    I'm 5'6"
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Heaviest= 360
    Lightest= can't say I was a teen back then
    Now= 293
    Goal= 180-190 we'll see when I get close to one of these
  • Heaviest=280
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