Friend me if you love to run and love life!

I am a great believer in the mantra "live for the moment". Life is just too short, you just have to go for it! But possessing such a spontaneous frame of mind, can and has, seen me regularly stack on the pounds! Clothes in my closet (well my suitcase and assortment of storage boxes) easily cover three dress sizes. So, fed up with my weight fluctuations and forced to fly light with ridiculous luggage restrictions, I have had to convert to the mantra "it's now or never"! I am determined to finally put an end to that feeling of always being just a tad overweight, or losing weight then (after a few weeks of partying) gaining it back again. So I am aiming to be a rock hard fit as *kitten* 135lbs, as soon as humanly possible. There will be the odd occasion when it would be rude not to partake in a martini or two, but I am determined to see this through to the end. Feel free to friend me if you love to run! I am 3 miles off completing the 100 mile challenge for this month and will soon starting a weights program. I am looking for like minded people to brighten up my timeline...


  • you sound like a female version of me! haha
  • You can do it,.....if you really want to it just takes work....lets run
  • There will be the odd occasion when it would be rude not to partake in a martini or two, but I am determined to see this through to the end.

    Exactly what im thinking... party season is coming up, 2 months time and all the xmas parties/nights out start. Im trying to work my *kitten* off now so I can have fun and drink/eat lots over Christmas and not feel so guilty! Deal with it all in January then :D