Stretchmarks, they keep bugging me!

So, i accepted the fact that they will never go away but there also lies my frustration.

Now that i am working out alot and eating clean i slowly starting to see the lines in my stomache, at the side, beyond the fat and in a distance i can actually see my abs coming but i also see the marks.

Mine are the same colour as my skin but they are deep and long, i got a couple that start at the bottom of my belly to half way my belly.

What even frustrates me more that i know a couple guy who have beer bellies that are triple the size my belly ever was and they dont have a single strechmark.

:( everytime when i am in front of the mirror is see those deep,wide and long inside out scars.

Could someone cheer me up about this?

And.. any guy out there who is now ripped and have em and do you have a photo?

I am sorry to put out my frustration here but i don't have anyone irl to talk about this.


  • Jillbaby1972
    Jillbaby1972 Posts: 12 Member
    I think anyone who has battled losing weight has stretch marks. I can't help you except to say I understand. and you are not alone.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    oh yes i have plenty. They are not really visible though. They are light now like white. I really don't mind them at all. Never did actually.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    cocoa butter helps...that's what I used when I was pregnant.....
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have them horribly too. My yo yo weight gain and losses doesn't really help. All you can really do is accept them once they fade. I promise they aren't as noticeable to other people as they are to you.
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    Unfortunately genetics also play a part in whether you'll get them or not. You're one of the unlucky ones, like me, who are prone to get them. There's not much that can be done about them but eventually they do fade and become less noticeable. The truth is though you probably notice them a lot more than anyone else because you're more conscious of them.

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with them, but like Jill said you're not alone.
  • acdchick
    Call them a badge of honor! You have them to show because you were heavy and now aren't. Everyone has flaws, a bit of character is all it amounts to.
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    Call them a badge of honor! You have them to show because you were heavy and now aren't. Everyone has flaws, a bit of character is all it amounts to.

    Love this! What a great way to think of them.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I have them on my belly and my arms. Hate them to no end but what can be done?
  • Koryuu
    Koryuu Posts: 27 Member
    At least yours are skin colored. ^^ Mine are purpley.
  • davidmcgowan1987
    tigers have stripes
    leopards have spots
    you have stretch marks.

    no ones going to look at them once your ripped... and even if they do, all they will be able to say is "congratulations you must have lost some serious weight"
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    They will get less and less noticeable over time - I promise. I had the scariest looking ones during my first pregnancy, as in - they looked like a wild animal had clawed my stomach, and it was bleeding. (No - not actually bleeding, but it looked like it was!!)

    Now I really have to look for them to notice them. Time really does improve them.

    Moisturizing helps, or so they say (I was too lazy to bother, LOL!)
  • TBirdReets
    I feel your pain....I've had stretch marks since before puberty. I was 97 lbs and had growth spurt and shot up to 5'10 very quickly. I was the only painfully skinny kid I knew who had stretch marks from growing in height. Now the my weight had more then doubled, I have them everywhere.....I hate them!! Vitamin E oil helps them fade.
  • Sandraleigh87
    Sandraleigh87 Posts: 52 Member
    I have them too and let me tell ya, they've never scared off a single soul! I've had 2 kids and have them on my chest, stomach, and thighs. You are perfect the way that you are. Confidence is sexy!! Love em!!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Think about it this way, probably 95% of the population has stretch marks. And do you know what everyone else is thinking about? Their OWN stretch marks, not yours. Accept them and work on becoming ripped with some washboard abs. No one will think once about some stretch marks.
  • FaithInAes
    FaithInAes Posts: 54 Member
    I have tons. I got a lot when I was growing up because I gained a lot of weight pretty quickly, then I had a baby and they only got worse. They are very dark but eventually they do fade. I always tell myself that I may not have perfect skin but I can have a perfect body and that motivates me to workout and keep pushing on!
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I have a lot of stretchmarks too. I have them pretty much all over, even in the bends of my arms (opposite side elbow). Some of them are really big/noticeable, but I don't allow mine to bother me anymore. I don't think I know anyone who doesn't have any stretchmarks. They will fade and become less noticeable. Look at them as a reminder of where you've been, where you are never going again, and what you have been through. It's normal to feel insecure about them but the best thing to do is accept your body and embrace your flaws. Everyone has them. :) don't worry
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I have them too and let me tell ya, they've never scared off a single soul! I've had 2 kids and have them on my chest, stomach, and thighs. You are perfect the way that you are. Confidence is sexy!! Love em!!

    Oh and this too!

    Ignore your marks and everyone else will too.
  • Clarissia_Nicole
    Clarissia_Nicole Posts: 79 Member
    I have had them since I was like 14 and gained a lot of weight really fast. They have always bugged me to A LOT and I have always been self-conscious, NEVER took my shirt off in front of anyone, hid in the bathroom stall to change in the locker room in HS. It even caused me to be depressed cause I'd look at them and be like ewww anyone who sees this will be disgusted.
    Well now that Ive lost 30 lbs and am sooo much happier in general I really dont care about them anymore. I dont know what exactly it was that caused me to get over it, but it's like someone else said: They are probably a bigger deal/more noticable to you than anyone else. Also, I have used cocoa butter every day several times and I'm finally starting to see them fade. Eventually if you keep the skin moisturized they will fade but it takes time. There are also laser treatments available to reduce the appearance. Im considereing going in for consulting about getting that done, it's not too expensive depending on where you go and how many sittings you have to have. I think it was Katt Williams who said "If you have stretch marks it means either one of two things: either you were skinny and got fat, or you were fat and got skinny." Really unless you get them laser removed, theres nothing you can do and you should try to just love your body and not obsess over it cause I've been there and it didnt help anything.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    Being that your young you have a better chanse that they will fade with time. I have some and I'm older and I have other things like the shrivled prune look!
  • ChristaFall
    ChristaFall Posts: 72 Member
    The other day I was in a class at the gym and I noticed the guy in front of me had a lot on his arms. The ONLY thought that came into my head is "man, he must've been heavy at one point and lost A LOT of weight, good for him!" I agree with the previous posters that it's a badge of honor. This guy is in great shape, and I never would have known that he was ever overweight at one time in his life..