Trampette- Mini Trampoline

I've been looking all over the internet to try and find out how many calories i would burn by jogging on my trampette. just seems that no one knows what a trampette is-but its just one of those mini trampoline you jog or bounce on. the calories burnt for trampoline usually include doing things like seat drops etc so dont really count for what im doing on the trampette. anyone know anything about calories burnt on this trampette or where i can find something that would help? thankyouu


  • nikkia75
    Hi i am buying one today. After doing a bit of research myself. It depends on your height and weight but from wheat i can make out its between 100-300 calories for 30 mins jogging on the Trampette,
    Thats good enough for me.

    ill do half hour on that in a morning and then my usual half hour on the EA active for the Wii early evening. so i should burn around 400-500 a day.

    Hope that helps. If you have found out any other info please let me know. :happy: