New & Need Friends

Hello, I'm new here and have a whipping 70 lbs to lose. Would love to give and get support. :-). Please add me! I'm a 35-year-old father of three and my doctor told me I needed to lose weight so I'm going to try. Hope to meet lots of new people.


  • I also am new and need friends.
    to date, I've lost 10 lbs. The program works, but friendly support would be a huge help.
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    howdy... you can add me if you want... 35 as well (until tuesday) and looking to loose about the same amount... only been a member a short time... so far so good... though Octoberfest tonight was pretty hard...
  • Welcome and Good Luck on your journey! I'll add you for sure. I can't wait to see and hear about you losing weight to reach your goals. Everyone needs extra motivation, so let's help each other out! Good Luck!!
  • jowannis
    jowannis Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm new to the site and I'm hoping with all the support I can get this weight off I just had surgery last Tues so I'm taking it easy. I'm still healing so keep me in prayer....Add me
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member
    Hey guys, hello. :)
    Can I join in too please? I am new to this site. I am 32 and am looking to lose around 60 pounds. My aim was 70 pounds and I did 15 on my own, but have put 6 back on. I can not do this alone and would love to support you guys and be a part of the support group too.

    Good luck! I look forward to all of us getting healthy and achieving our goals together. :)
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello :) Feel free to add me anyone. I do my best to support.
  • renswork
    renswork Posts: 5 Member
    I'm also looking to give support and receive some. I'm down 40lbs but still have 60 to go. So any help is appreciated. . Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! I will add you :) I've lost almost 30 so far but still have quite a bit to go. Anyone else can add me as well
  • I just joined on Thursday and need support and will give it too... I lost 100 lbs or so in the last 3 years on my own, but I need to lose another 40 lbs and I thought coming on here would offer the support and motivation I need!! Anybody feel free to add me as well :)
  • Hi! You can add me. I lost 30 but 10 came back over the year so here I am again! Encouragement is key!
  • Im new too. Feel free to add me.
  • Oh. Im a mother of two. :)