Looking for Friends/Support/A guy?

My name is Jaime, I'm looking for some friends near me that I can talk with about weight loss, or hang out with, or maybe meet the guy of my dreams. I love food and eating in it's self so I'm trying really hard to figure out how to curb that and lose a little weight. I hate it when people tell me I look fine and that I don't need to lose weight. I may not look what I weigh, but I'm definately unhappy with it. I just want someone there to support me and I will support you just the same. If you wanna be friends shoot me a message or friend thinggy :)


  • hey Jaime...

    if you are looking for support, feel free to add me...
    good luck with your goals and also finding your dream guy...
  • need some help, advice, support, etc.......go ahead and add me if you'd like and I can throw you some support....I am on here often and try to keep up with the friends activity.......Good luck.
  • I'm new too... I can support you and cheer you on. Add me if you'd like!