Anybody else never been skinny?

I know there are, but I'd like to hear your story. I see all of these progress stories about people who gained weight with a pregnancy or "relapsed" up to 130s - 140s. I can't wait until I consider that a high weight!! I was just wondering who else on here has never been skinny and how it felt when you were skinny, or what challenges you've faced.

One thing I've noticed is that now I've lost weight, I have NO idea how to order clothes from the internet. What size am I? I've always been a 14-16. I'm a size 8-10 now, but still not "skinny" (I know you guys on here hate that term, but give me a break, you know what I mean).

Also, I have no idea what I'll look like. I've changed a lot, but I still can't imagine being that small. People who have been skinny previously know what it feels like to not constantly be worrying about stomach layers folding or arms looking bad in pictures or butts eating shorts. Haha. What that must be like!! It makes it all more exciting.


  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    I was skinny, gained weight when I had kids years ago and never lost the weight. I got lost in taking care of the kids and husband. I am now on my way to making a healthier me. I have been diligently watching what I eat and making sure I exercise so I can have that single serving of ice cream if I want it. I can't help you order clothes on the internet as I was skinny before you could do things like that. I am not sure that I would want to order clothes on the internet. Well, actually, the only advice I can give you about ordering clothes on the internet is order brands that you already have in your closet. For example if you have guess jeans and know that you are a size 32, then you should be able to order other jeans online in size 32. They do use European sizes, a 32 used to be a size 7 american. Or atleast when I wore Guess they used European sizes.
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    I've never been thin! I remember being around 170/180 and thinking I was fat. Now, I wish I could be that size sooo bad again. I miss my pre-pregnancy belly without stretch-marks!! I'm 213 now and I honestly can't fathom what it would feel like to be healthy and fit.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Hmm. Skinny? That's a hard one to own, isn't it? I think we always feel like our bodies are "not quite there". But, yeah, I've been skinny twice. Once when I was 19 and traveling around Spain, broke as hell. That was the one time I felt really great in a bathing suit. Then again when I was 29 and had just broken up with a longterm boyfriend. That second time was not very healthy. Neither time lasted more than six months or so.

    But I HAVE been slim. That term feels much more comfortable for me. And I am slim now, after having been not-so-slim in the recent past. So I can answer your questions. First, let me stress that I AM answering your questions. I am NOT bragging. I am 49 years old and my collagen has failed and my skin is old and I am NOT some hot babe. But I feel good in my body and it's like this:

    When I sit down, I my pants don't hurt me. Even jeans that make my butt look good don't bind in the crotch or pinch off my circulation at the waist -- even if I'm sitting in a low, comfy couch. It's amazing. And when I drive my stomach doesn't pooch out over my waistband and then get bisected by the shoulder strap of my seat belt. I don't HAVE a stomach to pooch over. I can sit down anywhere, wearing anything and not worry that my rolls are showing. There are no rolls. Astounding! It's amazingly liberating to not think about how your body looks all the time. I remark on it to myself every day. It's really oh-so-cool.

    And when I walk down the street nothing hurts. Nothing is rubbing or strained. I have amazing freedom of movement. Like I'm STRIDING, not just walking. Certainly not lumbering along. My thighs don't feel like they have to fight with each step to get ahead of the other as I go. They just glide right past one another without undue friction. Also while walking, my forearms often brush my hips, but my elbows don't brush my midsection. It's pretty remarkable.

    But the most interesting thing for me is the hardest to describe. I've noticed a few times that while I'm just standing somewhere random -- at the counter in my kitchen or in a store or whatever -- that I feel more compact and efficient. Stronger and somehow taller (I'm short) and very comfortable in my skin, overall. Part of it, again, is that nothing hurts. Part of it is that my clothes, though they fit me properly and some of them are pretty form-fitting (again, I'm old so I'm not wearing spandex to Target or anything) are all comfortable and don't bind or pull or creep. And part of it is that I feel like I have the potential to move in any way I might need to. Like I'm a cat that could spring up onto the top of the refrigerator if I felt like it. I'm not incumbered by those 25 extra pounds that were weighing me down and I can feel it even if I'm not exerting myself.

    So am I skinny? No. Am I perfect? Oh, God no. But do I feel pretty effing amazing? Yeah, you got that right!

    Oh, here're my stats, in case you're wondering:

    Height: 5' 3.5"
    Beginning Weight: 150
    Beginning Size: 10/12
    Current Weight: 125
    Current Size: 4/6
    Goal Weight: 120-ish
    Joined MFP in March at about 145 lbs

    I try to exercise hard every day. Some days I don't make it, but that's my goal. I eat back every single calorie I burn -- I cannot live on 1200 a day -- that's just not enough eating (or drinking) to keep me happy. It's been a slow, steady loss for me and feels very sustainable.

    Good luck to you and keep us posted on how YOU feel as your body changes!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I've been overweight since I've been about 4 years old, so I've never know skinny either.

    If you don't know how to order clothes, you should measure yourself with a tape measure. Most online stores have a size guide on their website somewhere, so look at that. If they don't have a size guide, you should just google what your size is.
  • Shagi
    Shagi Posts: 19
    I never been skiny but I'll do it? Do you know y ?because i'm so sick of being fat :(((
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I've never been skinny. Was referred to as chubby when I was a teen. I was between 150-160 from age of 15 until about 30. Then with marriage I packed on almost 100 pounds. It really just snuck up on me. I know it sounds strange how does 100 pounds sneak up on a person? All I know is I was 246 last summer and couldn't bear the thought of being 250 and I knew it was going to come if I didn't try something. Anything! First thing I did was pitch a major fit with my doctor about my gall bladder pains that had been plaguing me for 20 years. Oh suddenly there was a nuclear medicine test and guess what I got a call the next day... "You need surgery right away your gall bladder is working at 10%." With surgery and recovery I was down 10 pounds. I knew I had to keep it going. I just took me about 6 month to figure out how I was going to do that.

    I'm still not weighing what I weighed 25 years ago, but by November I should be there or at least close. For the first time in my life I do see myself going below my 150 weight range and getting to the 135 I'd like to be. I too, don't have any idea what I'll look like or how I'll feel as I've never been an adult and at the weight I should have been.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Ive never been skinny, but more like you are , when i was young, around 19 , i was a size 10 and very slim and i liked that way. I have only ever been skinny really when i was about 10 lol. I remember at 13 years old I was about 11 stone something, and i was very slim then. Weird to think im only a stone heavier than that lol., and i still dont feel slim. My point being dont let the skinny in your brain take over lol, your now lovely and slim and thats the way you should be, who the hell wants to be skin and bone, NOT ME.
  • carebearhere
    carebearhere Posts: 37 Member
    I'm nineteen now, and the lightest I've been since I was 12, at 156 or something. I was always a tubby kid, because I liked food and disliked exercise, I'm looking forward to the day when I can be happy with my body, and where my physical flaws are things I have no control over :)
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    This is the smallest I've ever been in my life and I'm still not "skinny". I can't wait for the day that I don't have wear spanx with a tight dress and I can finally wear a bikini. Sometimes I stare at myself in the mirror while I'm sucking in my stomach, trying to imagine what I'll look like when I'm finally there lol.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I remember being a size 12 in middle school. Boy do I wish I still was! Back then that was considered very overweight for my age. Now I'm much bigger. I don't think I've been skinny since I was a very small child.

    I think a big part of that is lack of exercise. Even as a small child I would prefer to lay in bed and read a book than play outside.
  • RedMeeko
    RedMeeko Posts: 24 Member
    I have never ever been skinny! I weighed 136 in fifth grade! I was 215 in 8th grade and 245 by the time I graduated high school. I weigh less now than I did in 8th grade. That is crazy to me.

    So. Really, I would just like to be a healthy weight for once in my entire life, and not on track to an early grave.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I started to gain weight in 8th grade, I was chubby back then...then after high school I got real lazy and started to gain and gain. So I haven't been skinny since probably 6th grade. I'm 50 my whole adult life I've spent being FAT...I have no idea what I will look like. I finally got down to a size that I can buy clothes at a local store so I don't have to buy online anymore. No more $70.00 plain old jeans...or $40.00 shirts. I know a few years ago we spent $200 on clothes for me and it was 2 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts. I never,never want to go back to that ever again. I hope to be skinny by 2014.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I had 1 skinny day in my life. I was 18 and had starved myself into a size 6 jeans. I wore those once. Besides that I have generally been in a US 14 my whole life. But, since my accident I was wearing a 20, now 18, maybe 16.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I've been fat since age 3-4, just kept getting bigger until I topped out at 315 when I was 22. A severe life change saw me losing 60lbs and I kept it off for 3 years always saying 'Now I'll lose the rest.' But until mid july I didn't have the will.

    I suddenly was just tired of being made fun of but mostly I was tired of feeling so insecure and not having any confidence because of my weight. 10 weeks in now, nearly 30lbs down. Goal is 180 but I think I may need to be 160 in the long run. Seems like a lot of weight though.. a lot of time. I hope to be under 200 by the new year and at goal weight before mid july 2013.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I have never been skinny. I was a chubby child who preferred books to sport, then grew into a plump teenager. I was a UK size 16 when I left school at 18. By the time I got married at 24 I was a UK size 18 and weighed 189lbs. I then had 3 children and ended up a UK size 20 and weighed 210lbs.

    I am now down to 186lbs and am a UK size 16. My goal weight is 154lbs. I have no idea what I will look like at that weight as I have never weighed that little as an adult!
  • hellokitty41489
    I've never been skinny either; I remember being a size 12 in 6th grade and being so much bigger than everyone else my age. I spent all of high school at a size 16 (sometimes even an 18). I'm now 22 and a size 10 on my way to an 8 so I'm really happy :) I know that I still have a long way to go but I'm proud of how far that I've come.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I used to be skinny - actually TOO skinny. I was 5'2" and weighed 92 lbs. This was when I had a 16yr old daughter. Pregnancy did not make me overweight. I was in the best shape of my life in my mid to late 30's. I was then around 112. Then I stopped smoking, got married and got older. Menopause hit, and I just put on a few lbs a year until I woke up one day and was 155. Horrified. I'm now down to 132, but I tell you it is tough to lose at the age I am now (55). Not only is it harder to lose, but my energy is not as high as it was in my 30's.
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Yup. I have been skinny. Actually, I was pretty fit for most of my life. As a child, I was active, played sports in high school, worked out in college, and even after I had my children, I lost all of the pregnancy weight. Of course, even then there were body image issues, though. Then I had an injury, and other stress related issues, and the weight started creeping up. The next thing I knew I was way over weight. Somehow, though the body image issues are much better now than they were when I was at my fittest. I think that's what is helping me do this in a healthy way. I am still over weight, but not obese, and I have about 15 lbs to get into the healthy range. If we think "be healthy", instead of "be skinny" I think we will all reach our goals and have an easier time getting and staying where we want to be! Good luck to all of you.
  • DexterDarko
    I've never been skinny in my life, I don't know who I am if I was.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    I've never been skinny. I come from a family of "big eaters" so I was raised with bad habits right from day 1. Nobody ever called me fat until my "best friend" so lovingly pointed it out in high school. I'm now 215lbs and hating my body. I can not imagine myself skinny, it blows my mind to try to picture what my body might look like at 120 (my goal) or even 150 for that matter.