Goal is to go from 156.2 to 115!

Hi, I've started and stopped mfp many times but I made a fresh account cause I'm tired of being fat. My life has been crazy busy lately, I'm now full time at my job which is mon-thurs & in the process of moving plus I've been working the last couple fridays and saturdays! Starting this week, I'm back to working just mon-thurs so yay! I love my job and am happy to be moving to this amazing house but I have been eating everything and put my weight on back burner. Fall is my favorite season and I do not wanna spend it in big tshirts and stretchy pants! I'm 27 and at about 5'3, I weigh 156.2lbs, my goal weight is 115lbs. So that's 41.2lbs to lose. I'm ready to start losing weight....I would love some mfp friends for support as we lose weight. This is the last day I will weigh 156.2lb! Feel free to add me!
