Everything I eat seems to have sugar in it. Fruit, Veggies, everything!!! I am trying to watch my sugar intake and really do not know what to eat that does not have sugar in it!!! I have my coffee in the morning, (only 2 cups a day) and I WILL add sugar to it, but it seems everything else is loaded with sugar. HELP!!! I was going to eat a banana, BUT when I put it in my log, well that was it for the sugar for the whole day????? I so need help on this please.


  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    There are many health benefits for certain sugars. Glucose is necessary to get protein to the muscles after a workout. It's the fuel that gives your body energy.

    It's good to avoid refined sugars, as much as possible, but the natural sugars in fruits, and vegetables are good for you.
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    There are many health benefits for certain sugars. Glucose is necessary to get protein to the muscles after a workout. It's the fuel that gives your body energy.

    It's good to avoid refined sugars, as much as possible, but the natural sugars in fruits, and vegetables are good for you.

    What Dave said! I don't eat any fruit because of its carbs and I try to chose veggies low in carbs or high in fiber to balance them out. Check out the South Beach Diet if you are trying to watch sugars. as for your coffee find a sugar substitute.

    I have given up soda, breads, and fruits for the last 7months and try to keep my carbs around 100g/day so far so good.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    If it came from the earth or had a mother don't worry about the sugar in it (it's natural and less likely to bother you) If it doesn't fit into the first to categories then watch the amount of sugar in it. This at least is a good place to start, everyone is different and some to need to watch the sugar in fruits as well but typically your body handle those better than the sugars in bread/cookies/pasta/cakes.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If it came from the earth or had a mother don't worry about the sugar in it
    That's all the sources of sugar covered.

    If the tracking of sugar using MFP's ridiculous target is a problem then either remove sugar from the macros altogether or change the target number to something which fits what you eat
  • jamface11
    I don't bother tracking sugars cause if it is going to put me off having fruit i'd rather not worry. Also decided to stop logging my fish oil tablets cause for some reason that 20calories a day really puts me off having them :S
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I am always over on sugar. No fruit is off limits. I have eaten 3 bananas a day at times. But, I do not eat processed sugars so I know all of my sugar is coming from natural sources.

    If you do not have any concerns for diabetes or other blood sugar issues, eating fruit should not be an issue.
  • Wyutzy
    Wyutzy Posts: 20 Member
    Interested in what you learn about this? So many different opinions out there!
  • queenofgracey
    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!!! I do not have diabetes or any other health issues with sugar. I really do not care for "Man Made" sugar, want to keep it all natural. So on that note, I will put white sugar in my coffee in the morning. Will NOT be giving that up for nothing!!! I did take sugar off of my settings. Seems I really don't want to know how much sugar I am putting in my body. I will contiune to eat fruit and veggies. I will have to up my exercise to get rid of the sugar I am putting in. Plan on starting "30 Day Shred" tomorrow. (Wonder why we always "Start" everything on Monday's???) Again, Thank You to everyone for your help and advise. Hope everyone has a Blessed day!!!!
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    My sugar is so out of line on the daily its astounding. Like you, I do sugar in my coffee - thats my last crutch and I LOVE coffee sooooo I wont give it up.

    I also love fruit - bananas, grapes, apples, berries, oranges, peaches - whatever. DONT BE AFRAID OF THESE. FRUIT IS GREAT FOR YOU. I eat as much as I want and still maintain my weight (Im down a steady 80 - 85 lbs for about 6 months now).

    Wanna know what I did to not obsess about my sugar? I REMOVED IT FROM MY MACROS. Dont worry about sugar, especially if you're eating the natural stuff - worry about carbs, protein, potassium - because you are right - sugar IS in everything. Must be imprtant if its in EVERYTHIING, right?