What non-food item do you "reward" yourself with?

I'm trying to think of other ways to reward myself for a month well done other than with sweets. What do you guys do?


  • sophiehart1
    sophiehart1 Posts: 8 Member
    I think of something I want( new tunes, a cheap piece of jewelry, a pedicure) then I set a goal of loss for that particular item.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    A new book, some new makeup, new item of clothing.
  • itssera
    When I reach 62 kgs (I will have lost 5 kgs in total by then), I'm going to buy myself proper clothes to work out in. Currently I scavenge around in my closet for old leggings and t-shirts but I've always been envious of the runners who have really nice sports outfits.

    It's both a way to reward myself, something to look forward to, and it will undoubtedly make me want to work out more! (So I can show off my clothes, haha)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I usually go for items that support my active lifestyle. Here are some examples: new running shoes; cool cycling jersey; BondiBand headbands (manage my unruly hair while I'm working out). I like having the fitness clothes that fit and look good. Makes me feel good about getting out there and working out.
  • RavenAlexandra
    A pair of new shoes, new clothes, or something I've been wanting for a while.
  • Keltinator
    Ooooh I like the new book and new workout gear ideas :)
  • Surecutie
    Surecutie Posts: 28 Member
    New workout clothes, heart rate monitor, exercise equipment, etc. This week I bought myself a mini crockpot. Hoping to get to ten lbs so I can gift myself this awesome lunch bag and some glasswear.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Thinking about this, I don't reward myself for being healthy. The feeling and energy from being healthy is the intrinsic reward I am working towards. I am more motivated towards intrinsic rewards than extrinsic ones. If I decide to reward myself for something, it's after the fact of having achieved it, rather than being a reward I work towards. I just spontaneously think 'I've worked hard, and now I deserve something nice'. It can be anything - and it does include food, because I see going to shop at a more expensive food shop as a nice treat. But also it can be music, books, scented candles, going out somewhere - really whatever I fancy.
  • loveYOUmore319
    loveYOUmore319 Posts: 79 Member
    New workout clothes, new workout sneakers, makeup, mani/pedi, massage. :-)
  • IShowUp4Me
    IShowUp4Me Posts: 16 Member
    I bought myself a Paddle boarding Groupon... Was going to use it after I lost 10 lbs but now have decided to wait til I have lost 30lbs!! I am planning a Beach STAY for when I've lost over 50 lbs!!! Watching groupon and living social for deals!!
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    My fella bought me a painting I really liked
  • emkohler77
    emkohler77 Posts: 34 Member
    Massage is a favorite, but new clothes are always a treat. I am looking for a nice dress next :)
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Most of the time I view how I feel about myself now as it's own reward. Exercise has brought me out of my clinical depression.

    However, now that I have a greater sense of self-worth I find myself buying more things for me as opposed to neglecting myself and only buying for the rest of my family.

    Frequently my purchases are health related. I bought a new pair of Reebok running shoes the day before I hit my 50 pound loss. I buy work-out clothes. I bought an armband for my smartphone.

    I've also found myself buying clothes that fit more often even though I have a lot of clothes that will fit me in just a couple more pounds. I don't like feeling frumpy in the meantime. Oh and books, simply because I love books!
  • Keltinator
    Oh, yes, massages are excellent rewards too :)