Giving up *kitten* and losing weight.



  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Sorry if I'm ignorant.. whats a stone and whats a *kitten*?

    Where are you from?

    Great of you to join! I've been here 11 days and love every part of this site! Welcome!

    Stone is a pagan measure of weight in the UK and Ireland. It is 14 lbs or 6.35 kg.

    A *kitten* is a cigarette in the UK.
  • luckyme2412
    Hello I am new to MFP as of today! I have been a non smoker now for 4 weeks and must admit at first the non smoking and healthy eating was going very well, I think the first 2 weeks I was so paranoid about putting on weight that I threw myself into the healthy eating and exercising.

    4 weeks in and the no smoking part is easy but as for the healthy eating it has completely gone out the window, i'm out of control, I'm not sure if it's because i've given up smoking and i'm bored but I can't help eating! I've weighed myself religiously for the last 4 weeks and have put on maybe 2 lbs which I can deal with but i'm so scared now that i'm going to put on at least half a stone.

    I have a very bad relationship with food and i've struggled with my body image for a good 2 years, i'd ideally like to lose a stone in weight in the next few months.

    I'd be interested in chatting with people who have shared similar experiences or just want to lend a helping hand and give some advice :-) x
  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    Congrats to you and welcome!

    I "cheated" on giving up smoking, I used a stop smoking pill, I *did it for someone* I was dating who hated all tobacco products. I've not smoked for 5 years now, but, and this is the point, I didn't gain any weight when I stopped smoking and at that time I wasn't being careful about eating habits.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    *kitten* = cigs
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    ya, when i quit smoking (and i have since started again, booo!) i actually lost weight. i doubled up on mmy workout routine and gave myself les time to think about smoking. keep busy, u can do it.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    Sorry if I'm ignorant.. whats a stone and whats a *kitten*?

    Where are you from?

    Great of you to join! I've been here 11 days and love every part of this site! Welcome!

    a stone is 14lb and a *kitten* is a ciggerette
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    As an English ex-pat in Oz I understand *kitten*, stones, apples and pears, gawd blimey luv a duck guvnor, etc.

    I quit a 20 year smoking habit cold turkey a few years ago (thanks Allan Carr) and I did put on weight after but it did motivate me to push on to a healthier lifestyle overall and the overall result has been good.

    Dealing with quitting nicotine, emotional issues and trying to lose weight and everything else in-between is hard, take it easy on yourself.
  • andy5405
    Wow, what a lovely place, I really wouldn't have expected so many replies as a newbie to a forum. To our friends across the pond *kitten* can also mean a lot of different hings here too! I can't give up one type as I have never tried them and I'm pretty certain that's the way it is going to stay! Having said that I did have a moment at a party a while back, I was very drunk and it was just a bloke dare thing........

    I'm hoping that I'm in the right place in my head now to achieve my goals and I'm sure the support on here will make a difference. I think I can make my diet plan public which I haven't done yet. If anyone was actually interested in what I eat, you would find all sorts of unlikely stuff in my diet for someone trying to lose weight. Some days might include 5 or 6 pints of Guiness/Fosters and I'm partial to McDonalds breakfasts. Big curry blowouts occur all too often as well. This has all been part of the 23lbs lost so far. If I can't be bad at times, I don't want to diet. I'd rather die ten years younger with a smile on my face.

    My mantra to all the diet experts out there is simple: "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper" I have proven to myself so many times that it is not so much what I eat but when I eat it. I don't worry about what I eat in the mornings too much, but what I eat after 5-6pm makes a world of difference.

    Again thanks to all the people who have replied and I already have 4 friends!!! Wow and thanks a lot. Happy days!
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Giving up the *kitten* is my next goal, I need to increase my fitness and there are no more excuses!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I have never quit before....

    I'm in Perth Australia but from near Cardiff originally and lived with hubby in Brighton for over a year before coming out to Aus so know the South Down's very well. Nice to see a post from someone so close to home.

    Congratulations on you weight loss and *kitten* loss so far :smile:
  • LosingitinTX
    LosingitinTX Posts: 24 Member
    As soon as I saw your topic I knew people would question it. I knew what it was because growing up one of my good friends, Kern, was from Nottingham. Glad your giving them up!