Anybody else never been skinny?



  • Nsdnjbl
    Nsdnjbl Posts: 66 Member
    When I was "skinny" I was thinking I was fat. I wish I was "fat" again!
  • SelenisGoesFit
    i was skinny when i was little... when i was about 8-9yo, i began to gain weight and well, i'm at 228lbs (103.8kg) now! But i can't really remember how it was to be skinny! :(
  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    "Skinny" isn't really what I'm going for, I want to be fit and somewhat muscular when I reach my goal, or afterward. But I guess I can say that the only time I've ever been skinny was when I was a young child, probably from a toddler to about 4 or 5 years old. I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses for myself, but there are a few reasons why this happened, now that I look back on it when I'm older.
    I was (and still am) an avid bookworm, so I always preferred staying in and reading to going outside to play. In gym class at school I was always made fun of because I was slow and uncoordinated; that made me self-conscious about doing any kind of sports activities. That self-consciousness is still with me to this day, unfortunately. I don't want to blame my family, but growing up (and to a lesser extent today, they've become slightly more health-conscious recently) we didn't exactly eat the healthiest foods. We weren't poor, but I guess I would say we were at the middle level of middle class. My parents often made us foods that were quick, easy, and cheap, like hot dogs and mac n cheese out of a box. I was also an extremely picky eater until probably about age 11, and my parents didn't really try to correct me, they just let me eat frozen meals because that was most of what I would ever eat.
    So, as you can imagine, I spent most of my childhood and teen years being overweight. I think I entered the point of obesity when I was still in high school. Because of being overweight, I have always been self-conscious and had self-esteem issues and body image issues that I'm still battling today. It is interesting to consider what I'll look like when I finally reach my goal weight; I look at people's success stories who had similar builds and starting and ending weights and try to envision myself with a new body. I'm looking forward to it, but I've also accepted the fact that when I get there, I will have to battle against my previous weight history for the rest of my life. I think the feeling of finally being happy inside my own skin will weigh out (pardon the pun) over any negatives about having to maintain and monitor my calories and work out for the rest of my life.
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    I was skinny until I was 9--but thought I was fat from age 4, so go figure (thanks Barbie and fashion mags!).
    I doubt I'll ever be "skinny" again, but I look forward to being freaked out by a new weird smaller body.

    Good topic! It really has me thinking about what it will be like--I've actually avoided thinking about it so far, I think to avoid getting overwhelmed, but I'm strong. I can handle it.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    I have never been skinny. In fact, I can remember my 5th grade PE teacher weighing me in at 181 pounds. Omg 5th grade!!! I weight 187 pounds now and I am 32. The smallest I ever remember getting was 169 pounds, and that was because I was literally not eating. When I did start eating again, I ballooned to 270 pounds. I have lost weight the old fashioned way now, just good old fashioned portion control and exercise. I cant say I have ever really been on a "diet", they don't work for me.

    What I have noticed lately is the person I see in the mirror is not the person I see in pictures. It is kind of scary because I still see myself weighing 270 pounds, and it makes me get quite obsessive about exercise. All I can see are my flaws, and I feel like that is all anyone else can see too. Then I see a photo of myself, and it is like I don't even recognize the person I see anymore. I have recently started dating again, and this has become a major issue for me. I think I am more self conscious now than I was when I was bigger.
  • XxXWhitneyShereeXxX
    My lowest weight that I can remember was 125 and I was 12 .. lol. In highschool I went from 145-180 off and on. When I got pregnant with my 1st son (5 years ago) I weighed 180 pounds, at the end of that pregnancy I weighed 222lbs .. got down to 170 - 4 years later, then got pregnant with my second son and went from 170 to 198. Now, 3 months later im at 173 and I dont care to be super skinny I think women are most beautiful with some curves. I just want to be back at 140-145ish.
  • whatsajosh
    whatsajosh Posts: 15 Member
    Coming from a guy, the last time I wasn't overweight I was in 1st grade, have always had a gut since. I do wonder what it's like to be in shape, hopefully we'll find out soon!! This is the closest I've been!
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    My lowest weight that I can remember was 125 and I was 12 .. lol. In highschool I went from 145-180 off and on. When I got pregnant with my 1st son (5 years ago) I weighed 180 pounds, at the end of that pregnancy I weighed 222lbs .. got down to 170 - 4 years later, then got pregnant with my second son and went from 170 to 198. Now, 3 months later im at 173 and I dont care to be super skinny I think women are most beautiful with some curves. I just want to be back at 140-145ish.

    I agree, I never want to be stick thin. I want to keep my curves, but be really fit too. I am going for a goal of 150 pounds. My doctor actually told me that might be a little too low for me because I have always been athletic and have a lot of muscle weight, but that is my goal. My short term goal is 169 though....and I want to be there by Christmas. Then, 150 by summer.
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    I've never been skinny either. I puffed up starting about the third grade and have continued on ever since. I wonder if that's been part of the reason why I've had difficulty sticking to something ... I don't know what skinny's like. I've been fat my whole life so I'm just used to it.

    Oh well, I'm giving it a shot anyway. ;)
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    The only time I have been "skinny" was when I was 18 and was aneroxic. I have come to a point in my life when I realize and accept the fact that I am a large frame woman, who is very healthly at my current weight and accepts it when my doctor tells me that my ideal weight is 180 pounds. Yes, I have a little way to go but I am diligent - I don't let it be all consuming anymore.
  • oker673
    oker673 Posts: 139 Member
    I was a fat kid. I was even teased in elementary school because of the weight. I am still dealing with the effects, even though I am in college. The lowest weight I remember is 204, which is what I weighed during freshman year. Goal is 167, which I will hopefully get to by next summer.
  • Rianneew8
    This is the smallest I've ever been in my life and I'm still not "skinny". I can't wait for the day that I don't have wear spanx with a tight dress and I can finally wear a bikini. Sometimes I stare at myself in the mirror while I'm sucking in my stomach, trying to imagine what I'll look like when I'm finally there lol.

  • chakdeindia
    You've hit the nail on the head there - not being able to imagine what it's like to be a healthy weight. That's one of my biggest demotivators. I can't remember being thin so I secretly think I can't change. I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I've never been truly skinny. But I would love to try to get there. I have Grade 4 endometriosis and the pain makes it so hard to exercise. But I am committed to be healthy and thinner. I have already lost 48 pounds!
  • ShutterBugMomof2
    I was skinny my whole life... When I graduated high school (98) I was maybe 100 pounds. In 2004 I was 125. My boyfriend (now husband) and I got a little surprise in 05. I was pregnant. We ended losing the baby at 16 weeks gestation and the hospital I was at would not allow me to leave until I was on some preventive so I wouldn't get pregnant again. I almost died, literally, from the blood loss and had to have an emergency DNC. I gained 65 pounds between depression and the depo shot. With our 2nd pregnancy in 07-08, I gained 50 pounds and was only able to get 30 off before we were pregnant with our son a year later. With him I also gained 50 but was able to get 40 off.... At his 2nd birthday party, I saw a picture of myself. I cried... it was horrible. I started my weightloss journey in March at 198 pounds. The heaviest I have EVER been not pregnant. I am now down to 169 and still losing. My goal weight is 145 and I am busting my *kitten* to get it done.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've never been thin as an adult. I started gaining weight when I was about 13, gaining a lot after I was 19. I don't know what thin feels like.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    You'll have to look at my profile pictures to believe me! I was skinny until my late 30's having my 4th child at 36 meant it was harder to drop the weight. I've lost 14 lb so far would like to drop another 14 and see what I look like!
  • Until right now and before I started losing weight, I was literally never skinny and I'm still far from it. In fact, for the past 4 years, I can't remember being a size under 24! And that's awful considering 4 years ago I was only 15. It's disgusting, in fact. I was 5ft 9in (now 11in) round about then so I thought I could get away with it. Oh, no no no no.

    Right now, I'm getting back down. I'm still only a size 18. But I feel much better at this size than I did before. I'm hoping to get to around size 12 as I don't think I can much smaller without looking unhealthy with being very tall and a medium frame. But we'll see how it goes. I'd love to lose all, if not most, of this weight before I go to university next year. I'd be ecstatic if it happened. We'll have to see.

    Keep rockin' everybody. :)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    As a baby, I had the adorable baby fat.

    As a child, I just needed time to "outgrow" the baby fat.

    11 happened, along with ToM and boobs and estrogen, so I became an overweight teen.

    I remember always being on the high end of "healthy weight" charts - 5'2" and 145-150# in high school. When I graduated, there was no more PE (yay), so no more daily exercise. I put on more weight, through a pregnancy (30ish pounds) had my depression really come to the forefront, and just kept eating and not doing anything to work it off. When I married, I was 225ish I think and 13 years later, I'd gained 90# (my husband gained 75#).

    I've always had a gut. I have never seen my stomach area flat. Medically, there's nothing holding weight loss back. I need to just watch how much I eat and burn more calories.