How do I count calories in a recipe?

I made egg "muffins" from a recipe I found online, that are VERY delicious. My question is, how do I account for the calories in each item of the recipe.

5 eggs
2 turkey sausages
tbsp of mushrooms
1/4 c of seasoning blend

I know what the caloric info is individually, but how do I account for them together. The recipe yielded 6 "muffins" and I only ate one for breakfast this morning.


  • BetterVersion
    The most accurate way is to simply add up the total calories of each ingredient, take your grand total and divide it by the number of equally sized servings.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    counting calories can be really frustrating because of the lack of accuracy. when i make a recipe that i know i will be eating a lot of, i just sit down and do the math to figure out the nutritional info based on the packaging of the ingredients or the database, and then enter it into "my foods" on my mfp diary so that i can just add it. the hard part is knowing serving sizes and what not. calorie counting in general is just an approximate number so just try to do your best with estimating.

    for the recipe you used, search for all of your ingredients in the database and write down the nutritional info for the serving size that it calls for in your recipe for each ingredient. add all of that up. then divide your nutritional info by six. that should be close to having one muffin.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    I hate this part, but what I do is add everything up individually. If its something you eat often, create it in "my meals" and that way you dont have to reinvent the meal each time.
  • joybaby
    Thanks everyone for the replies!