hungry alot but just starting out... does this go away

sparkleywoo Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
hiya :)

ive just started and so far im not doing to well. im finding it really difficult to stick to my calorie consumption although i think its mostly because i give up the minute i see my boyfriend or need to go to the supermarket! (any tips for that would be greatly appreciated...) Ive found that if i can manage eat less through out the day and then eat a big dinner im less likely to eat crap in the evenings with my boyfriend and his house mate. But what i really want to know i just hungry now because im just starting out? and will this change as i get more and more used to it? i spose when you loose weight you must be less hungry or you would just be hungry for ever!! is this right?


  • A tip for the going to the supermarket..drink a glass or two of water before you go, it will supress the hunger feelings so you won't buy anything you don't need/want! :wink:

    Also make sure you're eating the correct types of foods to fill you up, and have a snack every 3 hours or so, for example a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts, to keep you going until your next meal

  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    you may need to make choices for food with less calories so you can eat more. That said I was hungry for a week or so, but your body gets used to eating a little less and that should go away as long as you're not eating just tiny amounts of high calorie food. Don't give up, your body is in adjustment mode
  • My second day I was feeling really low on energy and I hadn't worked out yet that day. Then when I looked at the foods that I was consuming I was pretty low on carbs and fats for the day although I was on track for calories. I felt awful so my workout was light and I went to bed exhausted and hungry. The next day I ate oats in the morning and pasta in the afternoon and I felt great! I find that carb and calorie loading for breakfast will give me energy throughout the day. Eating your biggest meal at night is not smart, you will go to sleep and pack on all those calories as fat. If you are hungry burn more calories working out by walking or something low stress burn a couple hundred and then grab some more food. It's all about balance. Good luck.
  • In my experience, IF you quit allowing yourself to "cheat" then after a week or two your hunger should become at least more tolerable. If you continue to give into your urges, though, this probably isn't so likely. I find one of the best things that helps me to get into the mindframe of not snacking is to simply set a routine for my meals and snacks. I do not allow myself to eat until specific times every day. This helped with the initial "withdrawal" period when I was just getting into the diet and has just become routine, so now I find I'm usually not even hungry until it's about time to eat anyway, thus reducing urges to snack.

    Also, as for the other stuff, you can't expect anything from anyone else. It would be nice if those around could support you by keeping temptations to a minimum, but no matter what you are the only one who can tell yourself no and make yourself follow through.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    if you don't mind me asking, how many calories are you shooting for a day? if you're doing the 1200 calorie thing, you might need to up that number depending on all of your stats. i'm at a bit over 1600 calories a day and this has been completely do-able for me. if i work out, i get to eat more, so that's even better! and when you do eat, make sure that you don't opt to eat 800 calories worth of cheese puffs (my personal demon) or something like that! i find that it helps me to have some junk food lunches on hand - i know it's not the best thing in the world for me, but i eat tostino oven pizzas 2 or 3 times a week for lunch. yes, they are pretty high in calories and fat, but they do have some protein and a bit of fiber (weak justification, i know) but the main thing is that they satisfy my junk food demon. the way that i am right now, i know that denying myself that kind of food will just cause a major rebound in a couple of week. i just make sure that on those days, i eat very well for breakfast and dinner - it's enough 'bad' food to keep that part of my brain that insists upon it satisfied. best of luck!
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Grocery shopping tips
    1. Don't go to the store hungry. Have an apple or a cup of soup before you go. You will definitely buy more and and buy more unhealthy food if you are hungry while shopping.
    2. Make a list before you go. Plan out all your meals, including snacks, in advance. Then make a list of the things you will need to prepare those meals. When you are at the store, buy only those things. Don't stray from your list.
    3. Become a label-reading freak. Especially when you are tempted by something unhealthy, slow down and take time to read the label. If you pick up a bag of chips and see that it has 14 servings in it and each of those servings has 150 calories, you'll soon realize that if you eat a normal amount (probably several "servings") you'll blow your calorie budget for the day. With luck, this will make it easier to put down that bag.
    4. Become kind of a food snob. Sneak glances at other people's shopping baskets and notice all the white bread, sugary soda, gallons of ice cream, etc. etc. Mentally congratulate yourself on your healthy choices.

    Boyfriend tips
    1. Again, have a healthy snack before you see him. This will help you stay strong when he brings out the pizza, fried chicken or whatever it is that he likes.
    2. Bring healthy snacks with you when you go to his place and serve only healthy food when he comes to yours. Do not bring high-fat, high-sugar food into your house or it will still be there when boyfriend is gone.
    3. Don't take just one. The insidious thing about chips, cookies, M&Ms, etc. is that just one would not be so bad but, as the commercial says, who can eat just one? It's better to say you're on a new eating program that doesn't include that kind of food and don't even look at it.
    4. If you are starting an exercise program, see if you can get boyfriend to join you. If you are working out with weights, ask him to give you some pointers. If it's a nice day and you're thinking of going for a hike, ask if he would like to come along. Make him a partner, not an obstacle, in your journey to a thinner, healthier you.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yes - it will get better!

    Find dense, nutritious, low calorie foods you can eat that will fill your stomach, take a while to digest and give you a feeling of being full!

    Here's my list of favorite snacks (sometimes these are meals!)

    1. Small apples - I was never an apple person but when you are really hungry these are amazing! Don't slice them - eat them off the core- it's a whole food, you'll enjoy eating it, and it will take time to move it out of your stomach. I eat an apple on the way to the store, on the way to restaurants, and before I'm going to eat with my non-diet friends!

    2. Pumpkin. Canned pumpkin (Libby's- pure pumpkin) is amazing! It's dense, it's healthy and it's only 80 calories for a cup! I mix 3/4 cup pumpkin and 1/4 cup light cottage cheese, add a packet of splenda or a tsp maple syrup and some cinnamon - it's so delicious!!! I've also mixed it with vanilla yogurt!

    3. low-fat cottage cheese (1/2 cup) mixed with 1/4 cup unsweetened berries (I use frozen blue berries).

    4. Whole carrots (when you're hungry these taste super good - very sweet!) raw or steamed.

    5. Canned green veggie like green beans - I heat a whole can of green beans in the microwave, and sprinkle Molly McButter on top! Lots of bulk, next to no calories!

    6. Same as above but Frozen (I like frozen so much better) - chopped spinach is a favorite with a little Molly McButter.

    7. Pear or Banana

    Hope this helps!
  • thanks to everyone for you really usefull comments... theres definately a lot of usefull hints and tips there i will try. im feeling possitive as i had a really good day yesterday and think its starting to get easier allready! i guess you just have to stick with it! thanks again :)
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