How do you stick to it for more than a week?



  • danaweston
    I agree ^^^ friends help keep me accountable.
    basically I must want to fit into my jeans or I want to eat the chocolate bar...choice is yours
    the exercise helps me to make the right choice everyday.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    That's the trouble with calories in, calories out - low calorie diets. They do not work. Calories in, calories out that only works short term and then is not especially healthy. A low glycemic eating plan that allows you to eat all the "quality" foods you want and to exercise briefly, once a week using a very high intensity program is scientifically proven to work.

    To learn more about the plan, you can go to The Smarter Science of Slim Website. They have lots of free podcasts and a forum, also a book. The latest scientific research shows this plan works. I'm on it myself and can attest to it.

    You're not eating enough and probably not the right foods.
  • crazygurl456
    crazygurl456 Posts: 10 Member
    For me, it was logging the food and seeing how many calories I was actually consuming on a daily basis! That was a big eye opener. I have never looked back. I used to think I had a really slow metabolism, now I wonder how I didn't weigh a lot more than I did. I was definitely addicted within the first week. Once I added friends, this is my new social network, I rarely even get on Facebook anymore.

    went through the exact same thing!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    When it all comes down to it, either you want it bad enough to do what you have to do to get there or you don't. No way around that.
  • Sammijo24
    Sammijo24 Posts: 74 Member
    Having friends on mfp definitely makes it not boring.
    And the way I've stuck with it is the first month I kept telling myself only 28 days. (Supposedly it only takes 28 days for something to become a habit.) So after the first month or so my new lifestyle became routine and easier. Although I still have slip ups every once in a while, but who doesnt? Thats life.
  • alychil
    I was here for six and a half months, lost about 40 lbs... and then summer came and I just fell out of my habits. I'm trying to start up again, and it's very hard to get that momentum going again, but I figure that if I did it once I can do it again. After a month or so, it becomes like second nature, so just keep with it and make it a part of your routine.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    You have to have the mind have to want it, want it badly enough to log on daily, watch/track what you eat, plan your meals and make friends here that can help you find the motivation to not raid the pantry, eat when bored, give in to your cravings or give up.

    I've been on/off diet plans (WW) for half my life, they work when I stick to it, but like you, after I've lost some weight (25-50 lbs), I stray, thinking I've got this food thing beat and that I can eat like I was before....and I yo yo right back up and past the fat point I was at the first time. I'm here at MFP for the first time and hoping this is the last time I need to lose the same weight. That once I lose the 100+ I need to, that I'm going to keep it off.

    It's not easy and no one should be telling you this. But its something you have to WANT, for yourself, and be committed to sticking to it (trust me, been there done that, sigh). When you are ready and in that mindset you will stick to it, and when you do, you'll see each week the weight coming off. THAT is what keeps me here (I'm relatively new, since June), getting on the scale each Sat. a.m and seeing the pounds come off.

    Good luck in your journey, whether you stick to it this time or the next.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    You can't do it without suffering. That is an inescapable fact for most people. Change... hurts... It does get better. When I quit smoking three years ago, it wasn't until the third time that it finally stuck. It hurt. I wanted cigarettes for months but I have children and I didn't want them to grow up seeing me smoke. It got better eventually; I couldn't even imagine getting any pleasure from smoking now. Now, smoking and eating are not the same. You can eat whatever you want, you just can't binge yourself in oblivion whenever you want to anymore. Not if you want to be healthy and lose weight anyway. How difficult it is to change is very dependent upon why you over-eat in the first place. If you can come to terms with the real reasons why you eat, it might make your journey easier. Good luck.
  • isabel88g
    isabel88g Posts: 77 Member
    If you really want it, You will stick to it.. I have tried losing weight before, lost 50 lbs, gained back 30 lbs. but I am done giving up and I am sticking to it.. it'll work once you realize that your health is more important than that chocolate bar or chips
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Either you find the will to do it, or you just stay where you are.

    Yep - I agree... This! When you're ready to get serious about your health, then you'll be able to do this gladly. Personally, I don't even look at it as "dieting" anymore, just monitoring what I put into my body, and running for fun.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    There are always chocolates and goodies at my work, patients buy them for us as a thank you or the staff will bring them in to get us through a busy shift. Add to this the fact we are very busy and often don't get a break and it's a recipe for disaster. I have got through this by taking healthy, easy to eat snacks, protein bars, fruit, nuts, yoghurt. Anything I can grab and eat on the move. It helps, my colleagues now know I do not eat the snacks and if we have a night where we have a meal together I will bring salad or make the main course like chilli or a healthy curry. I do occasionally eat the snacks if I have calories left but generally it is easy to resist now as I have been doing it for so long. I love MFP but have loads of friends they motivate me and I hopefully motivate them. It also gives me food and exercise ideas, stick with it little longer.
  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    make a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight.( health, to buy smaller clothes, whatever means the most to you and will keep you the most motivated).. read those every day and stay focused on your goal. Set small goals along the way with a non food related reward once they are reached such as a pedicure etc. Continue coming to MFP to log food, for support and motivation. We are all behind you!!