Protein Powder for Women PLEASE HELP

Hey guys, Im going to start the gym tomorrow and I was told that is really important to use protein supplement but i dont have idea which one is the best for me.

Which type of protein powder should I buy? I obviously dont want to gain weight I just want to get sharp and use it as a supplement.

Please Help!! :)


  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I TOTALLY get the confusion of the Protein aisle when first starting...which is right, which is wrong, whey or soy and so on. I started with buying a protein that said it was just for women, but I realized that I was paying a lot more for a lot less. I don't know what the difference is between whey or soy other than soy would be good for those with lactose intolerance. I would suggest looking at the labels and getting one with a higher protein content and lower fat (though I think this is quite a small difference between different options).

    I've been drinking protein shakes for most of this year and I've purchased a few different kinds looking at cost more than anything.

    Good luck!!
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    I use Optimum Nutrition Whey protein powder (french vanilla ice cream is my favorite) and really like it. It mixes well and I can handle the taste (I blend it with plain almond milk, peanut butter, and ice). It's 120 calories, 3 grams of carbs, and 24 grams of protein per scoop. I bought it based on all the great reviews it's received.
  • emtron500
    emtron500 Posts: 102 Member
    I use Promasil. Low calorie, no carb, high protein, and doesn't taste like garbage. Honestly the biggest thing is taste...I took a while to find a powder I liked, and most of the ones I tried were disgusting. When you head to the store to buy it, ask the person working if they have tried any of them personally and what they thought of the taste - this has worked out well for me!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    While getting sufficient protein is important, depending on our exercise routine, and your overall diet, protein powder or other supplements may be completely unnecessary. I would recommend starting at the gym without it, and watching your protein intake, as well as how you feel. That said, I use a combination of Olympian Labs pea protein, Nutribiotic's brown rice protein, and Nutiva Organic's hemp protein. I mostly use these combined to make homemade protein bars, as the texture of most protein powders mixed with water puts me off. P.S. Gender has nothing to do with this.
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    I use Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein from Walmart. I mix 1 scoop (27 g of protein) with a cup of Vanilly Silk Soymilk and MAN! I was on a chocolate kick and picked up a chocolate peanut butter by accident- AWESOME!!!!!!
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Bump for later!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I like the Jillian Michaels Whey it's pretty good..and the Bigegst Loser chocolate,, but it's what I like..
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I use Promasil. Low calorie, no carb, high protein, and doesn't taste like garbage. Honestly the biggest thing is taste...I took a while to find a powder I liked, and most of the ones I tried were disgusting. When you head to the store to buy it, ask the person working if they have tried any of them personally and what they thought of the taste - this has worked out well for me!

    Low calorie and no carb! I have just found my protein powder! Thanks

    OP - personally, I just look for the highest protein and lowest calorie and carbs. I don't think any of them taste amazing, so go for the right macros that suit your goal.
  • Iceman1800
  • KeriW626
    bump, Im interested in this subject for husband and myself. :drinker:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Look into Pea Proteins - low calorie, high protein & can mix with water & they still taste decent (Olympian Labs Chocolate is VERY low sodium & 25g protein).
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Bump for reference
  • ashheartshawaii
    ashheartshawaii Posts: 18 Member
    I use rich chocolate Aria Women's protein and mix with Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk. 80 calories for two full scoops, and all natural.
  • JayneGomez
    JayneGomez Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks you all for your comments!! I Really appreciate it :)
  • stephenson2012
    stephenson2012 Posts: 94 Member
    For future reference
  • kthryn64
    Anything low sugar. I was so surprised to find out that so many have such a high sugar content. Sugar is not good for weight loss and everyone knows that. I also have not consumed any with "fake sugar" recently because I was Leary of fake sugar but I am now trying some products with it to see what kind of results I can get. I did find a Soy Protein powder mix at Earth Fare that had no sugar or fake sugar in it. Just read your labels.
  • kthryn64
    I do unsweetened almond milk too. Milk has way to much sugar to add to protein shakes that already have sugar especially.
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Protein powders are just another source of protein... you don't need anything specially formulated for women. As long as you're under your calories, you won't gain.

    Personally, I'm a total cheapskate, so I buy the Market Pantry store brand from Target. I don't always use it, only when I have trouble meeting my protein goal with food alone. I like having protein bars on hand for when I want a candy bar type snack with more nutritional benefits. And again, I'll buy whatever's on sale.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    You need whey that is strong enough for a man, but ph balanced for a woman