...first run on 20(?) years...


Thanks to my MFP friends, I took my first run on 20(?) years.


I ran 0.8 miles in 0:08:11. So OK, I'm not breaking any speed or endurance records. But dammit, I have lost 27 pounds since July 2012 and I went RUNNING!

I am still walking daily (with my wife) and I plan to run a LITTLE farther tomorrow.

Thanks for the kind words,


  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Attaboy Richard! Just remember slow and steady keeps the injury bug away. Only increase your mileage by 10% per week give or take to prevent injury!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Actually, for the first run in 20 years that's pretty good. Don't get too carried away in the first months. Give your lower body time to adapt so you can run long term injury free.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    That is fantastic!!! You gotta start somewhere - stick to it and you'll undoubtedly make yourself very proud!
  • RichardJWalter
    RichardJWalter Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. Fortunately, I have been riding a bicycle for the last 12 years (don't ask me HOW I did it when I weighed 240+...!), so my legs are in pretty good shape. The problem is that cycling and running develop different leg muscles. I will have to be careful sand stretch...