Meal replacement shakes



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I usually eat real food, but sometimes I'll want to keep things very simple for a few days and will have Labrada for Her for two meals and a real meal at the end of the day. I like the Ice Cream Vanilla flavor.
  • snoopynut1972
    snoopynut1972 Posts: 49 Member
    Every time there is one of these threads there are the slew of comments about how you shouldn't drink meal replacements and blah blah blah. I don't believe the OP was asking if she SHOULD drink them, she was asking for opinions from those that DO drink them. There is nothing wrong with drinking a meal replacement shake if that's what you choose to do. If you are using a healthy one, there's no reason you can't drink it the rest of your life if you want to. If you are learning portion control and healthy eatting then you won't gain back the weight when you stop drinking them. You continue to eat sensibly, staying in your calorie goals.

    When someone asks for an opinion about wether or not to drink them, then feel free to preach about how much of a waste you think they are, but when someone is asking about opinions from those who actually drink them - move on and let those people share their opinions.

    I'm sorry, but I get so tired of the negativity every time someone posts about nutritional shakes.

    Well said!!!!! I totally agree with you!

    I mix up shakes using Protein Powder, almond milk, frozen fruits and veggies when I don't have time to make real food. Sure beats the alternative of running up the street for fast food, which is what I would have done in the past. I also find that a good chocolate protein powder, thrown in the blender with some unsweetened almond milk and a frozen banana makes a great healthy alternative to Ice Cream or Chocolate treats when I have a sweet craving.

    I use the Aria Vanilla and BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder Chocolate Milk Shake flavors.
  • asticoral
    I love my shakes; I'll do a month of Amazing Grass, the next Vega One.
    I've ALWAYS been a bad breakfast eater (read nothing) then the rest of the day its flying fork sparks........ using shakes I either have them AS shakes or it will be a smoothie. The benefits have astounded me, and has led to a more informed outlook as to my dietary intake.
    Also money savings: since my nutritional needs are being addressed I don't have to get supplements like a vitamin, or splurge on crapola because my body needs something.
  • ktbollman
    ktbollman Posts: 32 Member
    I loooove the Special K chocolate protein shakes. I usually drink one for breakfast because I'm not that hungry in the morning.

    You could also try juicing some fruits and vegetables for a meal.nom nom nom
  • Babsvii
    Babsvii Posts: 177 Member
    ViSalus is my shake of choice... i have tried a lot of shakes and protein powder and by far ViSalus beats them all.
  • emtron500
    emtron500 Posts: 102 Member
    I really enjoy Promasil protein powder blended with plain yogurt and some berries and maybe a banana. Depending how much fruit and yogurt you use it makes a 200-400 calorie meal that's got a good nutritional profile. And it's quick to throw together and drink on the way to work if you have to.
    MFPBONNIE Posts: 94 Member
    ditto on what jfatheree said the second time
  • mbhuntrn
    I love healthy homemade protein shakes and have one for breakfast each day. Mornings are crazy for me as I am getting kids off to school and myself to work, so I load the blender with dry ingredients before bed, then add milk, frozen fruit, whatever, in the morning, whirr away for a few seconds, pour into a tall glass, and head out the door, glass in hand! I sip it slowly during my 20 minute drive to work, and it keeps me satisfied for 3 or 4 hours. I use a few different recipes - banana PB chocolate, or vanilla mixed berry, or almond butter mocha...

    Drinking empty calories like a Coke or sweet tea is NOT equivalent to drinking a shake loaded with protein, nutrients, and fiber! My homemade shakes are creamy and delicious, and using frozen fruit and/or crushed ice makes them thick like milkshakes. I don't buy premade shakes - I want to control the contents and avoid questionable ingredients (like corn syrup!). So - if you don't find a premade one that fits the bill, or if they are prohibitively expensive, consider buying a tub of protein powder and big bags of frozen fruit at Sam's Club like I do and make your own. Variety is the spice of life!

    I make my own, too-I'm lactose intolerant so I use almond coconut milk, or soymilk, frozen fruit (I buy bananas out of the "dustbin"-the sale pile at the grocery- peel them, freeze them on cookie sheets, toss them in a freezer bag to store. Add one, with milk, protein powder (chocolate or vanilla) ice and sometimes a second frozen fruit. Whip in the blender. I make a batch sometimes without the banana but with other fruit like mixed berries, pour it into small freezer safe bowls and freeze them-and I have "ice cream" for when I'm having a sweet craving.

    Making my own keeps ME in control of ingredients, cost and taste!
  • Southern_Belle89
    I use total lean- lean shakes, the premixed ones. i got them as a free sample from GNC. they also come in a power form. i did alot of research before i started using them. Alot of people say they are the best tasting stuff they have tried. i drink the Valina bean but they also come in strawberry and chocolate. you can do alot with them just look online and read reviews

    Same LOVE THEM! :)
  • moreORless50
    moreORless50 Posts: 261 Member
    i use rdy mixed slimfast shakes sometimes i am a very busy person at the moment and i find them very handy when i havnt the time to stop and make lunch
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Chocolate shakeology ! Totally kills cravings & they have a 30 day money back deal even if u use the whole bag !
  • RedMeeko
    RedMeeko Posts: 24 Member
    I love Shakeology. I put peanut butter in mine with just plain water. I use it a lot of the time as a desert. Or an actual meal replacement when I work because it's quick and easy and I can sip it as I'm running back and forth. (I'm a nurse, so I don't get time to sit and chill and eat for very long.)
  • Ash2712
    Ash2712 Posts: 19 Member
    I uses a shake every morning for breakfast, If I don't then I either do not eat or eat crappy foods!
    I usually do a GNC amp whey protrin, I love the chocolate, the banana is great too! mixing the two is awesome.
    If I get a sweet tooth at night then I will have one of these (4oz, 93 calories) it is really great!
    Good luck.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Ben & Jerry's...melted. Turns into a shake. It's awesome.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I like In & Out strawberry shakes. They replace my large root beer in my double double meal. Who am I kidding, I still get the root beer with my double double meal.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    So far most Meal replacement shakes that I've tried have either tasted, kind of chalky, (Like Myoplex, or Muscle milk in powder form), or if they are premixed, they have kind of a metallic taste.

    I prefer making my own with basic protein powder, 1/2 cup of milk, and 1/2 frozen banana, or other frozen fruit. I can also get veggies in by adding spinach to some.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I can't afford it
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I use slim fast chocolate shake particuarly around my monthlies I find it helps the cravings, stops me reaching for chocolate bars and I'm still staying within my calories.

    I like the strawberry one too usually have that when choc cravings are not as bad if wake up later and want something quick before I take my dog out. Usually I do either breakfast OR lunch except when cravings are bad and i need 2 chocolate shakes to stop me eating chocolate instead!
  • Cassandrat83
    Every time there is one of these threads there are the slew of comments about how you shouldn't drink meal replacements and blah blah blah. I don't believe the OP was asking if she SHOULD drink them, she was asking for opinions from those that DO drink them. There is nothing wrong with drinking a meal replacement shake if that's what you choose to do. If you are using a healthy one, there's no reason you can't drink it the rest of your life if you want to. If you are learning portion control and healthy eatting then you won't gain back the weight when you stop drinking them. You continue to eat sensibly, staying in your calorie goals.

    When someone asks for an opinion about wether or not to drink them, then feel free to preach about how much of a waste you think they are, but when someone is asking about opinions from those who actually drink them - move on and let those people share their opinions.

    I'm sorry, but I get so tired of the negativity every time someone posts about nutritional shakes.
    THIS!!! I do drink meal replacement shakes and yes, it is something that I could quite easily continue for the rest of my life. I really do not see how it is anyones place to judge. At the moment I am using Natures Life.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I like the maxitone definity shakes. I add a splash if milk, a tbsp of fat free Greek yogurt and a spoon of nesquick, if I've got tastes gorgeous ! I'll have that as a meal replacement if I've eaten a lot, like yesterday :laugh: