How to get over a plateau?

Hey guys, I am at a plateau. I am eating healthy and walking / jogging 4 miles a day. I do some ab work and pushups everyday. I am just staying the same weight. Is there something that I can do so I can get back to dropping weight? Tips are highly appreciated!


  • hellnokitty
    hellnokitty Posts: 19 Member
    You will keep losing weight if you just do what you're doing. If you're super desperate just to see the numbers move on the scale, maybe try cutting salt from your diet- you should drop a few pounds water weight pretty quick.
  • Werner1950
    Werner1950 Posts: 38 Member
    I too have hit the dreaded "plateau". It seems everyone has to hit this resistance level. And was wondering the same thing. I suppose the science says that a plateau must give way to further weight loss eventually, as long as the other factors (calories, exercise) remain equal. I am wondering if there is an explanation as to what triggers a plateau. For the last few days I have been way under my allotted calorie intake, and that is exactly where I hit the plateau. Not that I am purposely starving myself, but I discovered shirataki noodles, and I have just felt stuffed...:smile:
  • katwal87
    katwal87 Posts: 19 Member
    I found cutting carbs helped, I cut down to 100g or less per day and it kick started things again for me. I am slowly upping them again as I am finding it quite hard to keep it down at 100g or less - don't know how some people can do Atkins and other low carb diets over a long period, I like mine too much lol!