starting 30 day shred tomorrow 9/24, anyone want to join?



  • jordynlv
    I'm in, as well! I ordered it off of Amazon a few days ago! After seeing all the wonderful results other women are having, it's making me anxious waiting for it to come in the mail. Hopefully tomorrow! Good luck, ladies! :happy:
  • abeautifulei
    abeautifulei Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join. I need the motivation of knowing I'm not doing it alone.
  • Marvi120
    Marvi120 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in. I own those videos, this is incentive to to use them.
  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    I've been looking for the motivation to start. Count me in! :)
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I ordered the dvd last week, if it comes today then I will start tomorrow too!!!
  • LiveLaffLoseLove
    I have been wanting to start it too... 20 mins in the morning isn't bad at all... I just can't find the DVD... I didn't want to order it cuz I want it NOW!!!!
  • MaddiTaylah17
    I will! (:
  • cshevlin
    cshevlin Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in.
  • sar15034
    sar15034 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!
  • Ittybitty22
    Ittybitty22 Posts: 48 Member
    started it up again
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    I am in! Anyone also trying this is welcome to add me :)
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    My copy has just arrived at work today so count me in. Will be doing it this evening. gulp........
  • texnurse
    texnurse Posts: 33 Member
    I started September 2nd and I am on Day 1 of level 3, Jillian will kick your butt! Some of the exercises I wish I had 5 lb weights some of them I am thankful my weights are only 2 lbs. I have lost 7 lbs and a lot of inches!!!! I bought my weights at walmart for less than $5. Level 3 you are on your elbows and hands a lot so make sure you have a soft mat or carpet, no hard floors. I couldn't do a push up before this dvd and now I can, I didn't have a flat stomach before this dvd and after 2 weeks I have some serious rock hard abs, just working on the definition now. Have fun with it ladies and don't give up! Work through it no matter how much you want to give up!
  • toughlovexx3
    I am starting it today tooo.
    Ive watched level 1 and it doesnt seem as hard as everyone says but then again ive never tried it !
    Im trying level 1 today and all i know is i would probably need help from MFP to push me back into it the next day!


    LETS DO IT !

    It could help if we put our starting measurments tooo !

    i totally forgot about measurements. thats an awesome idea, to whoever is comfortable posting them :)
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    I actually started this a couple of weeks ago and only made it to day 4. Then I went away for the wknd and skipped 2 days. I couldn't get back into it on the following Monday :/. I really need to be held accountable, hopefully you all will help me! Btw I really like this workout. I only used 2 lb weights and my arms were really sore afterwards but it was a good feeling. It is a hard workout, and it really made me sweat, but just when you think you have to stop, she switches exercises and I find I can keep going. Each exercise is only 1 or 2 or 3 mins long. And I can do anything for 2 mins! :)
  • dontmesswithtx
    Can you post a link to the group? I'm totally in. I own the DVD and have used it a few times but I'm terrible with being consecutive about it. I'm sure we can all motivate each other and we can do it! Just trying to find the group so I can join :)
  • toughlovexx3
    thank you everyone that is starting! super excited
  • toughlovexx3
    Can you post a link to the group? I'm totally in. I own the DVD and have used it a few times but I'm terrible with being consecutive about it. I'm sure we can all motivate each other and we can do it! Just trying to find the group so I can join :)

    yes i can(if i can figure it out) lol and i have been also sending invitations to everyone who said they want to do it but posting the link sounds much easier lol
  • Kimdhattan
    I'm in! Sounds great.
  • toughlovexx3

    link to my group. hopefully its the right one lol