Does anyone??



  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Mikayla. Water is the best thing to drink. If you are not used to drinking a lot though you might want to add some flavor to it.I use MIO (there are many different flavors to chose from). When i was doing Nutrisystem years ago they gave us a drink that tasted just like Tang that we could drink to get used to drinking in volume.
    As far as the exercise go,do what you can and build from there. The more you exercise the better,but you don't have to kill yourself doing them..You have already lost 2 pounds and that is a great start. good luck.
  • How I do it is I drink 8 glasses of water before supper time and then at supper I allow myselfe a soda if I got all my water in. Also it helps me to have ice cold water and in a glass with a straw. Hope this helps.
  • Thank you all
  • How I do it is I drink 8 glasses of water before supper time and then at supper I allow myselfe a soda if I got all my water in. Also it helps me to have ice cold water and in a glass with a straw. Hope this helps.
    This is something i may try!! its kinda like rewarding yourself
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    For me, it has gotten a lot easier to drink water. In the morning, I have my coffee, and the rest of the work day I drink iced water only. I have gotten to where I drink water at home now too. It was a process but I have gotten used to it.
    I used to use crystal light and all that but it really is healthier to just drink water since those drink mixes (powders and flavor drops) have chemicals that your body doesn't need.

    As far as calories - as long as you burn more than you consume you'll lose weight. That doesn't mean that you should consume 1200 calories then go to the gym and kill yourself to burn 1300 ... check out the BMR calculator and it'll tell you how many calories you burn naturally.
  • Water is indeed boring. But I have found sparkling water to be refreshing, and I am more likely to drink that than good old tap water.

    I live off of sparkling water now, I love to squeeze a little fresh lemon or lime in it too! But, my local grocery store sells store brand flavors that are amazing! I love that there is nothing unnecessary added to them!
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I drink a coffee on my way to work, water throughout the work day (usually trying to cram in about 40 of the daily recommended 64 oz during work), then a glass of milk with dinner, and unsweet tea at home the rest of the evening.
  • Add lemon/lime for better taste and some more health benefits!
  • adnol_2
    adnol_2 Posts: 35 Member
    I drink hannaford sparkling water and that seems to help. I also try to drink just plain water as well. The sparkling water takes away the craving for the diet coke for me.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Way back when I quit drinking fizzy drinks and moved onto water, I started by mixing a little honey and lemon juice into my water to make it sweet. Then I gradually used less & less honey and lemon juice until I was drinking the water on its own. Now, 6 years later, I love it and hate the taste of fizzy drinks!! :)

    Also, try different brands if you get it bottled. For example I cannot stand Asda glensburgh water, but I love Evian! So apparently different minerals/etc in the water can affect the taste?
  • I eventually weaned off of sweet tea. (the South represent!)

    For a 2-gallon pitcher, I went 1 cup of sugar to 3/4, to 1/2, to 1/4, to 1/8, to zero.

    Even at 1/8th of a cup, you're only talking ~180 calories for the whole 2 gallon pitcher. Assuming 8 oz cups, that's just over 10 cals per cup. That's certainly not going to kill you.

    Sugar is addictive. Trying to go cold turkey is tough and makes you more likely to backslide. Wean off, and it will be easier and likely last longer. I drink unsweet tea now, and just about ANY sweet tea is cloyingly sweet to me now and I can't drink it.

    Good luck. :)
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Mikayla, I recommend Crystal Light. (sorry, I don't sell the stuff) If you're not allergic to artificial sweeteners or stevia. It tastes good and really helps me drink water.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Try hot herbal teas - some are very flavorful - and some club soda with a splash of juice here and there.
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    If you have difficulty drinking water then you probably don't need it. Our bodies are very able to signal to you if you need water (you feel thirsty).

    The problem is initially we don't feel thirsty, we feel hungry... not kidding... sometimes when you feel hungry it's more you need water than food.
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    I really like water, but there are days when I find it a challenge to drink the 8 glasses recommended. I actually have 2 suggestions. My first one is what many other people have said, add some flavor - I like to add lemons and a little bit of Splenda to my water, makes it taste like lemonade. I'll bring pre-cut lemons in a plastic bag with me to work and keep them in the fridge so it's convenient. My other suggestion is to purchase a large water thermos, I have one that holds like 32 oz. from the Life is Good products and I make it a goal to drink at least 3 of those a day, even if I fill it and then pour it into smaller size cups to keep the rest cold in the fridge. Good luck :wink:
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I love drinking water. I think its a love/hate relationship. Like me, I cringe if I drink cola or any other fizzy. Or if anyone offers it to me. I just dont crave it and I can certainly live without it. I dont know why.
    I am not a big fan of juice or anything like that. I only ever drink milk and water.

    I used to love apple juice before. But times have changed :P
    I mean, I CAN drink a little if I reeeeally feel like it at a party or something but its very rare.

    I think it is a good thing in terms of my weightloss because I dont like to "waste" my calories easily by fluids.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    It gets a lot easier. I used to drink a lot of soda and now I have one maybe once a week. I really don't miss the soda. In fact I had one yesterday and didn't finish it. It made me feel bloated.
    And no you don't need to burn 1000 calories a day. Trying to would make you so tired you would give up. I try to burn 500 calories four times a week but that is after being at it for 3 years. I started by walking 15 minutes a day.
    If you would like more friends feel free to add me
  • If you asked me three months ago, how difficult it was to give up sweet tea and soda, I would say HARD and I miss it sooo much. But now, going cold turkey on all those...IT is super easy. Now I don't crave the sweetness. If I want something sweet, I eat fruit. I decided that I was willing to give up soda and sweettea so long as I could still have chocolate. Now, I work chocolate into my day...So I don't feel deprived:tongue: But I don't miss the sweet drinks. In fact, I drank part of a sprite the other day at a restaurant and I got sick to my stomach because of the sugar in it. If you want something to drink besides water, drink unsweetened tea. It only has 5 to 15 calories depending on an 8-32 ounce drink. no sugar, only 5 carbs. I prefer subway's unsweetened tea. It is also enriched with B vitamins