Looking for advice for a daily schedule like mine!

Hello everybody! I've been using MFP for a while, but this is the first time I've posted here.

I'm looking for some advice for how to lose weight with my weekday schedule. I currently work from 11.30am to 10pm 5 days a week, with lunch break usually at 2pm. I can't eat anything between lunch break and the end of work, so I'm often really hungry by the time I get home. However, it's already so late and I don't want to eat so much for dinner. Then again, I'm always so hungry and sometimes eat way too much. I eat breakfast everyday at around 9am.

So my questions are: Any ideas what I should be eating during lunch to last me 8 hours? What should I do after I get home? Should I skip dinner and just eat a big breakfast? Or should I skip breakfast?

I've heard a lot of conflicting information about meal times and such, so I'm a bit confused! Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you!


  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I would suggest, at the very least, your largest or most satisfying meal for lunch, since it will be so long before dinner. Then by dinner time, you should be ready to eat, but not famished.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    why would you want to skip dinner or breakfast!?

    it doesnt matter what time you eat as long as you stay within your calories.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Meal times are irrelevant. Eat when you can. Stay within your calories, hit your macros. You'll get it done!
  • cosmic_starfish
    cosmic_starfish Posts: 14 Member
    I've just posted a similar topic about my working hours too!! I work 5am-1pm and often don't eat for hours, then I'm starving and just grab the nearest, usually unhealthiest thing available. One idea is maybe to swap your meals around, like having a good breakfast and treat the meal as if it were dinner, and something small for dinner as if it were breakfast (hope that makes sense?)
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Keeping track of your peak craving times could also help. Knowing that you NEED a piece of fruit or veggie at 4pm could help you satisfy those unhealthy cravings at the end of the day. You should be entitled to two 15 minute breaks anyways, so take them and eat something!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Yeah......I would try to worry less about the specific time, and just worry about making the meals you need to be filling fill you up.

    For your "lunch" I would try to have a high protein meal. Honestly, I'd probably suggest a big fat turkey sandwich. You can make one for under 300 calories, which is perfectly decent for a meal, and you get some carbs and a lot of protein....that would keep hunger at bay for me for a while.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    High protein for sure, and I wouldn't worry about what time I ate dinner, unless its keeping you awake or something. If so, I'd make breakfast and lunch a heavier meal and a lighter dinner.

    Sounds like pre-planning lunch and dinner would be best for you so you don't make unhealthy choices when you are famished.
  • hullchris
    hullchris Posts: 16 Member
    I've just posted a similar topic about my working hours too!! I work 5am-1pm and often don't eat for hours, then I'm starving and just grab the nearest, usually unhealthiest thing available. One idea is maybe to swap your meals around, like having a good breakfast and treat the meal as if it were dinner, and something small for dinner as if it were breakfast (hope that makes sense?)

    My schedule in the winter is very similar and this is exactly what I do. I have dinner for breakfast as close to leaving for work as I can, and then I'll pack a sandwich or what ever I need for lunch to eat at work when I get my lunch plus a snack to eat on a 10 minute break. Always take a break for a snack. I've argued with my employer that other people get a break to smoke, so non smokers should get a short break as well and then I started taking a snack break (I also work for a small company that would allow me to do such a thing). Then when I get home breakfast before bed. I think the change in schedule really excites your body too. *No scientific evidence, just my personal experience.

    I think the one thing that is hurting you a little is that your lunch break is so early. It might benifit you to talk to your boss and see if you can switch your lunch a little later?
  • I used to be quite similar and some days I still am! What I tend to do is switch my meals. Sounds a bit weird and can take a bit of getting used to but I eat an evening meal at breakfast time and then a bowl of cereal and some toast when I get in. I find it helps to keep me full during the day and meals I dont go to bed on a full meal.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Eat breakfast like a King
    Eat Lunch Like a Prince
    Eat Dinner like a Pauper...

    Basically make your breakfast your biggest meal of the day and go down so your evening meal is the smallest.

    Sneak a little breakfast bar in when you feel peckish at work.
    Drink plenty of water inbetween :)
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I like all of the suggestions & I'll include if you can't take a small break drink a meal replacement pref. high protien shake & have some trail mix on hand for a quick grab.
  • BekaMiller
    BekaMiller Posts: 5 Member
    When I get home late from work or a workout I drink a protein shake. There's a theory out there that says protein will continue to burn fat while you sleep. I don't know if that is true, but it works great for me. Just an idea! :smile: Good luck!
  • What I do is I eat a high protein breakfast, egg whites maybe. Then between breakfast I have a light protein shake. For lunch I have a chicken salad wrap made with grilled chicken, red and green peppers, little bit of spicy mustard and other veggies. Then between lunch and dinner some rice. For dinner i will have a fish grilled with lemon. Along with a baked potato.

    It may seem like i eat a lot, I eat less portions but more times through out the day. This method keeps me more full through out the time spent at work, plus it keeps me from killing my fridge when I get home. So if you have or can find time to snack on a protein bar that is what i do.
  • spoonpuppet
    spoonpuppet Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas, everybody!

    My work schedule is rather inflexible, so I won't be able to get a later lunch. I'm a teacher in Japan, which is one of the most workaholic nations in the world, and my schedule revolves around lesson times.

    For now, I'll try the more-protein idea. I don't want to switch around my meal-times just yet, since sometimes I might go out for dinner with friends and don't want to be stuck with a small calorie budget at the end of the day. Also, I think it would be difficult to switch it back at the weekend.