I have been super ultra MEGA lethargic late;y. Other than the occasional night or two in a month I stay up late, everything seems pretty much balanced. (including iron, I love my sun dried tomatoes)

Any nutritional advice?


  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    water intake in check?
  • sandral73
    sandral73 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not one to "fad diet" but after hearing a lot of positive things about the blood-type diet, I tried it out for 30 days... wow - what a difference! I also used to be EXTREMELY lethargic, unmotivated, no energy, etc. Following the blood-type recommendations were fairly easy, but I don't follow it 100%. I am an 'A' blood type. Once I cut out beef, pork and shellfish (A is a mostly vegetarian diet), I stopped feeling sleepy. It's been almost 2 years now and I feel amazing. If you run out of options, give it a try and see if it works for you too.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Roughly how many calories do you eat each day? I find myself becoming lethargic when I don't eat enough, regardless of how 'good' the food I am eating is.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I noticed you said "lately." Don't know where you live, but the majority of the US had a sharper transition to autumn than normal. Sudden temperature drops + more clouds = less Vitamin D.

    Eat nuts, fish, or take 1000 to 2000 IUs of Vitamin D3. Bet you feel better in less than a week ;)
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    My water intake could probably take an increase.
    And perhaps more fish oils. I eat tooooo many nuts though.

    You think it could be from taking a step off the juicing and smoothie-ing?

    Never heard of the blood type diet.

    I'm a vegetarian whom is stepping into the fish field for a little while. So I'll have some fish a two or three times in a month.
    That's increased a lot of my health....but AGH, I can't seem to get my full grip in the day.

    Maybe it's a heart break from my bike not being apart of my EVERY day life. haha. That's my lasssssssst guess.
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Reading your post made me think. I've been feeling more tired this week, though I've kept going with the exercise. Maybe you are right about the water intake. I was drinking more because the weather was warm, but last week not so much, and I've been drinking more tea. Maybe that's made the workouts harder.

    I guess we both need to drink more water...! Thanks for posting and reminding me. :-)
  • NatashaRuz
    Reading your post made me think. I've been feeling more tired this week, though I've kept going with the exercise. Maybe you are right about the water intake. I was drinking more because the weather was warm, but last week not so much, and I've been drinking more tea. Maybe that's made the workouts harder.

    I guess we both need to drink more water...! Thanks for posting and reminding me. :-)

    I'm dragging like crazy myself. Yesterday and today especially. I took two naps yesterday!! I never even take one! :)
    We did stay up late last night, so that's probably why I'm so tired today...but sucks.
    Been drinking tons of water.

    The cool, Fall weather is on us maybe it's a bit of that 'hibernating syndrome' that's kicking in. :)
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Reading your post made me think. I've been feeling more tired this week, though I've kept going with the exercise. Maybe you are right about the water intake. I was drinking more because the weather was warm, but last week not so much, and I've been drinking more tea. Maybe that's made the workouts harder.

    I guess we both need to drink more water...! Thanks for posting and reminding me. :-)

    The cool, Fall weather is on us maybe it's a bit of that 'hibernating syndrome' that's kicking in. :)

    Hibernating syndrome, yes that's definitely it! :-)
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    Well glad to see I'm no alone!!!

    Yesterday I decided to get my *kitten* in gear and rearrange my garage set up for the new punching bags. So worth it. Mucho calories burnt AND I feel accomplished.


    Let me know if drinking more water helps!
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    Same here. I was starting to get worried and thinking of making a doctor's appointment. I usually have low iron levels and haven't hit my protein numbers. Somedays I wish I could take a nap.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your diary is not viewable but if it was, the first 2 things I'd look at is total calories and carbs. If you are not get enough of either it could cause lethargy.
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    I thought my diary was able to be viewed. Weird. I'll try and fix it.

    They seem alright. I only allow myself 1200 calories, 120 carbs, and 20 fats. They all increase with my work out obviously.

    Funny story: Yesterday after school I didn't even make it all the way home (thirty minute drive) before stopping at a friends house to nap. Went home, did a two hour photo shoot, which took no effort, went home...and slept for twelve hours, woke up to take an online school test, and right back to sleep for two hours....

    Today is a great day, but seriously, last time this happened I was pregnant with my daughter. AND ABSOLUTELY NO POSSIBLE CHANCE I'M PREGNANT. So we shall see if this improves my lethargic state.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    1200 calories is a minimum. It may not be enough for you. Also, 120 grams of carbs is a little low but not horrible as long as our intake goes up with exercise. What do you have your goals set to and what is your current height and weight? You may have your goals set too agressively and that is what is causing your fatigue. Not saying for sure but possible.

    PS: Dairy still not viewable.
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    I managed to drink enough water, eat a banana, then went for my c25k run, which was 2x 10 minutes. I managed to pace myself and it was easier today. Maybe water is at least one of the answers! :)

    Make sure you're having enough calories. I know we all want to lose, but we also know if we don't have enough our bodies get confused and don't know what to do. Remember to allow for calories burned. Hope you feel better soon. Keep posting. :)
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    If I don't eat enough or don't have enough carbs I get really lethargic. I was a on a carb restricted diet for two and a half weeks for some medical stuff and I felt like I was sleep walking the entire time.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Ya gotta have enough carbs for energy.
    Its funny because i always considered carbs to be bad news but they really do fill you up.
    the energy gets ya going throughout the day and restful by night.
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    I was the exact same way and didnt know why, my friend gave me these natural energy wheat grass drinks and they work amazing!!! There is no caffiene or stimulants and they work for about 6 hours. Whenever I need to workout and don't want too or just cant wake up I drink them. I feel happy too! Not just buzzed like most energy supplements, they are called genesis pure energy. They will make you feel motivated to get up and go!
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    mmm wheatgrass. Haven't been able to find any. :/

    Diary may be surely viewed now. Woops!

    I am 5'1 and 125. I'd like to hit 111 and then hop up to a solid 115 with muscle. Marital arts is what I do most. Biking will be back hopefully by Monday!!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Took a look and the mix is fine but 4 of the last 5 days you ate at 1000 calories or less and one day was below 400. It's not too hard to figure why you have no energy. You are not giving yourself enough fuel. Plain and simple.

    I plugged your number into's BMR calculator to see what a reasonable daily calorie allowance would look like including exercise and I got 1800 calories. On those low days you are at about 1/4 of that. Doing this, you will not have energy. You also risk other kinds of health probelms as well as a slow down of your metabolism if you continue to eat this little.
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    That's a first at hearing 1800 for me! Damn. Eating 1200 is really tough. I don't know why.

    It dawned on me today that perhaps my grain intake is a little too excessive. Starting tomorrow morning is a grain slash! Just to see if this helps boost my lethargy.

    Thank you so much for all the help btw!