Why are weekends sooo hard?!



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    As long as you are being diligent M-F, you are still making progress. If you flub up a little on the weekend, it's not the end of the world. Just don't let yourself get in the mindset of "Well, I already blew it for the day so I might as well just go all out..."

    If you know that weekends are going to be hard for you, allow yourself a little extra so that you can prove to yourself that you can still be accountable. Just make your goal a little more realistic.
  • r_lemon
    I agree. The weekends are difficult for me as well. In fact, I was wondering to myself last night why that is. However, this weekend wasn't as bad because I started Saturday off walking with a friend of mine. Like one gentleman said who replied to you, working out early in the day on the weekends would give you some wiggle room, it did for me and I plan to do it from here on out. However, don't lament about it too much. As long as you keep getting back on that horse and perhaps even create a plan of strategy for your weekends to adhere to, you're still in the game. Keep up the good work!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Hubby was working, which is unusual. He makes me accountable, so since he wasn't around, I went over my caloric limit all weekend. Gah! But UI am learning something valuable about myself: I can't do this alone, and when I get lonely, I eat.

    Not to be negative, because I am glad you are making a decision on changing your life but:

    ^^ This is terribly wrong on many levels.

    You can do it alone, you must do it alone, because the only person that puts food into your mouth is you.

    You have to give up that old lifestyle once and for all before you will see big changes.

    Anyways, good luck to you, I know you can succeed!

    I agree.

    You CAN and SHOULD try to do this by motivating yourself. Don't rely on others to do it for you.

    Make sure you are getting enough calories in the day as well. If you're undereating and getting hungry, you're going to be more inclined to overindulge when you get stressed or upset.

    Just dust yourself off and take it one day at a time.
  • aldalilja
    aldalilja Posts: 17 Member
    For me it's candy and chips (and soda), it helps if I make some healthier snacks, for example frozen grapes are nice (somewhat like a lollipop), covering bananas and strawberries with dark chocolate is good or just to get popcorn (not microwave) with just a little salt.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I go over every weekend, too-- I try not to let it get to me; in fact, this past weekend, I didn't even log. MFP has made me more aware of portion control & nutrition, so I do try to make healthy choices, but I know I'll get discouraged seeing how I go over every Saturday & Sunday. Just remember than an extra 300 calories or so won't totally de-rail you-- and if you tend to be under during the week, it does even out!
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    Weekends aren't hard for me, if anything they are easier because I can take the time to prepare meals. I really think a lot of the weekend thing is people making weekends different. They are just another day in the week.
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Several things worked for me and most have already been said by other respondees.

    Keep busy, if you are 'bored', 'watching TV', 'doing nothing' etc you are going to reach for the snacks........

    Think - 'Lifestyle Change' - and not 'Diet'. It really does work......

    Plan ahead, input what you are going to have and not what you have already eaten........

    Eating out?? check the menus online before you go so you can try to eat a little healthier without spoiling the occasion.

    Remember though, as long as you keep your calories controlled most of the time, it will not hurt you to have the occasional spike day!

    :smile: :smile: :smile: good luck, Linda
  • 724a
    724a Posts: 15 Member
    Structure. That is, your workday is structured. Your mind has something to do. You are distracted by responsibilities. When time is your own, it's easier to lose focus.

    Other distractions include meeting with friends and family (other than your everyday immediate family) who are not following some sort of plan.

    At least, that's the way it is for me. I try to get my weekend workout done early each day so I know that won't get bumped. Then it's just a matter of keeping honest with yourself. I realized recently dieting is like golf... golf is the only sport I know of where you can call a foul on yourself.
  • jroselive2012
    Normally weekends aren't hard for me, but this past weekend was really hard. Hang in there, you can do it! Next weekend, make a plan for what you want to eat. Then if you want to have a high calorie dinner, plan your meals earlier in the day around that!
  • Nitabug36
    Nitabug36 Posts: 65 Member
    I tend to over eat on the weekend myself... It's good to know I'm not the only one and you shouldn't feel bad at all. Sometimes I'm ashame to log what I have eaten because I do go over but in the end I'm not the only who does, so I don't feel so bad. I do try to work out early so that if I go over, I've already burned the calories I'm taking in. Hang in there!!!
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Weekends are wrecking me - I have family over and big meals and I don't have the structure of a workday so I eat what's on the table without tracking. During the week, I do the cooking and am more in touch about the content of the meals.

    It's Monday and am finally back to where I was on Friday, and that's better than usual.
  • SiaGrace
    SiaGrace Posts: 12 Member
    I did the same thing this weekend. My intentions were good. I personally didn't really blow it until Saturday night. My excuse was a girlfriend asked me to go out to hear some music and dance (I had my husband's blessing of course!). I was afraid I may drink and not have enough heavy food in me so I made a frozen pizza since it was quick. I added extra cheese .. hence extra calories. The good news.. I didn't drink any extra calories.. stuck with diet pepsi and water..and I danced almost every set. I estimate about 2 hours of exercise.
    But on Sunday.. I continued to eat heavier food... and I'm trying to get back on track today..I think what always happens to me is I think I'm doing good.. so I feel like i can reward myself. I know intellectually it is not really a reward but I know this will be a bad habit to break. Somewhere i have heard "Nothing taste as good as thin feels." I will try to keep that in mind as I battle my way back to a healthy weight.
    Thanks for sharing.. I'm new to this and I need all the inspiration I can get!
  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    you said that you eat as a way to reward you self for the week. A reward if a great thing however make it a none food reward.

    If I do good all week with my work out on friday/Saturday I get 3 new nail polishes or something for my scraproom. I try and keep it to about $3.00-$6.00 a week now more. So find something you love and reward you self with it. (yes I love cheap nail polish)
  • rme921
    It seems weekends are hard for almost everyone.....myself included. I log on to MFP, but hardly remember to log my food over the weekends....may not eat lunch or eat a late lunch and maybe a snack instead of dinner, so I tend to be a bad logger cause I know I am not eating right. At work, I bring what I am going to eat for breakfast, lunch and a snack so I'm good.....but when I get home I don't eat right....does this mean I should be working 24/7 cause then I would focus on eating correctly!

    I think that with me it is just a "will power" thing. I have excellent will power when I am busy, but put me in a situation where I'm bored, and I'll eat.I have to keep busy. I do Zumba on Saturday morning, then go home and clean the house....Saturdays aren't that bad, but Sunday, I choose not to do any exercise. I go to Church and then come home eat and relax. I just have to keep myself from being bored, keep moving and I'll eat correctly! Good luck, it will get better.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Just when you think you have this down, the weekend shows up. I too had a terrible weekend. Not because I over indulged to the point of being ashamed. I didn't eat 3 balanced meals with a couple snacks. I ate my regular breakfast then was gone most of the rest of the day. Meaning we ate one large meal in the middle of the afternoon and no dinner. I know better but since it was late, I was hungry and then my mind went to thinking if I eat more now, I won't eat later. It is a vicious circle and one we all have to learn to conquer. It takes time. One week of a new lifestyle you can't expect to be perfect. Take it slow. Learn from the little things and you will be fine.

    Good Luck in this journey we call life!
  • itcouldbeme
    Only been dieting a week and am already discouraged. I blew it over the weekend. Hubby was working, which is unusual. He makes me accountable, so since he wasn't around, I went over my caloric limit all weekend. Gah! But UI am learning something valuable about myself: I can't do this alone, and when I get lonely, I eat. And one more thing I've learned: I tend to "reward" myself on weekends for being good during the week. Comforting, I guess...until the guilt sets in. Ugh. During the week, I am soo good. Why are weekend so hard?

    Don't give up and do not quit. I find most weekends harder. When I'm at work I stay a little busier during the week. More TV time and stuff on the weekends. I have found that having a glass of water nearby helps, or drinking a protein shake and trying to stay busy. That said, weekends were also meant to be enjoyed so don't get discouraged by it. Some may not believe in this but I do an extra 30 minutes of cardio usually on Mondays as a way to make up a little if I pulled in some extra cal's over the weekend. Hope something in here will help you.

    I need more friends on here too. So send me a FR.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Get some MFP friends, and stay in contact with them on the weekends. We are all here to encourage each other, so maybe setting up weekend workout goals or diet goals with your MFP friends will be the encouragement you need to get through the weekend.

    I have found MFP to be an excellent tool to push me through to my personal best. When I tell everyone on my friends list that I'm going to do so many minutes of exercise or go to the gym so many times per week, they do hold me accountable and I feel like I need to get it done because I want to be an inspiration to others who are struggling on this journey as well.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    For starters, diets do that to you. Maybe start thinking of it as something other than a diet. Personally, I stopped thinking of it as a diet and things have been a LOT smoother.

    Exactly!!! Diets don't work. Changing your lifestyle works.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    There's a train of thought that suggests we should "undereat" for 5 days then eat "normally" for the other 2. I try to really watch it during the week then let myself go a little on weekends. If Friday turns into a weekend day, which it often does, then I start back to lower calories on Sunday. Some weekdays are really difficult, too, and I just want to eat eat eat. It's a balancing act, really, but the bottom line is to feed ourselves better foods which will help with cravings in the long run.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Only been dieting a week and am already discouraged. I blew it over the weekend. Hubby was working, which is unusual. He makes me accountable, so since he wasn't around, I went over my caloric limit all weekend. Gah! But UI am learning something valuable about myself: I can't do this alone, and when I get lonely, I eat. And one more thing I've learned: I tend to "reward" myself on weekends for being good during the week. Comforting, I guess...until the guilt sets in. Ugh. During the week, I am soo good. Why are weekend so hard?

    he he I reward as you say too much. I can be good for a week and then it all goes to pot, ive got no will power at all.I eat when im happy and when im pissed off too, so its a double edged sword for me.It doesnt have to be the weekend for me, anytime, if that feeling hits and i want to eat,I usually give in.