Thoughts on "cheat day"



  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I'm having a 'cheat' day today. I have pre-planned all my food and am logging everything...same as I usually do. Some of the things I plan to eat today have I bought a couple of days ago with the intention of eating them today. This way I have been looking forward to them, and also I have some feeling of pride in myself that a couple of months ago I wouldn't have been able to have these foods in the house and not eat them. But I have done it and today I can have the satisfaction of eating them
  • StarLeopard
    StarLeopard Posts: 80 Member
    I see carbs as an addiction that turns on the cravings so no cheat day for me. It's not worth it. As long as I'm not craving then I don't need it anyway. That doesn't mean I might not tack on a few extra carbs occasionally but not enough to take me out of ketosis. Everyone is different though so you have to discover what works best for you.
  • coffeerunner
    coffeerunner Posts: 26 Member
    I don't believe in "cheat days". Because that would imply something I'm eating is "good or bad". I believe in eating in moderation and enjoying what I eat, and remembering extremes are temporary fixes - like someone who says they are giving up sugar. Unless you plan to do that forever, you aren't learning to eat in a permanent setting. So yes I may have a meal oa night out that is richer and more decadent food but I also know to enjoy those things to balance it out I should aim for helathier options during the day. A whole day of rich food without exercise sounds fantasticin theory but the day after I would feel terrible.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    dont plan a cheat day... they will just sneak up on you.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't try to plan a cheat day and I don't have them often. The only times I've really gone over my calories is my birthday, and when I was on vacation and a work trip. It get's too hard to be good for those things! :) But usually anytime I know I'm going out for dinner or want to make something that's not quite so healthy, I plan to exercise that day. Just yesterday I was able to have some homemade waffles for breakfast, a coke with my (yummy and healthy) dinner and some Sweet Frog that night! I know, I didn't have the healthiest day but I was still under my calorie goal. So my "cheat" meals aren't usually a true cheat meal because I generally don't go over...I always work a little harder to earn those goodies.
  • DaneDillinger
    DaneDillinger Posts: 70 Member
    I don't have a cheat day or meals. I make sure that I stay within my calories as much as possible. Some days if I know that I'm having a higher calorie dinner, I trade my lunch for a lower calorie option.

    You don't have to give up all of the good things, you just have to find a balance for them.

    Truth. I'm not one for cheat days or meals, I find the idea of them counterproductive. I guess it all depends on your personality and constitution. I have an addictive personality, and look at it like this: if you were quitting smoking, you wouldn't have a cigarette once a week, because who can have just one cigarette. Then it turns into a day of smoking. Then you can't quit on a Friday, so you smoke through the weekend. By that point, you'd have to buy another pack, and you can't quit with an open pack, so you finish the pack, but you can't quit on a Tuesday, so you smoke through the rest of the week, and hope that you're out of cigarettes by the time you go to bed on Saturday... and the cycle continues.

    Keep in mind that I realize that not everyone is wired the same way, and planned/controlled calorie binges may work for you... and that I quit smoking in January, just to start again 5 weeks ago. Cardio+smoking is as counterproductive to me as cheat days+weight loss, which, I guess, makes me a hypocrite. You know you better than anyone else, and whether or not you'd be able to handle a cheat meal or day.
  • tryinghard71
    It depends what you mean by cheat day. For me I have days that I am over on my calories. Does not mean I ate a bunch of crap that is going to ruin everything I have worked so hard to do. It just means usually that it was my day off from working out. So I did not have the exercise calories that I normally get to eat back. Plus there are special occasions like birthdays or family gatherings etc..
    Here is what I do. I go by the week not the day. Monday through Sunday. If I know I am going out to eat on Friday night and I won't get to work out then I bank a couple hundred calories a day up till Friday. Then my Friday over is covered. If I suddenly have an over day I just make sure I am under the next day or so till I make it up. As long as I am at my calorie goal for the week that is all that matters to me. For "me" this has been working. Plus I don't feel so deprived.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Oh, and additional note to my previous post - I count every calorie I eat on a cheat day or meal. Every last bite gets logged. In the same way that the daily weighing helps track and show trends, that information is useless without a complete and honest food log to go along with it.

    Cheating on calories does not mean cheating on your logging.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Cheat meal once a week - not to blow it completely - but I dont beat myself for going over one meal a week (which likely ends up in my going over that day). I always work out on those days and start with a tall glass of water with lots of lemon!
  • Annitte
    Annitte Posts: 37 Member
    I have a Cheat day! I usually do the diet plan called body for life! and Sunday is mu cheat day!!
  • Pomidorka
    I have a cheat meal or day once a week or less. Depends on the week really. Good luck!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you're only 8 days into eating healthy and considering a cheat day already....well, you may have to rethink what you've been eating. The only way to succeed in this is to look at it as a lifestyle change, NOT a diet. If you look at it as a diet, when you stop dieting, you'll just gain all the weight right back. You should be able to eat most things you want, in moderation, and stay within your calorie limit. I am never hungry and never feel the need for a cheat day and while I have what is considered a cheat day, I'm usually low in calories for the week and trying to make up the deficit. Maybe look at your intake and switch up some things to include some of your favorite foods within reason so you don't need to splurge.
  • bigblu89
    bigblu89 Posts: 41 Member
    I feel that cheat days promote binge eating, which isn't good for anyone.

    You should get yourself to the point where you can have a "treat" every now and again.

    I'm at the point, (79 pounds lost since January. From 274 to 195) where I know I can have a scoop of ice cream, or a pack of Twizzlers once ever so often, and I know it won't derail my new eating habits.

    Now, a whole day of eating garbage, that has potential to undo a whole weeks worth of eating right.

    But everyone is different.
  • annathomas88
    annathomas88 Posts: 27 Member
    I do have a "cheat" day once a week. However i do not go crazy overboard eating any and everything i want. I still try to keep what i eat reasonably healthy and still take into account the amount of calories. So i might allow myself one slice of pizza, not the entire pie. Moderation is key. Best of luck to you!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I just want to start by saying if this is a lifestyle change then I no longer have cheats but I do have treats.

    I usually have one treat meal a week. I try to exercise more that day or be really on point the day before/after. Also, once or twice a month I have a day that I just eat whatever I want. Usually this is for a special occasion though (going to the beach, birthday, anniversary, vacay, etc). I try not to have more than one or two days a month that way.

    If I really want something I try to have just a bit and walk away. I have found that often I can kill a craving without going crazy. Also, I've learned swaps and cooking techniques so I can make some of my fave things without having to worry about it going over.
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I'm not against them, but for me it's a slippery slope. Instead, I incorporate things I love into my daily food.

    I really love peanut butter and chocolate. So I have a peanut butter and chocolate protein bar (or meal replacement bar) almost every morning. I bought PB2, to mix into things. I also love cheese - so I buy babybel light mini cheeses, and eat cottage cheese a lot (mixing in with salad for bulk so I don't feel like I'm eating like a rabbit). I'm also going to try cauliflower rice in the usual skinnytaste adobo chicken recipe.

    My advice is to find things you love, and then figure out a creative way to work them in. Then you won't feel deprived.

    It's not easy, and I'm not saying that I'm perfect every day (far from it!). But it's easier to change your lifestyle when you're eating stuff you love, that is also good for you. It's more sustainable.
  • klkutz1405
    klkutz1405 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't call them "cheat days". I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my eating habits. Most days I make good, healthy choices. But there are some days when I don't make the best choices. I don't beat myself up about it or feel guilty because I refuse to say there are things that I absolutely cannot have. The moment I do that is the moment I become obsessed with that particular food. There have been times when I've craved a food and let myself have it, then thought, wow that wasn't as great as I remember. This allows me to move on and I am able to get more enjoyment out of my healthy choices.
  • bviv89
    bviv89 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't have cheat days, I just make sure I log EVERYTHING, even when I eat pizza or ice cream. Sometimes seeing those high numbers glaring back at me is enough to be content with just a little bit and it's better for me if I stay 100% honest every day so I'm never truly cheating, just keeping track.
  • megandme120
    megandme120 Posts: 95 Member
    I allow myself a cheat MEAL not DAY on the weekend. I don't get crazy but I'll have a meal of whatever I want and won't worry about how many calories or fat grams are in it. I just enjoy it. :)
  • xAiRfOrCeKillahX
    Cheat days should only mean 1 or 2 desserts with still healthy meals!!