Workouts and Having a Life...



  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I am not a morning person!! HATE HATE HATE mornings and I'm one to hit the snooze 20 times before getting up at the very last minute only with enough time to pee, shower and grab coffee as I am running out the door!

    So my life goes as so..

    Wakeup, Pee, SHower, Out the door


    Gym (before I go home otherwise I won't go)




    Do AGAIN!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    I have a full time job and twin 4 yr olds at home. My husband works nights 6pm - 6am. My gym doesn't open till 9 am. Originally I was up at 6 and out the door by 715 to take the girls to daycare and be at work by 8. Got off at 5, picked up the girls, got to the gym by 6 or 630, worked out till 730, got home by 8, fed everyone, baths and bed. Hated it. It wasn't fair to the girls because they had been in daycare all day then got stuck in another childcare at the gym and had no time with me. So now, I am up at 430 am while everyone is still in bed. I do my workout then get ready for work. This leave me time after work to spend with the kids, clean my house, grocery shop or just whatever. It's hard to get used to but I find it works best for me.

    Oh and being a crazy person in the morning because you have to get up is all in your head. I don't mean to sound mean but you only act the way you allow yoursef to act. Plus at 430 am you don't have to deal with anyone and have that time to wake up and put on your happy pants.

    well arent you tired by 9pm? this sounds similiar to my situation...and if i get up super early then usually by 8-9pm i am super cranky and just exhausted...not to mentions the heaaches that come from lack of sleep if i dont get to bed till late...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Are you working 16hrs a day? No? Then you have time for your fitness program. It's all a matter of priorities - if you really want to do something you'll find a way.


    I used time as an excuse. I work 8-5, not including my 1 hour commute to daycare and work each way. I go home and make my family dinner and can find 30-45 mins to walk or do something...

    Also, what about team sports? I bowl a every Wednesday night, 33 weeks a year with my 4 best friends. We also play co-ed volleyball at a rec center 2 months a year..
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Wear a pedometer and keeping moving until you get 11,00 steps every day, 15 min breaks, lunch hour. Look at the stairs and yes more steps. Keep going after a week, you will build a routine. Bring hand weights to your work and couple sets daily.

    By the time you go home, you are done!!!
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    For what it's worth, these are all things that can be done with no equipment other than a resistance band... and this gives me a pretty good workout if doing 3 reps of each... So this way if you find time but not enough to go to a gym these are some of the things that can be done. Good luck! - Erik

    Front Raises, Straight Arm (resistance band)
    Lateral Raise, Side (resistance band)
    Side Leg Raises
    Abdominal - Plank hold
    Biceps Curl (resistance band)
    Push Ups
    Triceps Extension (resistance band)
    Front Leg Raises
    Back Leg Raises
    Seated Row (resistance band wrapped around your feet)
    Abdominal - Bicycle crunches
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Don't want to sound mean, but if you want it bad enough, you find a way to work it in. I usually work out at lunch, but recently started working with a trainer one night a week & added going to the gym on weekends. The one night I'm with my trainer, I have learned to throw something in the crockpot for the family since I head straight to the gym after my 12 hr day. Try adding little things throughout the day....stairs instead of elevators, 10-12 minutes walk at breaktimes, park your car further from the door so you have to walk further....

    On weekends I opted to give up my sleeping in mornings to hit the gym and decided I can take a nap later if I want (which I usually don't, but it was enough to convince myself to get up early to hit the gym!) My "reward" for my early morning workouts is the bf treats me to breakfast when I get done. Win - win for everyone - he gets to sleep in & I don't have to cook breakfast! :laugh:
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    If you get up and exercise in the morning, you might find that you're not a "morning monster" and actually have a better, more energetic day!

    I work 4/10's, 7:30AM-6:00PM with 2 elementary schoolers and a husband that leaves for work between 6-6:30AM.

    Up at 4:30, exercise done by 6
    Shower, eat, ready kids by 7:15
    Home by 6:15 (I am VERY lucky with a mostly zero commute)
    Dinner, homework, games, baths bed by 8:30

    And that 8:30 bedtime goes for the adults too, otherwise we'd never have the energy to get up and do it again tomorrow!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    im not a morning exerciser but I do make myself time after work. when I get off work, Im home 5pm, i rush in and change into my workout clothes, shoes and put on my HRM and start making dinner. Once dinner is ready, I will feed my kids and husband and I will start my workout while their eating. My workout lasts about an hour and then 15 mts to shower. Im done by 7pm. I can then relax and eat a light dinner. This is the only way I will get it done, sometimes I do eat dinner with my family but I have to wait for food to digest and that throws me off pretty late. My family understands and is very supportive.
  • teletubbie87
    teletubbie87 Posts: 78 Member
    Workout has to become your new "lover" ... If you really want it, you will make time morning,
    evening, night....

    I usually work out evenings at home, or if I do mornings I go with my friends to the beach and
    we'll work out together. You need to find some motivation, and if you got people who exercise
    then get together and find something fun to do that will get you moving.
    YOu can do sports, run, walk.

    I have a treadmill at home, and use dvd's but it's because it has become a habit for me to do it
    all the time. I usually workout between 24-27days a month, which is most of the time. It matters not
    if it is a 30min -2hr workout, I tend to do something... Prior to MFP I lost 30 pds, so it has worked for me.
    Now just last month I lost 7pds, so far this month I been little off back to school, but still have lost 4pds.
    YOu can do it.. You just have to really want to better yourself.
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    I am NOT a morning person at all, so I really don't workout in the morning, unless you count some light yoga to stretch out the kinks. I work 9 hour days and do a load of volunteer activities, then come home to a hubby, 3 dogs, and sometimes a step-son (He's only with us roughly half the time). I tried the get up early thing for a hot minute, and realized it's not for me. So in order to "work in" exercise, I had to REMOVE it from my daily to-do list. Work is not on my to-do list. Making dinner is not on my to-do list. However, these are things that must be done. Exercise is the same. It doesn't have to be at the gym every day. Go for a walk. A bike ride. Do something fun like roller skating (which burns a TON of calories, by the way). But exercise should be as much a part of your day as any other activity you have to do.
    It's hard at first, but once you make the change, it gets surprisingly easy and pretty addictive too. I feel like junk when I don't get some kind of exercise pretty much every day.
  • StarIsMoving
    Not a scheduling ninja, you just have to want it bad enough. On weekdays I get up at 3:30am, get my kids stuff ready for the day, then get ready for work, on the road at 5:30am, to work at 7am and work til 4pm, drive home and there around 5:30pm, then start my school work (full time college). I eat supper at my computer doing the school work, then when done, around 9ish (or later depending on the work load), I give my son his injection, then workout. I then tuck in all 3 kids, shower, and bed for me around 10:30-11pm... up at 3:30am to do it all again. It's not easy. Some would argue sleep is more important...but my workouts are my sanity time for me and allow me to sleep. Find what works, but the key is... you have to WANT TO do it for it to work - otherwise there are a ton of excuses you can use to avoid it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm not a morning person, I'd love to be but I'm kind of a snarling wildebeast if I get up before 8:30, but I find myself running out of time to workout at night. How does everyone fit this in? What kind of scheduling ninja have you become to make time for exercise?

    I generally try to work out while dinner is cooking, or if it's stir-fry or something like that, then I wait about an hour after dinner and work out. That gives me at least two hours between my workout and bedtime. (It takes me at least two hours to wind down.)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Not a ninja, just make it a priority!

    I wake up at 5:30, leave my house at 7, get to work at 8:30, leave work at 5:30, get to the gym at 7, and stay there until my workout is DONE (usually around 8:30). Sure, I don't get home until 9pm, have to quick eat dinner/shower and go to bed to do it all over again, but I'm staying on track!

    Point is, if it's important to you, you'll find a way - the best way that works for you! Quite simply, JUST DO IT! :)


    So true! I have been doing my workouts for long enough now, that I tell the family, it's time, and they all know that I do it to be healthy and since they love me, they love that I workout. No interruptions allowed. It's as much a priority as showering and eating and going to my job. It's just something that I do.

    ETA: sometimes they do interrupt me, and I say, "Is it important, or can it wait?"
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    How on earth do you manage to get to sleep until 8:30 every day? Every job I've had required me to be at work by 8, my kids' school starts at 8, I even had 8am classes in college. You said you stay up until 1am - go to bed earlier! Move it up 1/2 hour for a few days, then another 1/2 hour until you get to a more reasonable bedtime. Or, if you really aren't willing to readjust your schedule that way, make working out a priority and fit it in some other time!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    that is all..

    That's awesome!

    I work between 50 and 60 hours a week plus am on-call and I still get up at 3:30 am to get to the gym by 4am/4:15am, and I am NOT a morning person. The whole "morning person" thing is about the biggest BS excuse I've ever heard. At 4am I hate everybody even the random hot ladies that are in the gym at that time. If you can't make time to get a consistent exercise routine in then you simply don't want it bad enough or it's not that important to you. Not to mention the diet aspect of this, exercise alone won't fix everything. That probably sounded kinda' ****ty and it wasn't meant to be, it's really just the truth of the matter. Cut-out the evening coffee too; I'm sure that doesn't help you with your sleep schedule.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    If you can't do it in the morning (I also am not good at morning workouts) you have to just put off something else that is keeping you busy. It's ok to leave a few dishes in the sink or put laundry away the next day if it means you get a good workout in!
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    Sometimes when it comes to your overall health and well being, you have to put some things on the back burner. Find what works best for you...what sounds unpleasant now, may actually be the best fit for you later.
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    Well... so many have replied but I am going to put my two cents in also :) In response to "I'm not a morning person"...You learn to adjust. Trust me, you do. I have worked 6am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, and 11pm-6am, at the same job before, and I'm not talking about swing shifts. I started out on nights, there was an opening on the afternoon shift, and then finally after a bout a year I got to go to day shift when there was an opening. You learn to adjust. It's not always EASY, but it can be done. With that said.... I dont expect anyone to go from a 1am bedtime to lets say in bed by 10pm...But if you slowly start to go to bed earlier--lets say by 15 mins at a shot... it will get easier to get up earlier. I believe no one is born a "morning person" or a "night person" but that they seem that way after they are used to doing it awhile- it becomes a pattern, a habbit. If you like to sleep in...( and who doesnt?!) On your rest days allow yourself to do that... but the days when you need to work out--- the night before hit the bed a lil earlier and make yourself get up. After your workout and when you see results ALL will be worth it--- if getting healthy is something you really want to do! :)
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    I hear you. I have, for years and years, exercised early morning. Now, I am on the cusp of having my two youngest children finishing high school and going off to college. I find I am reevaluating my priorities and my schedule. Yes, I LOVE getting my work out in at 5 am. What I don't like is being so tired at 6 pm when I am with my teenagers. I am trying to figure it all out. I view life as filled with seasons - right now I am thinking maybe a workout 3-4 times a week is sufficient, rather than the 7 days a week, 1-2 hour workouts I've maintained all this time. My babies will soon be gone - and then I can workout all I want. And, believe me, I plan to!