Does Anyone Else Weigh in the Morning AND at Night?



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I do. Wednesday is my "official" day, but I weigh AM when I first get up, and right when I get home from work. I see little fluctuation unless I eat out for lunch. If I weigh in after a meal the fluctuation is usually about 3-4 lbs.

    Important note though, I compare my weights WEEKLY. I keep a spreadsheet where I log every AM and PM weight and compare the monday am to monday am, monday pm to monday pm, etc. It helps me get a better picture of how my body reacts to food, activity and hydration.
  • msfitmom_3
    msfitmom_3 Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh in the morning, naked - after I've peed. And then I will at night when I take my clothes off. Everyone will have fluctuations in their weight... honestly, I don't think its even possible to weigh the same in the morning and night after eating pizza & with clothes on. Water weight alone will have you increase & decrease throughout the day. As long as there is a huge change, what you are in the morning is your true weight.

    I have fluctuations of 1-3lbs from morning to night & my doctor said that is absolutley normal.
  • CruellaClo
    CruellaClo Posts: 48 Member
    Yes every morning and every night. Usually a 1.5 -2 pound fluctuation between the two. I have also logged a solid 3lbd gain before my period.... might be obsessive but who cares.
  • I`m in a weight loss group/contest for 13 weeks. Because we weigh in the evening, I also take my weight at home because I tend to retain fluid through the day and I don`t want to be discouraged. The morning weight is a true weight and so I keep track of both.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I jump on the scale pretty much every morning every night. It just helps me see where I am and what types of things affect my weight. On average, my PM weight is 2lbs higher than my AM weight. My AM weight is usually .5-3lbs less than the night before. I think the reason that has such a wide range depends on the time I eat dinner and what I have for dinner.

    I don't mark my weight as changed unless I am the exactly the same weight for 3 AM weigh in's in a row. Like, I need to weigh 148 for 3 days in a row before I will change it. Not 148.2 not 148.1...but 148.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Oh the scale is the enemy. If I weighed in every day and night I would probably shoot myself. I weigh in at no particular time but I only do it every 2-3 weeks so I can change my weight for calorie counting in case it needs to be adjusted. I go by inches and how I feel.

    To get consistent weigh in results you should try to weigh in after you first wake up and go to the bathroom. This is just to minimize water based fluctuations (you are least hydrated after sleep).
  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    only to detect water weight. I know how well I have hydrated, and how much sodium I have had by my start/ finish weight. Scales are iffy. get a body fat pincher. 14$ amazon.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i do weigh myself both at night and in the morning also :) not daily, but i do like to be aware of the fluctuations that happen just by the course of living :) however, i log my pre-shower weight rather than my night weight :) depending on how hard i exercise and how much/what i eat my weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs per day! i've found it is harder to balance my evening weight than my morning weight :)
  • I weigh in every Thursday morning before my coffee. I stay as far away from the scale as possible the rest of the week!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard--so what if you drank a gallon of water that day? what if you ate particularly heavy pizza? or what if your clothes are heavier?

    It can be crazy, if you let it dictate your mood or reaction. But it can be really informative. I know what kind of weight fluctuation I can expect from different kinds of take out, for one thing. As well as how long it takes me process food and release false gain water weight.

    Used as a tool, this can actually be very helpful. But it very easily becomes quite obsessive, so I definitely don't recommend it to most.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    Morning only for me. Same day of the week, same time of day (first thing in the morning) Then I put the scale away until the next week. If I weighed more than once a week I would likely go crazy.
  • ikrissyt
    ikrissyt Posts: 28 Member
    Weight shouldn't be the only thing you base your successfulness on. Your weight fluctuates all day long depending on what you eat and drink and how active you are. Also, muscle weighs more than fat so weight shouldn't be the only thing looked at. You need to do measurements and track your measurements and weight over the long term, not over a 12 hour period.
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    If I'm around my scale I have to step on. Have always been compulsive about weighing.
  • tahawairua
    tahawairua Posts: 26 Member
    I only weigh when I have high self-esteem :bigsmile:

    Agree lol
  • Oh the scale is the enemy. If I weighed in every day and night I would probably shoot myself. I weigh in at no particular time but I only do it every 2-3 weeks so I can change my weight for calorie counting in case it needs to be adjusted. I go by inches and how I feel.

    If I went by how I feel, it would be that amazing feeling I get when I am on the sofa with a big bag of Jelly Bellies in my lap.

    Its funny how an enemy to one person is motivation to another. :)
  • I weigh every morning without fail and most nights out of curiosity. Plus any other time i feel curious through the day. e.g. if i've eaten a lot. if i haven't eaten enough. if i've eaten deserts or something i don't normally eat. if i'm constipated LOL! if i'm peeing a lot.I'm not obsessed just curious at the fluctuations. yes i usually gain between 2 and 4lb in one day but nxt morning it's usually back to where it started or less. The only weight i go by is every thursday about 6.30 pm i meet with 2 other mates in our own little weigh in club pay £3 a week and £1 a lb if we gain weight. we set a monthly target weight loss and pay penalties if we don't reach them. We :love: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :love: get rewards if we achieve them and/or lose weight consistently over the month rather than just on weigh day or target day. We then split all the money we have saved over the year and have a night out to celebrate our success at xmas ;- ) good little plan! I've lost 3 stone and maintained it for 2 years. I'm now starting again cos i never reached my original target so just want to lose 1 stone before xmas now! Hope that helps?oh also stopped smoking in january and never put a lb on!:explode: :flowerforyou: :love: :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I weigh almost every time I walk into the bathroom. Sometimes before and after peeing. I just like to see the variation.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I weigh in the mornings, underwear only, but it makes sense to me to weigh at night as well to get a better idea of where you stand. Of course you're going to weigh less in the mornings, and then more at your midday doctor's visit, and then a little more after dinner, and then less again after you haven't eaten or drunk anything for 8 hours because you were asleep.

    IMO it's stupid to call weighing at night "ridiculous" because it's not any more ridiculous than sticking to your morning "light" weight. You don't weigh THAT all day either, do you? :P Who cares when you weigh, as long as it's consistent so you're not weighing yourself Tuesday morning, then coming back Friday night and wondering how you gained two pounds.

    The scale is a number, and for that number to have any meaning, you need to use it at the same time of day each time. If it's morning, if it's night, if it's at exactly 3:34:55 AM, who cares? Does it really affect you if you think you weigh 152 vs. 155 if you're losing at the same rate? You'll still weigh 155 at night if you weigh 152 in the morning, you know. You're just recording the lower number, that's all.

    As for arguments that heavy foods during the day will affect your weight at night more, that's bull****. Yes, food weight affects your weight. But it STILL affects it in the morning, the overall number is just lower because you've had time to dehydrate and digest, is all. You're still digesting the same amount of food. Unless your "heavy pizza" is all undigestable fiber that you poop out before you get on the scale, that heavy pizza still affects your weight if you weigh in the morning.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Sometimes just for fun, I like thinking that I can magically lose 2 lbs just sleeping :)

    Same here, but it's usually 3 pounds overnight. Even more if I poop before I weigh myself in the morning.

    If one can keep themselves from wigging out over fluctuations, weighing daily can be a good thing... it helps you understand those fluctuations. If I only weighed once a week, and happened to have had pizza the night before, causing me to retain an extra 2-3 pounds, I'd have been bummed on weigh day. Knowing how my body reacts do different foods and exercise and hormone changes, I don't get bummed.

    This! I weigh everyday, because it helps me catch on faster to changes I need to make. I don't get bummed when it goes up a pound, I just look closer at what I did. Water, sodium, carbs etc. It's a tracking device for me. Also I understand what the op was saying about wanting to be at there goal weight at night lol. I know I weigh at least two pounds more at night than in the morning. So my goal weight is 125, maybe I should be shooting for 120. :wink:
  • nyfalcon
    nyfalcon Posts: 2 Member
    I only weigh myself in the morning. I know the night time number will be higher so I don't bother.