15 lbs less goal by December 1.

Could I meet this goal? Any suggestion? :flowerforyou:


  • Of course u can just eat right and throw in some exercise
  • I believe I can and I bet you can too! I am trying to be 19 lbs. less by December 1st! What I am trying to do is make short weekly goals. I want to try to lose 1 lb one week and then 2 lbs the next and keep alternating! That is very reasonable and that puts you at about 6 lbs a month! What I am doing is eating around 1500-1600 calories at most a day. I have had setback days where I've eaten like 2200 calories or 2400 calories. When this happens I just cut back to 1200 on some days and it puts me back on track. Ideally I would just rather do 1500-1600 that way I am not hungry and I am not mad at myself for having an off day. I also recommend doing exercise you enjoy! If you don't enjoy it, you probably won't stick with it! I enjoy walking my dog, walking to the store, talking on the fun, swimming, playing volley ball, playing hide and seek in the park (lol). ect. So those are the things I do because I know that they are reasonable! I lost three pounds this week too! I wish you the best of luck!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Could I meet this goal? Any suggestion? :flowerforyou:

    definetly do-able!! I have a goal to be a certain wt by nov 3rd and thats 10.5 pounds away!! and 6wks away!..
    and im determined.. my 'average' on mfp has been 2 pounds a wk (down 21#'s in 10wks) (last fri marked my 10wks) of course it hasnt gone exactly 2pnds a wk tho! but up and down and averages that.. so I am bound and determined to make my Nov 3rd goal!!!... suggestion wise.. is to track accurate.. DEfinetly meet your minimum water!! and dont go under calories by much if possible.. hurts your metabolism.. esp for long term wt loss!! eat more OFTEN.. like5-6 smaller meals a day
    and eat more natural carbs/less carbs to loose wt faster... peeps say " a calorie is a calorie' and that itself IS true! but diff types of food do act differently in your body.. like 100 calories in salad and 100 calories of ice cream digest diff... basically sugar in your body NOT USED (burned/exercise) turns to fat...
    not saying to not have sweets/treats.. i sure do! but in general I try to cut carbs where I can... and i always do better when I start my day w/a higher protein breakfast.. egg white/veggie omelette vs cereal (example)