Calcium and Protein- impossible to meet both goals?

How in the world can you meet calcium *and* protein goals? If anyone is meeting both those goals, what are you eating? I wouldn't worry about this if I hadn't just watched Fork Over Knife a few weeks ago and learned that people are healthier when they eat less animal protein.


  • The protein shake that I drink has 24 g of protein and 32% DV of calcium. I normally have at least one shake per day, two if I exercise. The vitamins I take every day provide 90% of calcium also. I have seen forks over knives and I don't eat a lot of animal products. The company that I am currently with is working on a vegan shake, I can't wait for that. If you want more information let me know. If you are looking for food sources and not necessarily a supplement then I would eat more leafy greens and consider a multivitamin if your diet isn't proving enough nutrients.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I often meet both goals (not always) - - - I do that with dairy products.

    If you're dairy free, I think it would be more difficult.
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I should have been more clear. In order to meet my calcium goals, I am eating too much protein. There's no way I can meet my calcium goals with leafy greens. I find I need low-fat cheese, non-fat milk, and yogurt. And that throws me way over on protein.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    Why are you worried about going over protein? It will not hurt you unless you have kidney issues.
  • I've seen Forks Over Knives and understand your perspective. I'm a follower of Nourishing Traditions and Radiant Recovery (one is pro local farm raised meat and the other is for my sugar addiction). I try to mix up the protein (one day for: fish, beef, chicken (2), turkey, beans) then one vegetarian day. I also do a nutritional cleanse quarterly to help keep my colon clean. Perhaps some of this info will be helpful to you.

    Have you checked out Greek Yogurt? Fage has a lot of protein but I haven't paid much attention to the Calcium. I watch protein and carbs and sugar. I am having a problem meeting protein goals and NOT going over in carbs and sugar. I'm getting George's Shake to help with this. Check it out and see if it will meet your needs. The website has a veggie version with high protein content, which is a new product. Here's the website:

    Keep us posted on what you decide.
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not really worried but I saw Fork Over Knife recently and, according to studies cited in that documentary, we have less health problems if we get less protein from animal sources. Plus, I just don't get how they come up with these goals which seem so conflicting.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    In regards to Forks Over Knives- don't take it all for total truth. There are just as many studies suggesting Forks Over Knives is a load of baloney as there are that support it. If you're up for some reading, I recommend checking out the blog Raw Food SOS. It's the most unbiased opinion on Forks Over Knives and The China Study I've found, because she's been raw vegan, vegan, veg, and omnivore, and just wants to know the truth- she really has no agenda. She also admits to loving Forks Over Knives too. Check it out, it's really informative.

    In regards to how I get protein and calcium (as someone who eats relatively little meat), I make sure to eat plenty of vegetable sources of protein like nuts, beans, legumes, and tofu, and fruits and vegetables rich with calcium and iron. I also take a daily multi vitamin, which helps fill in any holes I might have.