late night cravings

One of my major weaknesses is eating snacks or fast food late at night. I know it's unhealthy but wonder why it makes me feel good at night. Maybe I'm just bored. Tonight, I am resisting! Any tips to avoid late night hunger is appreciated. Thanks for the support!


  • ckwia1
    ckwia1 Posts: 1 Member
    I get like that too, lastnight i was bad and bought everything needed to make ambrosia ..... then i also bought 2 packets of chocolate biscuits AND a choc fudge brownie mix :( i regretted it as soon as i paid for it all.

    I ate some of the biscuits cos i felt guilty for buying them then letting them go to waste, my hubby ate most of the marmallows and the fudge mix is still sitting there!

    For me, i think it's cos i tell myself no! i can't have that .... so then my brain makes me want it bad.. then as soon as i have it, i don't even want it anymore.
  • Maybe this isn't helpful, but when I have late night cravings, I simply get my running gear out for the morning and go to bed!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    If you do snack on carbohydrates, make sure that you also eat protein at the same time.

    Eating carbohydrates by themselves makes your blood sugar spike. This causes your pancreas to release insulin in order to lower your blood sugar. Then after an hour (or maybe less) your blood sugar falls low and then your body is sending you signals to eat again.

    If you eat protein at the same time as you eat the carbohydrate the rise in blood sugar will be moderated by the protein (which takes longer to digest and causes a lower insulin response).

    As soon as I started implementing this way of eating, I noticed an immediate change. I am no longer binging on crackers all afternoon and evening. I don't have cravings or yearn to graze all night.

    Now, if I want a snack, I can have those crackers, but I eat the crackers with cheese, or with peanut butter, or leftover chicken from the fridge, etc.
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    Im like that too, i usually grab some water or tea,
    and if that doesn't work i try to distract myself.
  • Catieb131
    Catieb131 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm like that all the time. I usually like chocolate and candy. I've been counting calories and got mini peppermint patties. I leave about 100 extra calories for night time so I can have one or two just to get rid of the craving. So instead of having fast food or depriving yourself of fast food, think about your ultimate goal and how this is NOT going to be doing it any good, and eat something else maybe salty, but just a little snack to hold you over. Trust me, tomorrow you're going to be so happy you didn't binge on a high calorie meal before you went to bed. Then after a few weeks you won't even be thinking of fast food at all anymore! Good luck, you can do it!
  • Zainia
    Zainia Posts: 59 Member
    My roommates all stay up pretty late and when I'm awake late at night I get hungry. >.< I'd say have anything you can eat really slowly over however many hours.

    Fiber Plus Caramel Pecan Cereal piece by piece
    Hot chocolate made from cocoa powder (not instant mix)
    Frozen banana
    Celery or other vegetables
    Unbuttered & Unsalted Popcorn (you can add spices like cinnamon or curry)
    Mini Tootsie roll lollipop

    If its just something to do with your mouth, gum or water.
  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    I keep those 90-100 calorie snacks on hand. Some are chocolate, some are salty, some are even sour. I then allow myself one. If I am over for the day then I run up and down the stairs for 5 or 10 minutes. If I am going to binge then I am going to make myself work for it. If I can\t be bothered to do the excercise then I really don't want the treat.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I can relate to the late night cravings and binges as I have fallen victim to these many times. I am learning a lot from this site in the last 10 days I have been here. I'm glad I am not alone. If I feel the need to binge, at least I can work it off with some exercise or eat something healthy and nutritious. I like the suggestion of the 90-100 calorie snacks on hand. (as long as I don't eat all of them).

    Just last night, I ate a bunch of banana chips and sunflower seeds from the 99 cent store. I had a late night craving and I had already gone over on my calories so I figured, 'what the hell" only to regret it later.

    Tonight, I did much better. I vowed that this week I would do better.

    I will do the carbs with protein. That sounds good to me and filling. Thanks.
  • annairene8200
    annairene8200 Posts: 22 Member
    there has been research shown that sometimes our brain mixes up the signals between being tierd and hungry. So ask yourself if you are really hungry or not or if you are just tierd. It is still really difficult for me not to snack at night especially if i dont have the option of going to bed. try snacking on veggies after a certian hour like 8 pm and make it a rule that nothing else can be eaten except veggies. hope this helps :)
  • chiccloset777
    chiccloset777 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the tip..i heard the trainers on the biggest loser pushinh that..eating carbs with the same amount of protein. Now I know why.
  • I have a fruit tea- they taste sweet and fill you up! or....not ideal but I always have a sprite zero or coke zero handy....they feel like youre having a treat but for next to no calories. I have also made home made popsicles using a suagr free sachet! And weight watchers jelly is only 9cal....YUM!!